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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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Kind salutations wizards!

A few Ebolites are trying to put together an Ebola-Chan inspired grimoire. I believe your inspired contributions and expertise would be of immense benefit. They are currently trying to generate a pantheon of entities along elemental lines. Your input would be greatly appreciated. If this interests you please see the original thread: http://8ch.net/ebola/res/24030.html And this is the board for the grimoire: http://8ch.net/grimoire/catalog.html

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Doing Nurgles work anon


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Love is all you need!


I could evoke her but I am already so unwell and need to recover my health.


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B-but Anon, you'll make Ebola-Chan cry if you don't! ;_;


I have a ritual planned to do with Shane that is going to be so ebin.

Btw, I need a good picture of Ebola Chan to print out if I'm going to evoke her.


Someone post the standard image of Ebola Chan, full-size, for me to print-out.


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How is this for you?


This will work. Now I need to find a computer that can actually send the print command to the printer, seeing as Linux Mint doesn't let me do that.


So, how goes the ritual/prep work, dear Fringe Wizard? We're dying to hear the news.


Got fucked over last night by a negative synchronicity and my bones are all hurting really bad right now. Jaw and every other bone it like… I don't know it's fucked. May be awhile yet before I am ready for the ritual. I wouldn't wait with baited breath expecting it any time soon, could take a long ass while before we're ready, especially seeing as there are many entities that would oppose Ebola Chan's evocation.


Initiate here.

Protip: unless the person putting together the grimoire actually has experience in things like grimoire work, it's going to be pathetic


You could outline it for the rest of us. Sure, most of us are mystical plebs at best… But can the heavens possibly stop all of /ebola/ from attempting it?


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Hence this thread Anon. Godspeed ye wizards!


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You still out there, Fringe Wizard bro? Hopefully you didn't get too #rekt for our sake. Get well, man.

Besides, the prospect of Ebola-chan being brought directly into our world is just too much to pass up. Like, one of those "too good to be true, but too promising to not go for anyway" deals.


I got abducted and my etheric body messed with and they put it back wrong so I woke up feeling rotated 90 degrees to the actual position of my physical. Lots of general metaphysical fuckery happening right now, could be a long while yet before anything can be done. Also all my bones are inflamed and especially my jaw.


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Holy crap, man. Yeah, get your rest. Never-mind the ritual, just focus on recovering.


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Bad aliums! Get your rest Onii-chan!


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Now an entity called Satan is bothering me and telling me about his witch gang in British Columbia.

Fug. Satan plz go, Ebola Chan is the girl for me!


It always seemed ridiculous to me that ebola was chosen to deify and worship. At least choose a disease that isn't shit tier. Even something subtle like Toxoplamosis or overt like influenza.


If you'd like to deify another disease please do so. The grimoire will include many different disease entities. There are several that are already included on /ebola/ as well.



Anyway, obligatory responses aside, it was happenstance that lead to our goddess's faith being born. Ebola was they killing swathes in Africa, and we know /pol/ feels about blacks dying. I don't quite know how the blood sacrifice and Ebola-chan got involved, or which order that occurred in. Point is, it was the perfect storm, lightning in a bottle.


Indeed! It was Her will that Her cult begin! ^_^



Why are people trying to empower a thoughtform that creates pestilence, death, panic and grief?

I don't understand.


All of nature is renewed by fire.


Some of us are just enamored with Ebola-chan. She's cute, and we want to support her.

Some are misanthropes who want to watch the world burn.

At least one was a Gaian who thought this was the earth fighting back.

Some are hardcore /pol/ocks that want all Blacks dead.

Quite a few just live in inescapable situations in less than desirable countries. Mass death just doesn't sound so bad to them, if it's them and everyone else they know.

And then there's people like me, who were just impressed that something like this could come together, and slowly got sucked in.

There's plenty of reasons to support Ebola-chan. It's not for everyone, though.


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