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Esoteric Wizardry


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firnge, I have a problem: since I was 10, i have mucus coming down on my throat. Usually this isn't a big problem, but when I try to meditate this shit start to coming out, and I need to swallow it to my throat. Does someone have the same problem? How can I solve it?


I have the same shit kind of, where im just gassy and have to burp over and over.

Its all diet bro, eat more alkaline rich food (aka fruits and veggies u bitch)

Keep goin tho try to push past the discomfort.


Find which side is more congested. Modify nostril flow by hand to produce even air flow. Slowly reduce the amount of restriction and it will begin to even out on its own. Then you can breathe fully and drink in the sweet amrita

Also yeah, fruits, vegs, less dairy


No comment, I have a rare genetic mutation, which gives me a superior throat that can't be choked that is extremely rare in the populace.


I had the same problem and I used the law of attraction technique, now I breath perfectly top kek that shit really works.


as the other anon said it is all diet

milk products cause a lot of mucus problems (-itis) and to a lesser extent other animal products

milk products are probably the key to getting rid of your problem though


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Jala Netti yourself after you rise in the morning and before bed.

Yogis have been battling the mucus since time immemorial.


this could be a neat solution since I always have at least one nasal cavity always ottured.


Also look up some asanas dealing with the throat and mouth. I forget their names but supposedly those involving manipulation of the tongue are very useful for mucus and can also help with saliva and the stimulation of surrounding glands.


Stop eating shit. This problem is usually caused by a diet filled with gluten and dairy products.


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Hot sauce will clear you up. Drink it.


Contains sodium bisulfite. Throws off your enteric nervous system and makes you fart toxic volcano gas. Get habanero sauce with no sodium benzoate, soybean oil, xanthan gum, etc.


>Yogis have been battling the mucus since time immemorial.
it could be all that ghee (dairy) they eat

really though as I already said >>22113 it is diet

I read/heard about diet being the cause and when I put it to the test I found that I can now breath through both nostrils very high volumes of air
If I were to lift my nose a bit so that the filtering function is bypassed then I can breath more volume of air faster than through my mouth


>If I were to lift my nose a bit so that the filtering function is bypassed then I can breath more volume of air faster than through my mouth

When I do this just right, I get a cracking effect that connects all the way from the tip of the nose to the base of the spine. I bring the tips of my fingers up evenly to a point and lift up, while breathing in: Å

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