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As a hermeticist/thelemafag on the middle pillar, I feel like I constantly have to compete with my Satanic peers who are off having their cake and eating it, too.

I feel myself being drawn into a sort of paradigm where I want to empower myself in a more left-hand direction, but I'm unsure how much I should really let that inflate my ego, or if I should compete with them or not. I have to admit that I'm a bit jealous of a few of my friends who have made it as artists, who are garnering all this praise for being prodigies when what they're doing isn't actually that complicated. I think if I were to really believe in that path as well, and constantly talk and demonstrate how enlightened and Satanic I am, I could do the same thing, and exercise more control over people than I do now, but I just don't care all that much what people think of me. Am I missing out?

Can you guys give me some advice or suggestions as to how I should approach this working/philosophy in life?

sorry if this is too much of a blogpost, I just really have no idea what i want to do with my life, I feel like I've just been stockpiling knowledge, and that Satanists are the only people with any real direction.


Disregard Satanism, stay the path of Hermeticsm, which is stronger.

…and stop giving a shit about "muh ego". It doesn't matter how big your ego gets if you realize you are not it. A small ego that you identify with is more limiting. Operate upon the ego, not as the ego.


here is your mistake


Let hatred guide you, I'm a strong indypnyndt LHP black magick practitioner, and I don't need no Satan to destroy lives and feed on the suffering of others as the Demiurge intended.


>I feel like I constantly have to compete

This is simply wrong. The wrong mindset. The wrong attitude.

>off having their cake and eating it, too.

As a hermeticist you should know that karma is an absolute law and God is just.

>I have to admit that I'm a bit jealous

Again, this is not the stance a hermeticist chooses to take.

>that Satanists are the only people with any real direction.

You have no understanding of what you're talking about. How can you hope to become a practitioner if you let yourself dwell on such unworthy attitudes and thoughts, even to the point of making a thread about it?

You've heard of the inner work. Do it. Direct your mind to worthy things. You aren't going to be perfect obviously; nobody is. But control over emotional states and mental delusion (comparing yourself to other beings on their own paths) is a requirement. You are allowed to feel. You are not, however, allowed to let that feeling consume you.

If you are impatient remember this one truth: The path to and the summit of mastery are one and the same. One cannot exist without the other. Both are two ends of one whole. We are always on this path, whether we know it or not. The only difference among individuals is how fast they progress.


I wonder if I feel something akin to this.

I feel that there are two ways to go with this knowledge, I'm learning things everyday and I just think that I could try using them to impress people or to create a fake personality so easily that I could just basically fool whoever I want and get dumb chicks to sleep with me.

But then I imagine how I would have to get one chick after another chick because enlightenment does not seem to be connected to having sex with slutty girls. Yet it feels so nice, having your dick all warm and moist.

Will enlightenment be this good? I hope so


Are these the ramblings of an animal mind?


You are a sad thoughtform. Consider recreation.


A horny animal
horny and delicious


You are just a failed mundane.


Desire is suffering but pain and suffering are not necessarily bad. Suffering can be a useful tool to help spur on personal growth. You should seek to be Stoic and not be indifferent or run away from your personal pains but gain understanding and clear judgement over them.


>but pain and suffering are not necessarily bad.
but thats wrong, especially from a stoic perspective, all pain and suffering is an error in judgement.


If you're not practicing what you know you're a shit wizard regardless of your chosen field of magic.

You jealous of people who use their power for their own success?

Use your power to help others. This makes you feel accomplished and puts you on the moral high ground, not to mention the good karma you'll accumulate.

In regards to your jealousy you should already know that it's a negative aspect of a character and should be eliminated in order to achieve elemental equilibrium.

In other words apply yourself.

During my experimentation with my energy levels I've found that my power or loosh seems to grow faster and faster as the moon cycles approach full moon.
The build up of energy got so bad I masturbated to release some of it. Having not fapped for the past month it was quite enjoyable, sending me into literal euphoria.

The following night I was experimenting with magic and in a certain ritual I have activated my energy body to cause a state that completely overshadowed my orgasm to a point where I cried of happiness due to the sensation of power flowing through me.

You have to experience it to believe it but trust me on this, no sensation caused on this physical realm can even come close to what magic can do to you.


If you stab a Stoic with a knife he will bleed and scream like any
other man (except if he has a LOT of self-control.) Every Stoic is
going to experience material pain and suffering no matter how logical
he is. What separates a Stoic from another man is how he deals with
pain and suffering and not whether he experiences pain and suffering
in of itself. The thing is, an (ideal) Stoic might experience a
horrible event but will ultimately be happy with himself because he
feels he has acted and thought in a rational and logical manner while
a bad man might ultimately be unhappy with himself even if he lives in
a palace because he felt didn't act correctly. Perhaps, it might have
been more correct for me to write "adversity" instead of "pain and
suffering" though.


No, "pain and suffering" is right.I (and the stoic philosophers) was clearly referring to the emotional kind and not the sensory kind. You should already know this as long as you as much as glanced at the stoic texts.


I think I could try to use my energy to help people. I have tried doing that before, using what I feel (which is always arousal) and just imagine it as another flow of energy, maybe love from a father to a child, or from a brother to a sister.

But oh man this body of mine is always craving sexual pleasure

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