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Esoteric Wizardry


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Didn't know where else to post this. Perhaps some users here have some experience in this, or am I the only one?


You scare me. You aren't going to start posting lyrics and say you are looking for some one? Are you? You creepy stalker?


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No, you can't know where that person lives. 0-o



Why are you tasked with monitoring this site and it's associated communities and do the other agents laugh at you when you talk about wizard stuff you had to record?

BAH (if I am not mistaken).


Yeah I've done sun gazing. Just remember you're supposed to do it early morning and sun set, not mid-day, when it'll burn your fucking eyes out. I didn't do it consistently enough to report on much positive benefit. I think staring at the black sun via the mind's eye is more empowering.


Agents? Ive been warning the site about agents for a while now…

and I've been teasing them a little..

what do you know about them?


I've done it mid-day with eyelids closed. Just stare at the sun with eyelids shut and tons of light goes right through your eyelids and later when you open your eyes everything looks more blue and vibrant.


I know which posts are being made by them right now. Want me to point them all out for you? They all share some common theme and style. I am just afraid that if I explicitly point all of them out right now they will change tactics to be more elusive.

I know they are trying to subvert the admin and keep a close eye on the community as a whole. I am not 100% sure what their ultimate plan is.


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I guess I'll put on my trip.
to ID as OP in case they try to impersonate me again, they always try to pretend to be me when I post.

Same here, they are so easy for me to notice, nobody else seems to notice them, every time I post here or on 4chan, even on boards like /b/, they always flock my threads, sage and derail them with stupid obvious posts.

Already warned hotwheels in IRC. He doesn't believe me, I think me might be one of them.
I know they are already on to me… Ive been trying to steadily leak out info.


>posting lyrics


Yeah this has got to be a samefag on both chans…


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He has made a few. Looking for some one in particular. This is very bad. I hope the person who he is trying to hunts, safety is well protected.


I've seen these posts on every board I browse.


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You keep seeing mark david chapman?


Never noticed any names, but I have noticed the same derailing posts, and I have been on 4chan so long that I can tell when its a user trolling, a government agent, or a neophyte.

The 3 are very easy to tell apart, because 1 is pretending, the other knows, and government are clueless to our culture for the most part. They don't get the jokes or references, nor how to use them, I've also run into a lot on IRC..


Get on Skype on Dwarf.


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They are on multiple chans as well, I know what their goal is, but I cant say because I am probably already being watched.

go ahead and point them out for me, I am interested.


Go ahead and point them out, no matter how elusive they are they wont be able to fit in with channers from before 2006. They simply cant be us, and only neophytes are fooled.


>Literally staring at the sun
This board gets more and more retarded each day


What amazes me is that people actually think one thing or another is truth before looking into it.

it's a high level secret initiation into the highest levels of freemasonry.

when you stare at the sun for a long time it turns black and it leaves a fish eye permanent scar in your vision.

the fish of course is an in complete vinn diagram that shows our universe being an over lap of two separate universe, one gravity darkness and order, the other light matter and chaos.

it's all to celebrate the arrival of the messiah, which any one whose anyone already knows about.

of course peasants have no idea.


I GOT TO HEAR SMILEY!!!!!!!!!! =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D


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What you're talking about is also known as the Vesica piscis. An ancient symbol of the primordial womb from which all of existence is birthed from.


Sun light can never be seen
1) dont look at the sun
2) you're looking at the sun?
3) buy a trusted brand name telescope and trusted brand name sun filter designed for that telescope
4) don't take off the filter for any raisin


some asshole is going to read this after reading every bit of information on this board and think he's ready to be initiated into the world of the blind. you're a real dick for posting that.


>I am not 100% sure what their ultimate plan is.
crashing this plane…. WITH NO SURVIVORS


Do you know that picture with the one guy with a skateboard and wearing a baseball cap and he's like "hey fellow children" or whatever and he's obviously much older than the highschool kids around him that he's pretending to be one of?

These agents are like that. They are very easily identifiable by their efforts to fit in poorly but they don't understand the memes and don't get what we're about. Normal posters don't try to "fit in", they just use anonymous imageboards as a place for their stream of consciousness, and plaster the boards with their thoughts. These agents act more like people who've studied imageboard stuff briefly from KnowYourMeme or something and then started posting without truly understanding.

Right now they're posting a lot of video links for some reason.


Staring at the sun is OK as long as you do it at the right time or with eyelids closed man. Try to connect with the energy of the sun as well and draw upon it for extra strength and vitality.


If anyone takes Freemasonry that seriously I guess they deserve it.


don't blame him for people that are stupid.


Ever since I stopped wearing contact lenses, I've been eating that UV up. Love to look at the sun morning and night, and all around it rest of the day. Feels like another form of food.


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i did this to open my 3rd eye

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