First - let me start off, this is my first post on this forum/site like this with an actual topic, i just want to say most if not all of you who post here are pretty much the coolest fucking thing ever - you beings are 10/10, just reading the way you all post and your vibe in the text, all of you are cool as fuck.
So here's the deal, i've been using some trance-like states i've induced using a method i picked up from a vampire post on a forum regarding cannabis usage in pure darkness for a melanin/sero+melo dmt trigger, the energy started coming in rushing forming an armor-like feeling around my entire body as i was huffing in air as brother alim bey suggested on a youtube video with mantak chia's teachings. I went supersaiyan without the blond hair for a few seconds, i was in it, i felt it, it was truth - Energy is completely harness-able by all who willfully intend to - the receptacle simply needs to have enough space/volume/will to receive, which explains the training and muscle building. Increase in the nervous system's efficiency and strength+resilience.
As such after 2 years of only reading content related to bettering the self - removing television 6 years ago from my experience and bs mainstream radio.
Now as i take cannabis, i vape it or eat it most of the time, if done in large amounts after a small 3-5 day tolerance break with proper organic natural nutrients such as spirulina and other alkaline greens taken in smoothie form during the night time, my entire body aligns itself properly, my musculature grows, entire body feels optimal, i am overwhelmed with this feeling of knowing to be embodying the lucifer energy - the origin energy, the one who loves all and dislikes those who spread suffering and fear+ignorance, confidence itself, passive-aggression, benevolent arrogance - simply pure being, even so realizing all is still zero point, simply the experience, using what serves for the greater, for grander.
Some music i found while in these states or similar states with cannabis and breathing techniques while performing qi-gong-like movements to what can also look like dancing. are a few songs that from experience so far have had a huge KICK in energy while doing workouts/energy work/trance meditation dancing or movements.
let me know if these have any effect on you please?
recommend some good vibing tunes if you know any, heres the deal with some music tho, a a lot of it is engineered to have agendas.
the way i play my music is using foobar2000 with a plugin to run the songs at 432hz is a difference, the quality is superior and the energy is grand.