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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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I heard this board was about m-magic.

So uhh.. Could you sh-show me some of your spells /fringe/-kun?…


I can explain to you the principles by which spellcasting works and teach you to start doing and making your own spells.

You look a lot like Ebola Chan.


not every redhaired anime girl is ebolachan

that is clearly sakura kyoko


I'll show you the spell.
Just unzip my pants


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That's lewd, /fringe/-kun!!


Sure, just come here.
*unzips dick*


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I'm still a novice but when I learn some spells myself I'll make sure to share


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Arigatou /fringe/-kun!


Unzipping your dick sounds painful.


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You initiated the lewdness you foolish fool. I will shove my astral wand so far up your stuttering avatarfagging lewdshitposting astral ass you'll leak loosh for weeks.


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There's no need to be upset /fringe/-kun


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Actually, I do know a spell

How to change your mental state:

By an effort of will; fix your attention upon a more desirable state, will directs the attention and attention changes the vibration.

For example, if you are fearful use your willpower to fix your attention on cultivating the quality of courage and the fear will disappear.


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B-But /fringe/-kun

That's not even a fucking spell you autistic nigger. That's psychology.


>actually knowing what the names of various anime figures are

Rope! Rope! Rope! Rope! Rope!


Why do you ignore me?



No fgt, it's magick. All is Mind; The Universe is Mental.


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