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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1422785881548.jpg (50.42 KB, 602x453, 602:453, corps.jpg)


When everything is owned by huge conglomerates and corporations?


File: 1422785920369.jpg (1.05 MB, 2400x1485, 160:99, conglomerates.jpg)

And food


>tfw get my news from imageboards and my food from local farmers

What now OP?


I don't read the news and I get my food from domestic producers.


This is actually a great list of foods NOT to eat.


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Yea, most of the "food" here is garbage or animal food. And I am not sure of the last part!


>tfw most of the food given to humans, animals reject it, and animals in general eat fucking anything


>watching TV
I'm so glad I don't do this anymore

Though sometimes I do subject myself to mind-numbing to those "netflix original" miniseries things, which always end up being hilarious and poorly disguised indoctrination platforms.

Independent and independent foreign films are good too, honestly the majority of what I watch is stuff like that.

I can't do news though it's too much for my little psyche.

My catfriend (only still in the house as a result of logistics, I don't like keeping "pets" around myself) only apathetically drinks bottled water/tap water but laps rainwater and snow up like it's the best damn thing he's ever tasted. Sometimes I'll collect rainwater and set it out, next thing I know it's all gone. Never the case with tap water.

My other cat has the same ordeal with canned cat foods and most "human quality" canned meaty food too.


*to those mind-numbing "netflix original"



Girl, I hate the fucking tap water here, I need good water… I want to get a filter then do a re-reading of "PracticalWaterCure" by William Walker Atkinson and apply that shit.

I feel like every time I shower and every time I drink I'm being chlorine gassed.


pzfeed for breaking news (they have been posting some bait tier headlines lately unfortunately)
zerohedge for articles
IronMarch for general political news
imageboards for banter


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somewhat relevant to this thread
i found this wikipedia page
figured that i might find some crypto jews
this womans name stood out
found this quote
>Although she was raised Roman Catholic, she converted to Judaism stating: "It would not have been possible to have the name Rothschild and be a Catholic… Nor would it be right for the son of a Rothschild to be half-Jewish and half-Catholic."

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