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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1423090238579.gif (3.48 MB, 480x292, 120:73, db2.gif)


>Be me
>Reading this extremely autist board
>Not even one serious fucking topic of discussion



File: 1423090706785.jpg (412.59 KB, 717x880, 717:880, 1335845111032.jpg)

>be me



>Back to Reddit

What are you, a fucking shilling faggot? Kill yourself.


keep calm and take le red pill, narwhals bacon topkek :DDDD



>Using shitty memes

Fuck off, shill.


>using shitty memes
like "be me"?



You'll always be fucking betafaggots in your goddamn basements, crying yourself to sleep at night with your shitty faggotry you call "wizardry" bullshit. Just fucking kill yourselves already lol.


File: 1423092038588.png (19.53 KB, 221x42, 221:42, Pic Related.png)

Pic related.


File: 1423092337616.jpg (101.27 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1422489294150.jpg)


File: 1423092758227.jpg (113.83 KB, 808x499, 808:499, serious discussions.jpg)



>Calm down

How 'bout no?



Too bad you faggots are all filthy abortion scraps.


File: 1423093662730.jpg (45.56 KB, 459x467, 459:467, [Ohys-Raws] Yuri Kuma Aras….jpg)

>reading your extremely autistic post
>not even one interesting word
>mfw you discover you have testicular cancer in 3 days
Who's the faggot now, sweetie ?


So OP what constitutes a "serious topic of discussion" and why haven't you made such a topic on this board in order that the board have one such topic instead of your shitposting?


>none of these posters even use flags

This is how we can spot the newfigs.


>inb4 OP gets that cancer and comes back to us begging for help but is too fucking lazy to fix it himself and just dies because he's a mundane pleb



That's because /fringe/ is post-serious discussion. All we do is trade information and test the validity ourselves. We have transcended regular internet discussion.


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Honestly, could be ironic usage but nonetheless it made me laugh. Passive aggressive behaviour is hilariously immature, one should avoid being passive aggressive.

Maximum hilarity.

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