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Esoteric Wizardry


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I have been worshipping Belial and Satan for the past two years and they now bore me. It seems as if they are incapable of providing a contract that is powerful enough to fulfill my wishes.

I wish to worship something more evil?

Does such a thing exist?


I always assumed that Satan was easy mode.


im working under the assumption youre an idiot and merely humoring you by mentioning this but look into the great evils of prechristian culture and quit bugging lucifer as your personal well being apparently means nothing to look into the shadowlands and find a god hel probably kill you though



I don't really care about losing my life at this point. Which is why I question wether or not I would be worth anything to a Demon.

Because if they can't have my life what else is there.


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If Satan is easy mode, which I don't believe he is.

Who isn't?

I still worship Satan and owe fealty to Belial and Him. Therefore I will not disrespect him.

But how could possibly be more evil? I'm looking into summarian mythology as we speak.

They've got some pretty evil seeming Demons.

Although I remain skeptical that Demons are evil in the first place.

To date I've only met one or two who presented themselves as evil and as soon as we knew each other they were kind and friendly.


The thing is that the concept of evil is merely mortal


You could worship me. I'm a pretty sinister being with growing power.


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>as soon as we knew each other they were kind and friendly
>Santa worshippers in charge of realizing ploys like this can't work


>worshiping demons
Yeye, nothing bad will will happen, sure.


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>Not worshiping Allah the all powerful
Fucking kafirs, man


There's your problem you fucking imbecile… venerating something just because it was in the dead sea scrolls won't get u shit.


^^ this is what you are. a child trying to get free shit from a higher level being. Grow up pleb.



Anyways good luck trying to "worship" a being that is absolutely powerless against the actual God.


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>implying allah isn't a fire djinn who got propelled into god status
>implying that doesn't make him powerful as fuark
alternatively just worship whatever the kikes in D.C. do


How can I worship Allah?


blow up some buildings :DDD


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>the power I require
I really hope this is b8 otherwise you are the weakest kind of person



You are either a role-playing faggot masquerading as a diabolist or just profoundly ignorant. Regardless, fuck off. Go back to /x/ or /b/


I heard that true Satanism is the exact opposite of Hermeticism
is that true ???

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