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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1423501843369.jpg (4.67 KB, 141x186, 47:62, adolf.jpg)


Hey guys, if Adolf Hitler actually existed would you have been on his team or would you have. wanted to be on the other team?.

Why or why not? I'd love to hear you guys' thoughts on the matter.


Would I have been on his team? He didn't have his own team lol he was on THE team, but he made mistakes, and was led astray.


File: 1423512249139.jpg (88.81 KB, 400x518, 200:259, hitler.jpg)

>but he made mistakes
name one



if he made no mistakes, he would have won the war


He was doing jesus's work and getting rid of the zionist kikes!


We are Hitler's team.




File: 1423519434312.jpg (41.03 KB, 400x514, 200:257, jesus facepalm.jpg)


Kind of a moot point now isn't it?

I mean, he fucked up a bunch of shit, mostly his own country he said he loved so much and ended killing his waifu and himself to get out of it.
Obvously whatever he did was a bad idea.


He was forced to attack, dragged into a war he didn't want, and which was ultimately very destructive to the white race.

Yeah I'd sure as fuck fight for his side. Unlike in the present degenerate filth society where everyone just hates me and I suffer alone, in that society, I would have been loved for my devotion to the cause and have been well supported to do my part in serving the reich!


Regardless of whether or not Hitler did anything bad, he did everything wrong. He was the most incompetent fuckup in history. In short, of course I wouldn't side with him.


Hitler didn't kill himself.


And also his country wouldn't even exist anymore if not by him. He was a saviour. Even if he didn't succeed, he left the seed for others to follow.


Why are you posting this on every fucking board?


cos i like 2 du le ebin sebnistive hitler maynemays XDD ;^)


Whatever you say, kike.

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