Renouncing Food Thread(Water Fasting) 02/09/15 (Mon) 11:18:39 No. 21563
1) Pledge an amount of time. Preferably a number of weeks. Post it in this thread.
2) If you break your pledge, you must also confess your transgression in this thread.
3) If you keep your pledge you may reward yourself… with feeding yourself (extremely) small portions of healthy fruit and vegetables, eating more and more until you've restarted your digestive system.
4) For purposes of this thread, "Food" is defined as non-water sustenance.
>Why?"Fasting has helped many people feel more connected to life during the practices reading, meditation, yoga and martial arts etc. With no food in the digestive system, this makes room for more energy in the body – the digestive is one of the most energy absorbing systems in the body."
Recommendation: Drink pure water, no tap water shit. It's a bit of a debate, but candidates for healthy water include distilled water, Reverse Osmosis water, and high alkaline/Ph water.
02/09/15 (Mon) 11:21:12 No. 21564
I pledge 3 weeks.
02/09/15 (Mon) 12:34:09 No. 21569
I'm already doing intermittent fasting (16 hours), and the results have been absolutely wondrous; more mental clarity, more energy, feel creative almost all the time, (used to feel like this like once or twice a month)! Will consider taking things further. Not too far, of course; moderateness is the key.
02/09/15 (Mon) 12:42:32 No. 21573
>>21569 Excellent!
I'm on Day 2 myself, and I only slept five hours last night, but I feel rested.
As far as moderateness goes I'm not sure how to feel about it.
I've watched a video of some woman who fasted for 40 days, and that seemed a little bit like overkill, but I do want to also use this as a sort of test of willpower.
I'm planning to go for 3 weeks, but I'll be happy with one.
02/09/15 (Mon) 13:05:41 No. 21574
>>21573 Sure! I'm adjusting my diet at the moment, so having a full-time fast wouldn't be wise for me. I'll consider it at later time.
40 days, hard to say. If one can do it without damaging their body, sure, why not!
If you are not already, consider sleeping on the floor. First three days can be painful, but I think I sleep better and wake up well-rested now, (after three? weeks). I've always loved being on the floor, it's natural to me.
02/09/15 (Mon) 13:14:32 No. 21575
Is this a troll thread? Fasting for a day or two is fine but fasting for weeks is fucking retarded and harmful. Charge all the food you eat with energy and eat it consciously instead.
02/09/15 (Mon) 17:05:18 No. 21588
Anonymous 02/09/15 (Mon) 17:41:13 No. 21590
I pledge two weeks.
02/09/15 (Mon) 19:53:56 No. 21596
>Reverse Osmosis water This is a bad idea, it will drain your body of nutrients. Unless that's what you want.
02/09/15 (Mon) 20:18:34 No. 21600
>>21575 Not trolling, just crazy enough to try it. People have gone longer than just 3 weeks, and have been fine.
That being said, of course everyone's different and it may not work for everyone.
For me at the very least, it's worth trying. Especially with all the benefits people talk about.
And of course, people generally should do their own research and decide if it's right or not for them to try.
02/09/15 (Mon) 20:23:36 No. 21602
>>21596 That's why I specified candidates :\.
I'm glad to have your input, but from what I've looked up the only general consensus I can get about drinking water is to never touch tap water.
Other than that I have people saying that Distilled Water is either good/bad, and that RO water is good/bad…, and that high alkaline water is good/bad. It's just mixed opinions everywhere. Or Deceit. I can't fucking tell, but I know it won't kill me so i have to try things and see what works for me.
As of right now I'm fasting with distilled water.
02/09/15 (Mon) 20:35:09 No. 21604
>>21602 Water meant for drinking is probably a safe route.
02/09/15 (Mon) 22:22:28 No. 21619
I am skellington, I am trying to gain weight, but I don't have what I need to do any fasting yet.
02/09/15 (Mon) 23:54:34 No. 21636
Fasting is great for clarity and cleansing.. However don't forget to listen to your body .. When it has depleted its fuel stores it will let you know, you will feel a deep intense hunger that is different to the regular hunger.. Starts in the throat I think. This is your body's signal to end the fast. During the fast you won't be hungry after the initial beginning, as it switches into fast mode.. So, for safety stop when this deep hunger returns. It will be counterproductive to continue past this point.
02/10/15 (Tue) 00:18:34 No. 21637
>>21636 That's not how starvation works. No hunger ever returns. You just get extremely numb, miserable, and can't sleep, and can't meditate, and feel retarded.
02/10/15 (Tue) 00:22:02 No. 21638
My plan is to reach a good weight and hook myself up to pure akashic energy, no fasting stuff, I want to reach a really fucking high level and attain Inedia.
02/10/15 (Tue) 00:28:59 No. 21640
I think you guys need to add some minerals to your water, maybe Celtic Sea Salt, or something like it?
02/10/15 (Tue) 00:32:13 No. 21641
>smiley whines he can't get food >suddenly "enlightenes" himself about fasting >I-i never wanted those grapes anyways! Nice coping mechanism, but that's pathetic.
02/10/15 (Tue) 01:23:12 No. 21645
>>21641 >implying eating and fasting are ends on themselves
☻ 02/10/15 (Tue) 01:53:19 No. 21648
>>21641 Hey faggot, I didn't make this thread, and I am not fasting at all. I am eating as much food as I possibly can and getting all the loosh I can from food. All day I've been eating as much food as possible.
02/10/15 (Tue) 01:55:11 No. 21649
>>21648 Does this mean that fat Americans are technically mass loosh generators and batteries?
02/10/15 (Tue) 02:22:39 No. 21654
>>21637 >You just get extremely numb, miserable, and can't sleep, and can't meditate, and feel retarded. I'm at the end of my second day, and I can agree to the sleep issue, but I don't feel retarded or miserable. I can also still meditate just as effectively as I was before eating.
I'm not very far down my fast though.
>Can't meditateGoogle search yields many sources that say fasting and meditation work well together. Doesn't mean it's right, but How did you surmise this opinion?
☻ 02/10/15 (Tue) 04:16:39 No. 21667
>>21649 They might require another fuel to combust that fat and some pranayama but yes the are potentially mass loosh generators if they would just fucking fast and meditate.
I am jelly of all these loosh bags walking around who are too stupid to know what to do with the excess energy stored in their fats.
>>21654 I was in a cabin up north and ran out of food and thus was forced to fast and I felt like shit and could not do anything.
02/10/15 (Tue) 14:17:53 No. 21711
>>21667 I'm 320lbs. Are you telling me that all I have to do is fast and void-meditate and I can not only burn fat but also boost my magical abilities? If so, I would gladly get on board with this.
Void meditation is all I know though and I've yet to read through all the starter books in the sticky.
02/10/15 (Tue) 15:35:41 No. 21715
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Here's a great talk on food addiction by Doug Lisle. The part at 11:00 where he explains the cycle of food addiction and why we think junk food is good and healthy food is bad has changed the way I approach food & diet as a whole.
02/12/15 (Thu) 10:47:14 No. 22016
>>21637 It's all in the first link there.
When you are fasting, you're not starving yourself.
02/12/15 (Thu) 11:59:50 No. 22018
>>21711 There's probably benefit in you trying to lose weight through magical means but I highly recommend you familiarize yourself with /fit/ and try to lose some weight through mundane means of eating right and getting some exercise alongside your meditation.
02/16/15 (Mon) 02:23:06 No. 22632
>>21711 What
>>22018 said, you can't possibly just fast off that much weight, look to /fit/ and get advice there, on top of giving you extra magical energies it just feels great to be healthy
02/16/15 (Mon) 02:27:42 No. 22633
I pledge tomorrow
05/25/15 (Mon) 18:21:36 No. 41015
SAGE! 07/17/15 (Fri) 10:29:47 No. 46977
Watch out for bowel obstructions.