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Esoteric Wizardry


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Give me instructions on how to change my reality. Like litarally change it for the better. My life is shit and I want it to change but no matter what I do or how hard I try I fail at everything. Does the law of attraction actually work? It never has for me. I dont want to be some hedonistic normalfag but Im tired of being a complete loser. Please give me some advice /fringe/. No black magic or anything like that.
I didnt ask to be born or anything and yet here I am, merely existing here. I know this isnt the right board for this type of self loathing and advice seaking shit but I think if anyone can help its you guys who know what most others dont. I dont want any teachers though, just guidance or something as I believe thats the best way and Ill try the rest on my own.
But if not that then can someone guarentee that what comes after death is any better than this? Im just going to kill myself if I cant leave my parents house by the end of this year. Im 21 btw. Once again sorry if this type of shit is intollarable on this board, but no matter where I go and what advice I try nothing helps, its like im not even the same as other people who can do things, but im practically crying as I type this.
I like to read some Hermetic philosophy in my free time and sometimes it makes me feel good, but its only temporary, I eventually realize what a waste of flesh and spirit I am. Tomarrow Im going to drink a shitload of cough medicine (DXM and guafenesin) so I can atleast escape reality for a while and chill with cool aliens via hallucinations (Ill probably fuck this up too)
Thank you in advance to anyone.


shit sorry for posting without a flag, well here it is, hope this counts.


>Give me instructions on how to change my reality
Begin here:

>Does the law of attraction actually work? It never has for me

It does, there may some reasons for it no working. The books on the above link will help you with that. There's also a thread on it where some mistakes are highlighted.


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so reading books on magick will help me? I'll look into it, but I was wondering if there was something I can do right away
one of my favorite games ever


Only reading won't help. Following the practices on the books will. The first two as recommended in order don't have them, but the other ones do.


let me ask two more things, exactly how will this help me? And how long will this take to learn


It'll teach you how to literally change the world, take it apart and put it together as you wish. It'll present you to higher and better realities and tell you how to achieve them. And will help change your frame of mind to a more desirable one.

About how long it takes, it truly varies from person to person, the whole of occult workt is huge, just be sure to not dismiss the practices. You may already get something in a month or so.


this does sound to good to be true, but I have one last question, there isn't any harm to this is there? I mean this isn't some satanic/demonic black magic is it? What kind magick do they belong to, like gnostic or something?


These recommended ones don't have anything truly dangerous.


I think you should start with sticky as >>21686 said.

I used to feel bad because of people/studies/love that sort of things.
I recommend you to read The Universal Master Key by Franz Bardon. It's in the mega under /Fringe Essentials/Franz Bardon. It's one of the greatest book that I've ever read.
It helps you to find your true self by analyzing and classifying positive and negative attributes of self.
If you really know yourself and seek ascension, then only improvement waits after that.

Take a look at emotional alchemy if you need to get rid off that feelings. It may be a good idea.

Also, leaving occult apart, there are some books I recommend you to read.

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carneige.
> this book shows you some tips which are very usefull regarding social contact and relationships.
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman.
> if you like poetry it's a very good book. If you don't just read the poem Song of Myself (or only start reading and stop when you feel lazy).

Sometimes is also usefull to have somebody who motivates and helps you, but take note if you do it, you're depending on him/her.


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Buy this book: http://www.amazon.com/Exploring-World-Dreaming-Stephen-LaBerge/dp/034537410X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1423576482&sr=8-1&keywords=la+berge

or find a pdf version and steal it.

It is the most authoritative and instructive book on Lucid Dreaming and dream phenomenon.

Lucid dreaming is superior escapism/self-exploration than getting diddled on brain cell destroying cough syrup.

The lucid state allows total freedom and is useful for transforming your psychology in waking life. It is also the ideal medium for magical workings.

The book lacks a supernatural focus, but the author references a few occult authors (such as P. D. Ouspensky) and eastern thought such as Tibetan Buddhism and refers to relaxation meditation techniques from Swami Rama.


I'd really recommend not killing yourself (especially not based on whether you've moved out of your parents house or not).

It wont improve your situation at all and will most likely worsen it.


that Universal Master Key sounds interesting, I will look into that too!
Iv tried lucid dreaming for 2 years but fail at every turn, Ill try it again thanks! But I still want to do my cough syrup
But how when the after life might be better than this one?



Try this for lucid dreaming


also lots of lucid dreaming and astral projection misc files and pdfs



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This might help.


Reality Creation Redux OP it's what you need along with general mental training for increasing concentration, memory, will, etc. and elemental balancing.


Don't do those drugs btw, it just poisons you, and gets you more entity attachments.

Instead, get a bucket, fill it with water and salt (not sodium chloride but a quality sea salt) and keep your feet in there. Repeat any mantra you like and feel and visualize all black energy moving from your body into the water and ending your pain.

If you succeed the water will turn black.


>but I was wondering if there was something I can do right away

Something you can do right away: Get comfy, visualize a void, move your whole consciousness into the void, stay in the void empty of thoughts for 15 minutes and feeling nothing (no body pressure, no sense of weight, etc.) until you've been there awhile. Then visualize a body in the void and take possession of it.

If you want to actually navigate out there you'll need psychomancy or you can invoke water and wait for whatever random entities want to come collect you and take you on a journey through the astral.


Whether it's "black magick" or not depends on how you use it.


saved and saved. Thanks!
hmm I saved it and will look into it very soon! but idk how much self discipline will help
Is that literally manifesting stuff into reality? That would help but it sounds too good to be true…
Actually I already do this sometimes, but not the mantra stuff as im not into hinduism
damn this visualization stuff is the worst for me, what does a void look like even? And the whole empty thought is literally impossible because im literally thinking 24 hours a day, literally almost.


shit keep forgetting my flag


Self discipline is THE most important aspect for any work, magickal or mundane. It doesn't matter what you're plans are, benevolent or self-serving, this is an aspect that you will have to improve, there is no ignoring it. You won't make progress without it.

This ties into the visualisation/meditation as well. It's difficult at the start, everything is. It's not going to get any easier without ptactise. The first few attempts may be wrought with 'failure', but That is the nature of everything you will attempt in your life.

You want to bend reality to your will. There's no magic pill you can swallow to just give you these powers, you need to train and practise. Self-discipline is the key. I cannot stress this enough. Even if you give up on the occult and go back to mundane means, self-discipline is the most important aspect for success.

YOU are the only one who can change your reality, and it starts by changing yourself.


Don't buy into weird theories, strange techniques and self-help books. They will only make it worse. You have a craving for advice, some wise words to set you in the right direction. In this frame of mind, everyone will jump to try and say something and perhaps prove themselves wise or sell you an idea. Go to church, go to a doctor, go to here and they'll convince you that you are sick and that they have the cure.

If you really want to get better, go to therapy. This is not just another place of those I've mentioned and my advice is unlike the others. The real difference is that if your therapist is good, he will make you reflect on your own problems and make you perceive yourself better. Without any fantasies or images or judgements. It's not a right/wrong or good/bad kind of answer, but rather, why do you think is that? What can you do? He or she will be asking you directly that. So you tell us that you feel like a "complete loser". Well, what is a complete loser? I'm not asking others, neither I'm saying you are or aren't it, but he would have to know, what thing makes you a complete loser? Don't answer here, this is just an example. Think of what you are saying about yourself and examine it throughly, holding your judgement a little. A lot of that is confuse because you've been taking too many advices and getting into too many messages.



>>21761 cont
It is only through a change of attitude that you'll see your reality change. It is much more simple than any fantastical explanation one could give and it is exactly why it is so hard to face it. Sometimes we assume a certain problem has no way out, until we do the obvious and somehow things change because of it. For instance, if you are hiding a secret from someone you may think "anything but telling it" or "if I tell it, I'm dead!". If that's your situation, then tell it. You'll see, it's not the worst thing in the world, the worst is to hold on to it. And it will be hard and traumatic and you'll cry and things may even appear to be ruined, but in the end, after all that dust have settled and you've moved on to new things, you'll ask yourself "what would have happened if I didn't move?" and the answer is that you'd have stayed where you are now.

Don't kill yourself, not because life is any better or worse than death, but because that won't fix your problem. There is no need to do yourself any harm. The idea is that if you fail in the way that you say you do, you must punish yourself in some way, or make it worse so that you can get out of it or something. That's not the logical thing to do, it's not sensible, you are not doing yourself any good. What can you do, then? What can you do that is good to you?



>>21762 cont

The answer is not in science or philosophy or religion or magic or self-help or in anything. Because even if you may learn a good thing or two from those things, you'll have to learn how to apply it to your problem. I could tell you that I was in a similar situation when I was your age and I promise you that this is a real sensation in me, but I must hold myself and not compare the two cases. Each situation is unique. Your problem may be solved by talking to someone or by exercising your body, it may involve a new habit or a new attitude, it will certainly involve you dropping that self-loathing, but how will I ever be able to tell you this from afar? Go to a good therapist. Not a psychiatrist, nor a behavioral psychologist, but a good analyst. That's what analysis is about, talking those things out and paying attention to how you describe your own problems, learning to deal with them in a certain way that makes you find the solutions yourself.

All is lost, you are a horrible human being, this and that… Those are all illusions, images you created for yourself and for the situation around you. That too will pass and new perspectives will come about. The answer is not in an answer. I'll explain: you won't find an answer that ends the mystery, that prepares you for everything, that will "fix" things. You'll find answers that grant you the strenght to do things in spite of being prepared for them, answers that will teach you how to find new answers for each given situations. What can you do to make things better? Forget everything that you've ever heard, take a few deep breaths, ask yourself that.



>>21763 cont

A lot of confusion, a lot of answers will pop into your head. Do this, do that, I must think like this or like that! and you'll try them out and fail and fail and fail… And because of that, you'll assume that you are a failure! But take the confusion out: you can't solve this alone. We tend to think that being alone and thinking things "within ourselves" is guaranteed clarity. It's the contrary. If you had a strange notion about yourself early on, that thing can grow out of proportions. If you feel you are shit some day and there was no one there to ask "why do you think that?", you'll likely think it is true. And if you think it is true, you'll take it to heart and it will poison all of your other thoughts. That's why, once again, I'll give you just this advice: go see a therapist. The therapist won't let those notions grow, not because they are "wrong" or ecause they are "bad" for you, but because he won't take anything without a foundation for it. Your own judgement will have to explain yourself and you'll resist it and try to skip it and seek some answer in some book. But really, what makes you think you are shit? That thing that makes you think you are shit… Is it really so? And why is it so? And what can you do to solve it? Have you risked alternatives that are actually not as bad if you think more about it?

Anyway, anon, be patient with yourself. I don't think you are shit, because I've never met anyone who was shit in my life, despite not thinking it so at certain times. We are only confuse for some moments and I've been through it. That too will pass, believe me. It will not be solved, don't expect things to be good or great or easy, or that I have a perfect smooth life because I'm giving you advice. But you'll get over the worst moments and learn to deal with the rest of the bumps that you'll inevitably encounter.



>>21764 cont
Search nearby, find a name of a therapist, find the number, call, set an appointment, go see that person. Give it a chance, trust that person, be honest. If you really really don't like it or if the person is suddenly telling you what to do and everything, find someone else. But don't give up on this idea. If you already see a therapist and it's not working out, do the same. Talk your problem out, let the words reveal to you the true nature of your problem. Act, do things, don't let those things sit on you. Someone once told me that it is like a whirlpool that sucks us in. We are afraid to swim and closer to the center, but if you don't move, you'll just be sucked in. Swim, gain momentum and you'll see it's possible to get out.

Oh, also, be careful with the idea that what you need is "self-discipline" or something. Sometimes that is only based on the idea that you are doing it, but just not doing it hard enough. It can be very harmful, it can make you really believe you are a failure. Most of the times, it is not self-discipline that is the problem, but that you don't know what to do or you are pressing on in the same methods.

If you really want to just read something that can help you, I can only recommend you something that helped me, which was discovering Alan Watts talks. There are plenty on youtube. Listen what he says about anxiety.

I believe in you, anon. It will get better.


A void just looks like a whole lot of blackness all around you.

>Is that literally manifesting stuff into reality? That would help but it sounds too good to be true…

Yeah. Taken to an extreme you can make really improbable things happen if you get a good hang of how to work it. It requires a lot of finesse and there's no limits on it too, so don't limit it just to important stuff you really want, use it for any random fun thing you're not even invested in the results of and you'll probably have it happen, regardless of how absurd the thing is.


kek, so much delusional mundane bullshit.

Anon should just complete the great work of alchemy rather than deluding himself into thinking shit is not shit.

We are all shit – until we have completed the Great Work

>tfw I know how to do it


I see your point, I guess it could help then.
Thank you for this long post, I dont have any money for a therapist though. I wasnt joking when I said I was a loser.
Thank you! This really does sound intreging.
So do you mean alchemy?


Alchemy has 4 preperatory phases.

1. The purification of the body.
2. The purification of the mind.
3. The purification of the ethereal body.
4. The raising up of these 3 to spirit.
5. The creation of the stone.

The first phase is the hardest but can be accelerated a bit if you also work on the second phase at the same time.

Eventually you'll be able to utilize pure etheric energy and create the philosopher's stone.


> create the philosopher's stone.
This board is pretty funny. I can half believe some of the stuff here but create the philosopher's stone(which you already know how to do)



Ok so do you want to laugh at it or probe deeper? I am too busy working on the stone to care if you think it's nonsense.


I'll laugh until I see some proof that this stone exists.
It's existence far too absurd for me.


so what do you recommend to begin #1 purifying the body?

-recommended food and drink?
-exercise regimen?

-what kind of meditation/reflective time to start with #2, purifying the mind?


No more putting toxins into your body, clean air, clean food, clean water. Remove all toxins you can. Eat pure.

For #2 stop feeding deleterious thoughtforms, get control of your mind and emotions, balance your elements. Read The Universal Master Key.

For #3 start energywork, astral travel, etc. and learn to stockpile and manipulate etheric energy.

You can only make it if you are 4D.


Don't do exercise btw, just asanas / stretching / pranayama, and learn to consciously make your muscles grow / create stigmata. Exercise might be something you need to do in the early stages just for the energy and so on but not later on.


>But how when the after life might be better than this one?

You're already in hell bud, do you think it's so easy to up and leave? Transmuting yourself in this life is the only thing worth doing.


do you have any work that I can read to know more about the 4 stuff? And I heard its dangerous if you mess up on the philosophers stone. I dont want to lose my hair and teeth
I know that. But what makes it hell? Is it the universe itself? Is it because it made of physical matter? Or is it because the unfair survival of the fittest type laws that govern life thats the work of a cruel god/devil?


>do you have any work that I can read to know more about the 4 stuff? And I heard its dangerous if you mess up on the philosophers stone. I dont want to lose my hair and teeth

You can't even make it without completing the first 4 phases. Once you have completed though you can't fail. You'll have access to the akashic records, be capable of manipulating etheric energy, etc. to a very precise degree.


just lurking this board for some laughs atm but stopping by to say that you should really do an allergy test for DXM like a day before your real dose if you didn't already know that


Already took the DXM didnt get high though for some reason, ill try a higher dose later


You need to take every bottle available in your vicinity!


Stop this drugs faggotry and just learn to induce trance and you can have any experience you want without poisoning your body.

Fuck, I can do amazing shit in trance; I can do motherfucking magick.

Remember; the experience is in the mind the drug is only a catalyst; an unnecessary catalyst.


The thread on trance got delted, that's why I have to order drugs.


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