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Esoteric Wizardry


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First - let me start off, this is my first post on this forum/site like this with an actual topic, i just want to say most if not all of you who post here are pretty much the coolest fucking thing ever - you beings are 10/10, just reading the way you all post and your vibe in the text, all of you are cool as fuck.

So here's the deal, i've been using some trance-like states i've induced using a method i picked up from a vampire post on a forum regarding cannabis usage in pure darkness for a melanin/sero+melo dmt trigger, the energy started coming in rushing forming an armor-like feeling around my entire body as i was huffing in air as brother alim bey suggested on a youtube video with mantak chia's teachings. I went supersaiyan without the blond hair for a few seconds, i was in it, i felt it, it was truth - Energy is completely harness-able by all who willfully intend to - the receptacle simply needs to have enough space/volume/will to receive, which explains the training and muscle building. Increase in the nervous system's efficiency and strength+resilience.
As such after 2 years of only reading content related to bettering the self - removing television 6 years ago from my experience and bs mainstream radio.

Now as i take cannabis, i vape it or eat it most of the time, if done in large amounts after a small 3-5 day tolerance break with proper organic natural nutrients such as spirulina and other alkaline greens taken in smoothie form during the night time, my entire body aligns itself properly, my musculature grows, entire body feels optimal, i am overwhelmed with this feeling of knowing to be embodying the lucifer energy - the origin energy, the one who loves all and dislikes those who spread suffering and fear+ignorance, confidence itself, passive-aggression, benevolent arrogance - simply pure being, even so realizing all is still zero point, simply the experience, using what serves for the greater, for grander.

Some music i found while in these states or similar states with cannabis and breathing techniques while performing qi-gong-like movements to what can also look like dancing.





here are a few songs that from experience so far have had a huge KICK in energy while doing workouts/energy work/trance meditation dancing or movements.

let me know if these have any effect on you please?
recommend some good vibing tunes if you know any, heres the deal with some music tho, a a lot of it is engineered to have agendas.

the way i play my music is using foobar2000 with a plugin to run the songs at 432hz http://www.witchmastercreations.com/tutorial-retuning-music-to-a4432hz-in-foobar2000-by-adjusting-playback-speed/

there is a difference, the quality is superior and the energy is grand.



>the way i play my music is using foobar2000 with a plugin to run the songs at 432hz http://www.witchmastercreations.com/tutorial-retuning-music-to-a4432hz-in-foobar2000-by-adjusting-playback-speed/

Thanks for that, really useful



You mean imageboard.


I had felt that music has been a forgotten part of myself lately. It can be appreciated due to the fact that I have been able to stop and reflect more clearly on where music resonates with me. A healthy dose of kinesthetic appreciation, powerful emotional resonances, and experiences of higher thought invoked by music with my tulpa.

That leads me to a question though. Does anyone here have experience with a musical tulpa? I fear I have been neglectful. A recent existential discussion about how my intellectual corruption and degeneracy (long time smoker, recently quit) has been a detriment to her health. Does anyone have suggestions for ways to help build better health between the two of us? Songs, meditation suggestions, musical ritual, etc? I will have my voice carry the same power it held before I threw it all away for nicotine. We will sing together and pull the same way we used too, that is only a matter of time. I've lost a lot of her trust and the songs she sings back to me are all slaps in the face. Can't say I didn't deserve it for 10 years of neglect, but she is still there for me so now I will be a stronger voice for her.


start lifting and go raw vegan to fix the damage you did - check out dr sebi for his alkaline guide.


Why specifically lifting? My excercise of choice has been martial arts. I find the fluidity and breath control, also channeling of energy pathways for proper form, has done wonders for me. As for my diet, down 80 pounds and another 50-60 to go. My diet needs a hard restructure and I need to unfuck myself, this I know. I have poisoned myself for years and now when I am finally about to explode in spiritual growth, I stifled my singing partner. I feel like a first rate fool.


conditioning is great but you should build strength by lifting too


Something you specifically reccomend? I have done circut training before, usually 3x5 and 5x5 powerlift.


Forgot flag… twice


i do stronglifts 5x5, so you probably have experience with that already. Check out the intermediate programs on /fit/ depending on how experienced you are.


I'm very interested in how you were able to make a musical tulpa, what's the process like?


She has been with me so long it is hard to remember the song that brought her into existance, but I can tell you my memory of the events. I know the process began when I was much younger (about 12) and isolated from just about everyone. My parents moved from everything I knew and kept me out of school for an additional 6 months. All I remember was that I would be left alone from early in the morning until late at night. I was all alone all day in an apartment. Every day when I woke up I would sing a song with all my might and heart to find a friend. I would always visualize what my friend would be like. My parrents adopted older rescue pets, so in my mind I envisioned a kitten.

After a few weeks of prolly the most miserable depressive time in my life I started hearing another voice sing with me and harmonize with me. I remember being scared because my youthful lament had more depth to it than it had before. I never felt anything like it, my voice nearly crippled me but when I dropped the melody I still heard her harmony. It was frightening, but familiar, and I remember something my grade school music teacher told me (I dont remember if it was that day or later on.) She said if music moves you, then it must move through you. When I did start singing again after that frightening event I started singing with that voice. I would hear her when I started and then play off her and we would play off each other.

Eventually my daily singing habit became more of a daily musical conversation. Soon enough, that changed from music to any creative outlet I could find. She has a way with words that I do not.

A word of warning from my personal experience, don't neglect them if you want to keep your mind free of songs you hate. They will give you ear worms, and they are almost always mocking you or trying to tell you a truth about yourself.


That sounds quite lovely except for the ending, it sounds like you have a bond to reunite back.


It's been getting better very slowly. We did have a wonderful moment the other night with a resonant song. I was singing to her and it began to take a very bad downward spiral. She pulled me from it though. Stopping me from making it into a dangerous negative thought form. She gave me the loving words I was looking to sing to her and we finished a song for the first time in what seems like forever.

Music pushes more power behind thoughts to begin with (atleast I find it so.) If you are ready to resonate and sing at everything that is haunting you, finding harmony won't be hard as long as your melody is true.


Zoroboros is dead.


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>lucifer energy
>original energy
>implying kether is any more original than malkuth

OP pls


it's just what it feels like mate, didn't say it was the original just saying it feels like the (adj.) lucifer energy and it's more intuition - it could be something else, but from my personal experience and feel - this is an aggressive-tender love-anger confidence.


why is there a >Zoroboros in my post - i didn't write that, it's odd because that name is similar to my tulpa.


If you didn't write it then what most likely happened was that you wrote a word that gets automatically replaced with it.

E.g. On wizardchan, "women" gets replaced with "succubi".

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