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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1423167912172.png (549 KB, 800x850, 16:17, Untitled.png)


My fellow wizards, lets get creative, make up your own pills here.

>no wizardpill

>no fringepill

wtf, also what do you think of my uberpill


when will you memepill kiddies fuck off back to leddit?


I am indigopill, why make another pill, just to say the exact same shit again?


The pill categories are autistic to the max
>Matrix references
>The need to categorize everything



>The need to categorize everything

excuse me, but I believe that is Asperger's you're referring to, not autism.


>implying the jew psychologies are legit at all

Fug you, I'ma EdgyPill.


File: 1423208055857.jpg (61.6 KB, 765x343, 765:343, jew memento.jpg)

>implying the jew psychologies are legit at all

this meshugginah has figured it out! shut down and sage this thread immediately!

oy veyyyy


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There are only two pills Anon.


No there are 3. Ignorance, Knowledge, and Higher Knowledge.

aka bluepill, redpill, and greenpill.


No, no! What if the pills don't actually exist?

I call this, the Nihilist Pill.


There's no single I, there are billions of me's or I's, but all is one.

I am shifting parallel realities billions of times where it always has been, and I am in control.

One could just be scraping the surface…


File: 1423249867600.png (255.19 KB, 400x263, 400:263, 1398654886217.png)

*tips void*

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