Weird Vision/Dream Thread 01/29/15 (Thu) 23:26:28 No. 20105 [Watch Thread]
So a few nights ago, as I was getting ready to go to bed, I decided to do a little light meditation as I wasn't exactly tired enough to fall straight asleep. As i'm meditating, I felt my consciousness slip and I started seeing strange things pass before my eyes. It started with a silhouette of a huge dragon roaring into the night sky. As soon as it started to breath fire, a bird took off from the back of the dragon and stole its wings. I watched as it flew off into the sky and its wings spread out across the sky to the point of completely filling it. Night and day passed by in rapid succession until a week had passed. At that point, a tunnel of light opened up in front of me and pulled me in. I travelled though it for what felt like an eternity before it opened up and I was standing in nothingness. I looked around and saw a single speck of light in the darkness that got closer and closer. When i could finally distinguish its features, I realized that I was staring into a womans face. She looked at me with pitch black eyes and said nothing. She just kept staring at me. As I stared at her she began to smile and her skin began to melt away, leaving only a skull and her pitch black eyes. She never broke her stare and Even though she no longer had lips, I could still see her smiling at me. The skull laughed at me and I tore my eyes open and felt a huge pain in my stomach. I was covered in sweat and I felt like I had just ran a marathon. Needless to say, even with all that happened, I slept great that night, but everything I saw has been bugging me. I talked to my girlfriend about it, since she said that she's had visions and such before, but she refused to talk about it after I told her what happened. Any thoughts? Pic somewhat related. The smile I saw reminded me of the cheshire cat to some extent.
01/30/15 (Fri) 00:03:18 No. 20108
Probably a warning of some sort, think of what it could have to do with stealing wings
01/31/15 (Sat) 05:03:03 No. 20245
Hey I also have a dream I've been wondering about. This dream happened immediately after I fell asleep last night. I woke up quickly after it happened and only ten mins or so passed. I had another dream before it which wasn't important enough to remember. So I had a false awakening into my bed. And I felt really weird for a minute which I've never felt before and there was an golden aura around my head. I asked God to show me what he wanted to show me and if it wasn't his presence, to protect me. At this point there was a blue book beside me kinda floating and I noticed all the junk on my bed hovering around. A force dragged me around in a half circle and then off the bed but instead of hitting the ground painfully I kinda just hovered an inch off the ground. So I thought "uhh thanks" But then it started to drag me towards the closet and I tried to scream but couldn't and I was like nope nope nope. I woke up suddenly after this and only ten minutes has passed since I went to sleep. The closet sketches me out at night even though I'm a 21 yo male. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?
01/31/15 (Sat) 09:45:51 No. 20261
There's a dream interpretation thread here: