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Esoteric Wizardry


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I have conceived of an outline for how a perfect cyberspace could look.
If the reaction here is bad I will leave not only here but also 8ch altogether, as I am dissatisfied with it.
Read it if you wish:
I will look back every now and again to see if there are responses but if said responses do not take my fancy I may never reopen the url.


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The url at which you can find the text is the following:



dude what, what is this pop-up shit, is this some trick to get money for views of the link? Just repost the content of the link in here.


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If you want:

1. In this text I will attempt to outline a hypothetically perfect cyberspace.
I ask of the reader that they pay close attention and that they do not
be repulsed by more radical ideas that may reveal themselves
throughout my writing.

2. The first thing that is needed in order for a perfect cyberspace to
enter initial generation,
is the impetus were a sentient being to create and edit a cyberspace.
After, that the being must become aware of the notion of the perfect
cyberspace and make it his business to find out what the scientific
protocol is that will lead him to the realisation of said perfection.
Whether this is even possible or not is questionable,
the doubt to which I hope to also remove in the reader of this thread.
I can not make this happen,
but I implore you to take the challenge upon your self as well.

3. There are some things that need to be noted before I outline
exactly why this adventure needs to be undertaken.
It is true that an imperfect cyberspace can continue to exist ad infinitum,
provided it remains sustainable.
None the less, the purpose of such an institution would have been
through out that time inherently non existent.

4. My first guess at what the perfect purpose of a cyberspace is is to
impress upon the viewer an effect which is perfect, namely, brings the
viewer to his necessary destination.
Where this is not done, the cyberspace is with out purpose, and there
fore not needed and "evil".

5. For those who are enslaved by the impetus to achieve this destination,
the notion of "noble" or "ignoble" actions may be of use.

6. "Ignobility" or "that which should not be done" should be imbued
with the protocol:
Humour, insincerity, irony and ultimately cluelessness

7. The rhetorical question should be identified as "ignoble", as to
dissuade any one from using it.
The reason to do this is that it promulgates obfuscation, which leads
to confusion and lack of knowledge of the protocol which is needed in
order to attain the final destination.

8. One might think that a cyberspace does not need to be filled with
characters that are all attempting to attain the "noble" destination,
so to speak,
but the purge of said characters (or conversion/ education) is one
aspect of the protocol needed to attain exactly that perfect effect,
and it is there fore paramount.

9. Anonymity and Liberty are not needed in so far as they are not
necessary towards the ultimate effect. They may be used as vessels,
but they are not paramount.

10. An identity can be used in order to promulgate a notion and this
promulgation may even be needed in the venture towards the desired

11. One obstacle that one may come across in attempting to achieve the
perfect cyberspace are problems outside of the computer, namely:
addiction to drugs, alcohol, masturbation or sexual intercourse.

12. One may also become distracted by the entertainment one finds in
specific parts of the internet and therefore lose their way in
attaining the ultimate form of cyberspace,
namely, they see tradition as the end as opposed to the means towards the end.
That may sound overly vague.

13. One might want to take in to account that the protocol is most
likely scientific, meaning, absolutely true in itself. That being
said, the protocol may not reveal itself immediately, namely, it is in
constant evolution. It is organic. I am not knowing the protocol
scientifically, but I have the impetus knowing it, or rather, I would
like to have the impetus towards knowing it.

14. In order for the scientific protocol to be known, one must be
aroused by the notion of attaining it, I would think, but perhaps I am

15. "Logic" only comes about as a result of the initial intuitive
reaction to data, if I am not mistaken.

16. "Logic" is used to analyse and rearrange schemes with in the mind,
but it is the initial intuitive reaction to data which constructs an
emotional and sensory response beforehand.

17. The notion of "Reality" and "Common" sense are just that,
constructed "notions", if I am not mistaken.

18. This "Reality" is an emotional resentment or repulsion to
absurdity, in so far as I can see.

19. That being said, this "Reality" acts almost as a saviour and self
affirmative survivalist reaction to what would otherwise be a
completely nihilistic self consciousness.
In this way, one can conclude that "Truth" is not paramount,
but rather a perfect affirmative way of life,
namely, the appropriation of a lie in order to be entertained, perfectly.

20. In order to remain affirmative, the mind must bring upon itself
the notion of a dichotomy, in my humble opinion.



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21. Out of chaos, your intuitive response will create dichotomies,
dirty/ clean, right/ wrong, good/ evil et cetera

22. One should promote these ideas and exxagerate one side of each
dichotomy, finally acting upon that exxageration by extermination of
that which is dirty or wrong or evil or what ever variable you choose
to assign it.

23. Your initial intuition is random. Your logical conclusion is
organisable, it would seem.
Your reality is also an intuition, but can be controlled by your logic.
That being said, one might have the fear that logic would come to the
conclusion that nothing matters.

24. One idea that I like to promulgate is that one could use the idea
of their "reality" and imbue it with the perfect idea. This is how it
ties in with cyberspace. Certain websites and programs could cause a
change in the viewers perception of reality, essentially educating
said person.

25. One thing that needs to be taken in to account is the fact that
the notion of a better cyberspace is ephemeral, namely, it can be
destroyed. This is why it is paramount to be as survivalistic as
possible. Namely, that the notion should be protected by all means.

26. What might happen to some one if they realise that all things have
a chance of being destroyed is that they are shocked and fall in to

27. What I would suggest in order to overcome this is to lead a more
intuitive life, namely, to actively destroy the logical component, or
your reason as to doing some thing until the impetus is restored.
Unfortunately that organ of reason is still needed. The balance is
difficult to define,
but once again just that is an organ of the protocol which we are
constantly searching for.

28. One thing that some one may also come across is the absurdity with
which some one else may promulgate the scientific protocol which will
be used to attain the desirable effect.

29. Another thing to make note of is the ephemeral nature of
"Quality". Namely, "Good" and "Bad" quality does not exist in itself,
it is a constructed dichotomy.

30. I have intuited this dichotomy, or constructed based on
indoctrination were another or other persons. Not every one will agree
on the same definition.

31. That being said, these dichotomies can be used as vessels in order
for us to achieve our goals,
namely the creation of the perfect cyberspace.

32. If we are already in the perfect cyberspace,
then we will simply have to recreate that.
Only, I would refute the possibility of it,
because the perfect cyberspace would be perfectly self sustainable,
namely, it would not allow for itself to be destroyed.

33. There is no necessity towards perfection,
it is simply some thing I choose to do and in doing that I will use any means.

34. In using any means, I mean I will destroy any thing in so far as
that is part of the scientific protocol were the creation of the
perfect cyberspace.

35. If any piece which is not necessary exists, then the safety of the
notion towards a perfect cyberspace is in danger, and therefore any
opposing notions should be removed fully.

36. One problem is "humour", as "humour" is not "truth", but I am not
knowing this scientifically to be unnecessary were the creation of a
perfect cyberspace.

37. "Free Speech" specifically may be detrimental and should therefore
be removed unless it is paramount were the creation of a perfect

38. "Mocking" is also redundant.

39. Sexual intercourse is not needed, meaning, personal entertainment
outside the cyberspace is irrelevant. What is important is to keep
your bodily organs in the shape that is needed in order to create the
perfect cyberspace. That is all that is needed and the promulgation
that having sex is the most important thing in life should be
prohibited completely.

40. That being said, sexual imagery may be a part of the perfect cyberspace.



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41. Scientific discussion is irrelevant unless it is a material needed
in the sustainabilitxy of the perfect cyberspace.

42. The final discussion in the perfect cyberspace would not
necessarily consist of the true protocol needed to maintain said
cyberspace, but rather would consists of some thing that may be wholly

43. One thing that needs to happen is that you take control of the
autocratic control board which controls all actions were the

44. Any thing that even has the slightest risk of destroying the
perfect cyberspace should be purged.

45. The notion of a dichotomy will help this happen.
Every thing that is risky is "unclean" or "bad" or whichever variable
you choose.

46. To mock some one for not knowing some thing is as an end itself
with out a purpose.
That being said, to do it in order to to educate may be paramount.

47. How "absurd" some thing seems is irrelevant, in so far as I can see.

48. One thing that could specifically be done first of all in order to
lay out the protocol of what needs to be done exactly in order to
achieve the perfect cyberspace is the promulgation that spending time
on the internet and brainstorming is more important than any thing

49. One must always keep in mind that the whole adventure is
inherently ephemeral. It could all end in destruction, so one must
always be attempting to defend the core impetus towards "improvement"
so to say.

50. If we do not autocratically enforce the perfect cyberspace, it may
be gone forever.

51. Notions have as much of an importance as physical or visual phenomena do.

52. One may ask what the perfect cyberspace is. The perfect cyberspace
is a cyberspace which fulfills all possible needs and wants in so far
as such a thing is possible.

53. At this point, the notion of a perfect cyberspace is just that: a notion.

54. Whether a perfect cyberspace can even be realised is not relevant.
If it could, then the only thing that there is to do, provided you
want to do some thing, is to attempt to attain it unto death.

55. The absolute science of realising the self sufficient cyberspace
may only be able to be articulated in what some might call an "absurd

56. I take it upon my self as a self proclaimed "shepard" to attempt
to pesuade others by any means possible to join in the creation of
first, of all the scientific protocol of the self sufficient perfect
cyberspace and then ultimately the creation of said phenomenon, in so
far as it is possible.

57. I may be able to do this through digital text, but I am not
knowing myself to be able to do so scientifically.

58. I demand that the reader does not attempt to find areas of
criticism in my venture, but to rather accept that my notion is itself
incomplete and to attempt to become the perfect sheep, so to say.

59. There is no necessity to realise the perfect self sustaining
cyberspace. It is simply a goal I have taken upon myself which I will
use any means possible to attain.

60. to return to the notion of a dichotomy: It is irrelevant whether
that which is assigned the label of "that which must be destroyed" is
also attempting to attain the perfect cyberspace, if he must be
destroyed, then we must destroy him.



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61. There should be a minimal amount of cyberspace as to be able to
enforce and comprehend the activity of its various organs.

62. There is only one protocol that can be undertaken in order to
realise the perfect cyberspace.
There fore, the notion of being "free" is not necessary as an end, but
may be as a means.

63. The promulgation of not doing every thing to realise the protocol
towards the perfect cyberspace should be removed completely.

64. If you are not the puller of levers, you should control he who
pulls the levers, essentially becoming a puller of levers any way.

65. Otherwise, you could get some one else who you control to take
over the pulling of said levers.

66. None of this may happen, but if the intention exists, we can know
no others to have it, and there fore our goal is the only goal that

67. To summarise, my basic intent is to attempt to conjure a better,
longer and more thought out protocol as to how a cyberspace should be
constructed. My mind has not yet constructed this,
but I am constantly evolving it.

68. I want to conjure some thing which I will want to have had conured
after I have conjured it.

69. The best way in which I could describe it is how when I am
watching a film I see some thing random and I feel there is an
importance about me having seen that symbol or the reaction that the
symbol impressed upon me.

70. I am infatuated with the idea of a "golden age" and wish to
realise this in a cybernetic form of sorts. Perhaps the latter half of
the 10s could be a so called "golden age".

71. All genres or eras begin organically. Chaotically. Unstructured.

72. I am attempting to conjure a phenomenon which I do not yet full understand.

73. I do not want to be the quintessential promulgator of a genre, but
rather the "proto-so and so", the initial foetus from which it grew.


Now that I have posted this would you like to respond in some way?

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