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Esoteric Wizardry


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Did you ride the tiger today, my fellow aristocrats of the soul?


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why are anti-fascist orientalists like Evola or Nietzsche even liked by /pol/tards?


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What Does riding the tiger mean?

Don't Tell me to read the book!

I'll read it later…


Anyone else read Introduction to Magic by Evola? I thought it was so well written, I had to put it down and won't return to it till it arrives in print.



I started It and was blown away by how good it was.
I have never regretted reading anything by Evola. Also 'metaphysics of sex' is top shit.

Its quite interesting how Evola essays were censored by the Fascists while anti-fascist democrats were still allowed to publish. Its not for a lack of Evola's fascism but more along the lines of insisting on aiming for fascism in its perfected form, Imperium.
Also the catholic hierarchy was none to happy with some of his more pagan ideas so that put pressure on the Italian Fascists to act against him.


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I need to read the book. Have you read Nietzsche? I do not agree with him as Übermensch being down-to-earth being, but nevertheless,

"I teach you the overman. Man is something that shall be overcome. What have you done to overcome him?"


I'm glad I'm not the only one who took nietzsche and interpreted it in a spiritual sense. The concepts and ideas of growing stronger and better than others applies to the afterlife as well as to earth


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I like him for his empowering effect on me; if one mixes Atkinson's Egohood with Nietzschean overcoming, he will have a really strong foundation to pursue his goals. While I like his concepts and ideas of becoming more perfect, there's also a certain "STS" taste in his work that I personally avoid, as I still find point in being compassionate and humble.

Viewed in spiritual sense, nevertheless, Nietzsche can offer some great insight and power to aspiring magicians.

He's also, I think, is one of the most Luciferian thinkers there has been, (this is what I mean by Luciferian, http://www.doyletics.com/arj/landarvw.shtml)


>mfw should have locked this thread but it's too late now

OP you are breaking rule 2, starting a thread with just a question.


Nietzsche was a genius. An absolute genius. But he had no understanding of what was going on within him. He had no knowledge of transcendence (which was quite literally what he was describing), he had no metaphysical grounds for what he was looking at. He got as close to the concept of what Evola called "the man of Tradition" as a materialist, european nihilist could. He even spoke through Zarathustra; Zoroaster. As in the founder of zoroastrianism who taught that the ultimate purpose of life is to climb towards unity with the divine Creator by living in Truth.

He was a genius, but lacked neglected the mystical impulse within him. Maybe even abandoned it. To him God wasn't the Ultimate Reality, it was just some cultural spook resultant from Christianity.


>muh /pol/tards
Anyone who studied a bit of his life knows that Evola was FOR fascist, he wanted a fascism that out-edged the fascist at the time (mostly the usual muh imperial rome fug ur kike on stick). The authorities there, evaluated his works and decided they didn't fit their party's ideas (for being too edgy).
Ebin alt-righters act like Evola was a moderate when he was a pure extremist that would hate them. Especially jarring is how the fags misrepresent his words justifying transexualism, miscgenation and whatnot.

Nietzche, while not voting for the nazi party, supported the ideas of a pagan europe, anyone who isn't a dumb libshit (like you) can read between the lines and realise that #yolo god is ded xD is only the starting point from which the ubermensch is created, he destroys western society to create anew.

Fucking dumb goys.


Nietzsche was not exposed to Hermetic and Gnostic thinking unfortunately. Replace becoming Overman with becoming God and it works better (with a few changes..)


Nice loosh farming attempt, Nietzsche eXplicitly attacks the state in Thus Spoke Zarathustra.


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>mfw delusional stoners who believe in bullshit like gnosticism bash Nietzsche for being too this-worldly


You need a flag faggot.


nice memes kiddo

>Anyone who studied a bit of his life knows that Evola was FOR fascist,

But he wasn't, just like Nietzsche he was too obsessed with quasi-aristocracy to offer a feasible solution to contemporary problems.

>Nietzsche, while not voting for the nazi party, supported the ideas of a pagan europe

Contrary to the /pol/ LARPing guild, fascism and neo-paganism are not in any way related.

>#yolo god is ded xD is only the starting point from which the ubermensch is created, he destroys western society to create anew.

The Ubermensch is a pathetic spook, I can't believe you fucking meme spouting idiots idolize this delusional idealist.


Nietzsche criticizes Schopenhauer for being too other-worldly, yet Nietzsche was an autistic beta while Schopenhauer lived the life of a patrician


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>But he wasn't,
He was more fascist (taken philosophically) than the Italian fascists. I don’t know which fascist you are talking about so I will reserve judgement. It’s a bit like the difference between the liberal Bastiat and your local liberal party.

> just like Nietzsche he was too obsessed with quasi-aristocracy to offer a feasible solution to contemporary problems.

You are completely right if we take it from the prospective of applying his political/metaphysical theory to a modern state if we are talking post war. Before and during the war he tried to offer a more complete vision / direction to the national socialists and fascists which in hindsight appears infeasible because they were always going to lose.
His work is meant for the differentiated individual not the modern state.
He makes it pretty explicit that he holds no hopes of seeing any of his ideas realised in a state until after this age is over.

I don’t think anything written about Evola on /pol/ can be taken seriously since I doubt any poster there would of read more than some neo-trad blog or at best ‘to ride the tiger’ or ‘men amongst ruins’.
Most on /pol/ don’t even realise that Evola was a practicing wizard so it is hardly fair interpret him from anything short of reading his actual books.
Also the link between Nietzsche and Evola exists but it’s pretty tenuous. Evola would write about how Nietzsche would intuit something approximate to his own perspective but in other places he would simply blow him off as being a mundane.


I really like Schopenhauer for his ascetic thought. He might have not lived like one, but his ideas on ascetic morality is nevertheless fascinating.

Think of Tolstoy as Schopenhauerian man.


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>I don’t know which fascist you are talking about
I am talking about the authoritarian nationalist ideology with a mixed economy. What other kind of fascism is there? Neither Nietzsche nor Evola wanted anything to do with the ideology or the common man because of their own perceived aristocratic supremacy, minor for Evola and imaginary for Nietzsche.

Just like you, I don't like it when people mix the esoteric and the political. The former completely transcends the latter and they should not be discussed in tandem.


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>I am talking about the authoritarian nationalist ideology with a mixed economy.
So as in how the Italian Fascists were in actually. I suppose all those terms can be used to describe Evola’s brand of Fascism which he considered the most pure and divinely orientated.
Nationalism taken in the sense of all citizens of the Roman Empire are Roman and had less to do with Rosenbergian biological nationalism of the National Socialists.
Authoritarian as in a caste system where the higher differentiate themselves without dispute purely through their ‘aura of power’/ inherent power (my terms can’t remember exactly)
As for mixed economy Evola doesn’t really elucidate anything economy and sort of just dismisses it as a myth and of no concern of the ruling class, let the dirty merchants handle it sort of thing.

I suppose in many respects it is senseless to argue about his Fascism without a firm definition and it is fair to assume that its definition corresponds approximately to how to Italian Fascists acted.

I would argue that Evola was more Fascist than the Italian fascists because most of my knowledge about the ideology has come from Evola himself and I saw how his ideas were derived from intransient principles.
>Neither Nietzsche nor Evola wanted anything to do with the ideology or the common man because of their own perceived aristocratic supremacy
This is completely true but I’m unsure if you mean this with negative connotations. I’m unsure as for Nietzsche but for Evola this was justified along the lines of the common man as undifferentiated is unable to coherently recognise the sickness of modernity, therefore his opinion is rightfully discarded.
As far as ‘aristocratic supremacy ‘we have to clear the modern connotations.
First of all Evola understands an aristocrat in its original Hellenic sense as ‘the best’ of ‘excellent power’ with the title coming from the ruling class who lead the front line of a battle. As I’m sure you will see this is no longer the case.

Evola’s hierarchy is like that of Plato’s, for example when Plato justifies slavery when the master is of better virtue than the subordinate and that the subordinate benefits morally from this interaction and that slavery is no longer justified once the slave has gained the necessary will power to govern his own life better than the will of the master.
We have to understand that this superiority exists in very real sense based on the individual’s virtue, his aura.
It is the sort of hierarchy where the king wouldn’t need to dress extravagantly and exhibit his wealth to have his commands followed. This king could be naked, isolated from his entourage and still command respect because he embodies the principle of power in a very real and felt sense.
He would also suggest a hereditary relationship but that would be subordinated by the virtue of the individual since soul trumps biology (but there is a correspondence between better soul, better body since ‘as above, so below’ (failing to see this causes /pol/ tier misunderstandings of Evola))

> I don't like it when people mix the esoteric and the political. The former completely transcends the latter and they should not be discussed in tandem.

I completely agree in the context of 99% of all political discussion. I find it unbearable when metaphysics is debased with comparison to what has become of politics.
But I would make an exception to that rule with the likes of Evola because it is clear that there is no intention for application on any level besides the differentiated individual. In an ideal world (not possible in this age) the politician and metaphysician would be the same person ( think Plato’s philosopher king) where the state would be run in accordance to the hermitic principle ‘as above, so below’.

Evola in places describes how this would work with really interesting consequences, for example:
He disagrees that the state should be run like the family because the state is at a higher level in the hierarchy than family and therefore the family should be run like the state.
This metaphysical argument sounds positively appalling out of context but if you take it in the context that his/transcendent ideal of state then you would see that this is so because in many respects the nuclear family holds more true to ideal and that all modern states are in an advanced state of decay.

One of the reasons I love reading Evola is because he breaks down political false dichotomies by simply transcending the debased plane they are presented on. It’s like I couldn’t of even imagined a perfect solution because I’m used to dealing within the framework of modernity, whereas reading Evola who might as well of been an ancient cuts through the same problem like butter.

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