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Esoteric Wizardry


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I'm trying to figure out how to effect the random number generator on slot machines.

I found out in my experiments that I can make other people have good luck with money more than I can give myself good luck with money.
An example was, the other night while I was at a party with my normie friends I said "I'm going to put a green orb on all of you (6 people) and this will give you good luck in something, wither it be money or just having a real good day tomarrow"

And than I used visualization on multiple green orbs above all their heads (one for each person)
And I put the intent of money, good energy, peace, luck, and health and just a bunch of real nice stuff into the orb and the next day they all had incredibly lucky days I'm told and one girl even won $200 on a scratcher.

But im gonna be going to reno for my 21st birthday and I'm want to try to tr win a lot of money for expensive hermetic tools and ingredients and what not.

So if I'm can figure out to work out this kinda system than I can post a nice detailed instructions list on how to use magic for money.

So does anyone know how to influence random number generators?


I've had luck with stoplights, but that's me.

Reading the segment in IiH about elementals, and investigating the principles thereof, your thoughtforms influencing your contemporaries' luck and much less your own makes sense. You might consider a tulpa for the purpose of producing more effectual elementaries.


Synchronizeity the other day.

turned $0. 25 into 100 dollars with a slot machine called "white wizard"


A friend of mine has a very strong aura and we were in a casino once and she made 100 bucks in 5 minutes on slot machines.

As far as advice goes I would say try to have a high vibration and you'll at least do ok. I don't fully know how to make this happen but that should help.


How I would do it is I'd use evocation to bring fourth an entity then I'd make it promise to carry out what I want it do and let it do the work in return for whatever I agree to feed it with, probably loosh, for the good work done.


You can't influence a "RNG" with your mind or whatever, because so called "RNG's" are not random at all.(digital ones anyway) they only produce a long unique string string of numbers.
knowing this it would be known that a "RNG" would eventually roll back to it's starting position (length of string depends on it's bit width)

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