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Esoteric Wizardry


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Fuck the question thread, how should one prepare for and help bring forth the coming change?

Its obvious that the happening is becoming exponential, its going to happen soon.

Post any and all relevant advice.


The most useful thing you could do is get into permanent contact with a 4D spirit guide that is capable of giving accurate information and help and can keep you safe.

Besides that, fix up your body, sharpen you senses, increase your resources, etc.


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Not OP but that answer was pretty based lol. If you really want to 'prepare', self initiate into the higher realms of the Kabbalah. There are a lot of traditions surrounding this idea, most of them clones of one another.

Dion fortune is pretty solid in this area, and her books are recommended by Rosicurians to the 3 grades of Adept within the system, so you know she's at least somewhat legit.

Getting an astrologically labeled tarot deck like the waite or thoth can help you learn kabbalah, and as you practically get acquainted with the cards, so you will with the tree.

Crowley's Liber Samekh is pretty cool too.

You might want to start 'working out' your spirit first with some pranayama, the basics of which are described well in Initiation to Hermetics. Bardon is a fuck though, and you shouldn't take a lot of his shit at face value.

Cave of the Numinous is pretty badass also. Its a more Eastern form of initiation and ascension.


Pranayama is just reversed nostril breathing right?


I have a book from Dion Fortune (magical use of thoughtforms).'

No. Read "The Science of Breath".


start doing parkour it seems.


download every ban and classic book >pdf on external hard drive or flash drive
>Trust no one who thinks or fears physical concepts. heretics to keeping beliefs, atheist, and Zionism are you generally your main concern.


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Things to do during the happening:

1. Gather food and water (You can't fight on a empty stomach) but only as much as you need (eat for energy, not for comfort)

2. Arm yourself as best you can (feel free to be creative)

3. Find good-natured people and persuade them to form a group for protection and mutual self interest

4. Your extensive spiritual and magical study should have built a zealous determination and inner strength which will ascend you to the top of the natural hierarchy of your tribe

5. Be brave and noble to inspire the best in your allies

6. Use your intuition and intelligence to solve all problems that arise

7. Now that you are a Feudal Lord you have complete freedom to live the life you want to live


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>Its obvious that the happening is becoming exponential, its going to happen soon
Can you elaborate?



watch the news yuo thick fuck

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