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I recently found a guy who does spiritual and meditation music and workshops and sells mp3s of them on his site. Seriously good stuff, makes most meditation music sound like elevator music, I've had great results with it. It's mostly him singing with

Here's his website: http://tomkenyon.com

The guy has an interesting life with real spiritual experiences throughout as well as being a scientist doing sound research since the 80s, he goes through his experiences in this film about him: https://kickass.so/song-of-the-new-earth-by-tom-kenyon-and-the-power-of-sound-deskrip-t10008694.html

Here's the goods I've uploaded so far: https://mega.co.nz/#F!H4ZVXIYQ!hBaKe6hWEYAKmc5JWnhu0g

Try it out, check the pdf files for instructions on what to visualise during the meditation and when. In most of his stuff he says (very concisely and in a non corny voice thankfully) what/where to focus on and when, but in mysterium he doesn't.

Make sure to listen to it with headphones on, it loses its magic without headphones. I prefer to do it while lying down.

If anyone wants to team up with me in buying the rest of his stuff that would be cool, for every album you share I'll share another album of equal value. Most of the albums are $10, the workshops and album sets are about $70.

I'm the guy who has the massive mega so if you've enjoyed anything I've put up there and wanna thank me buying an album for me would be cool :3 and of course I'll upload more of the stuff I've bought when other people do.

So far I've got ascension codes, bardo prayers (tibetan nuns), chakra cleaning (expensive but good), immunity, kalachakra, mysterium, sacred chants, solace and white tara.

If you wanna request something I'd be ok with it, but I'll limit it to one album, I don't wanna share too much without others sharing too as I can't afford to buy it all on my own. If you wanna take a vote on what I should buy and share next that'll be cool too, I'm thinking the shamanic death one.

Hopefully he won't mind too much, he's a bro and seems more rich than most of us are.


>It's mostly him singing with some kind of shamanic/spiritual instruments, like those clacky bells, shamanic drumming and singing bowls


here's a preview of the movie I linked to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-Om279XR3I





Found Muerte the "potent journey of power into the shamanic death realms" mp3s in the occult.bz leaked torrents. going up now.


Thanks for sharing mate, will try out



Let me know how it goes and what you listened to. I get quite different results from the different albums it'd be interesting to see if they match up.


Might get and share some in about 2 weeks. Can't now because poverty net won't let me upload. The ones you have are the ones that interest me most, especially the chakra one. I've seen the Ultimate Brain before at a store and it looked interesting. Might get that.

What chants do you get in the sacred chants one? How many listens for them to take effect?



The chants one has chants from Upik, Hindu, Islam, Ancient egyptian, Tibetan buddhist, more hindu, more tibetan buddhist and dineh navajo.

I haven't found them as powerful as some of the others though, most likely as there isn't any visualisation involved.

The chakra one is probably the best to be honest. It was pretty expensive ~$40 but I'll share it anyway, at least for a little while https://mega.co.nz/#F!b8x3hKaY!IqWUYExpb8c93PJ9gNTwyg

Hopefully we can get some kind/wealthy souls to buy a few more and upload some more cus I'm out of spare cash for now. The egyptian set looks interesting, so does the ABR series.


Although I haven't listened to the tracks in this post yet I've downloaded them and thank you for your contribution. After seeing the video posted above I'm assured that this guy is more legitimate than the majority of other people who claim to make spiritual music on youtube and etc. He seems to put off such a true aura with little ego in relation and the start of the documentary sent a surge of energy towards my face and neck.


On further research it seems this guy is very against copyright infringement and if you'd prefer not to upset and spirits or just pay respect to such an honest guy he offers free music on his page http://tomkenyon.com/listening if you accept the agreement on the page.


Do spirits care about such things? Wouldn't they rather have their benefits be shared with as many people as possible? What would upset, money hungry spirits do to poor people that download?


Jewish ones, probably.

Fuck them though.

If they give you trouble, find a spirit that supports free sharing of knowledge (many do) to help defend you against that kikery.


Note: I am not the other guy with the Initiate Flag on. Should've picked a different flag…. alrright picking a new one now.



Well shit I guess I better take the down, I couldn't find anything about copyright on the website so didn't think it would be an issue.



Check here for free music now the mega's down, the chakra one here >>20185 is still up for now though.

I think some of his stuff is on youtube too.


Will the spirits not let the sounds help me properly or spook me if I listen?



I wouldn't worry too much about it you might open yourself up to that if you do.

If you wanna be sure about it, buy an album as a peace offering or donate some money or at least have the intent to when you can afford it. Or you could meditate on thankfulness and gratitude and forgiveness before doing it along with an LBRP.

The chakra meditation is about $40 I think, but it is worth it if you can afford it. Really I'd prefer to still be on board with the buying stuff as a group thing but if the guys against copyright infringements its not that fair really. Maybe we could exchange albums on a one to one basis…

when I got the download for the chakra one I was told I could download it five times with five different computers for like two weeks or something and then it would expire, so I think he might assume that sometimes downloads are shared between friends.


Interesting. I don't want all the internet I used to grab them to go to waste and I'll likely buy a few later this month.

I guess it is different when it is shared privately, rather than when it is shared in a way that makes it appear in Google searches and such.



I'm sure the new age crowd are sharing stuff like this all the time. They sure were before I got magick/greenpilled. I guess we might be more inclined to think of the spiritual consequences than they are.

Honestly I'd like to support the guy as I like his work but I'd like to share it with you guys too. I guess sharing it for a little while and then taking it down is a healthy middle ground.

I'd still like to hear how you guys found it when you try it out.

For people who missed the mega upload try out some of his recordings/lectures that are here http://tomkenyon.com/listening they show up after you accept the agreement.


>paying for music

I've never paid for music in my life and never will.

I might pay a little money however to keep all this fucking music away from my ears though.

I don't have money for songs and probably won't even bother to listen to your songs unless you put them on youtube or somewhere that it's simple to listen to.


I have some of my favorite albums in LP format, at least in that you get a truly physical version of the music and have a large version of the album art. I think it's pointless to pay for music in the digital or CD form since it's just ones and zeros.

To me, it's immoral to make someone pay for anything digital.


That's kinda silly, anon, by purchasing a CD, you ARE getting it in a physical format, digital data storage doesn't just HAPPEN, the data is actually physically stored on the disc, it's just very very small, if you had a good enough microscope and knew what you were doing you could actually SEE the data


File: 1422858962344.png (32.83 KB, 218x210, 109:105, surprised jew.png)

>it's immoral to pay for anything that is just a reconfiguration of matter
>digital information is just a material representation of mathematical abstraction that represents an electrical signal that eventually reproduces a series of air vibrations through a rapidly oscillating magnetic coil
>matter is just a reconfiguration of slowly vibrating energy
>tfw everything is just energy moving at different speeds through itself and consciousness is another form of that energy at a higher dimension
>money is just a board game where people convince other people to pass pieces of paper back and forth to each other and has no morality
>t-the jews

pic related


Yeah I know my explanation was over simplified, but still LPs >>>> CDs.



I'm putting some of his stuff up again, get it while you can cus I'll take it down after a while.



I disagree, LPs are an obsolete format, since simply by playing them, the quality degrades, whereas a digital format could be played ten million times and sound exactly the same as the first one


My thanks for this OP, good share.


If you drop $10,000 on a Japanese laser-based turntable this is less of an issue. But you might as well invest in a good sound system first before you waste it on vinyl records and a laser turntable.

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