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Esoteric Wizardry


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Post some bad shit you would never eat or have eaten in the past and regret it, or need to stop eating.

tl;dr post mundane food


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This. I used to be in love with eating pizza, ate enough of it for a lifetime.

It's nothing but a huge piece of white bread with cheese and tomato sauce! Alas, I shall never eat it again.. Well, maybe just one piece every 10 years or so. That's not so bad, right?


I don't eat mundane food period. I either eat right or I starve. Get on my level.


>Being so pleb you let your diet affect your magical practice
what a fucking neophyte


I bet you can't even Inedia.


It's not bad in itself, it can be made pretty much any way you want it.


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Drank a lot of sugar liquid, (juices, sodas) and ate candy (Milky Way, Snøre, etc.) when I was a kiddo and teen.

Haven't eaten sugary garbage ever since I got into fringe-y stuff. I also avoid spices, onion, and processed meat, (I'm basically vegetarian because I can't find any non-processed meat, ha!)


Does onion have a negative effect on astral projecting?


It does. Makes it harder to stay in control, a little hazier, a little sluggish, etc.

There is stuff in onions and garlic that bypasses the blood-brain barrier and causes you trouble.

You could brute-force through it but it would be tough and exhausting.

Autobiography of a Yogi I think warns us about this.


Damn, no wonder I've been having so much trouble with this lately, how long does it take to purify yourself?


Dunno. Just stop eating onion and, if you can, go to sauna.

Sauna does wonders to your body.


>tfw no sauna

I wish I could visit a sauna.

Maybe I could find one somewhere anyways and sneak in for free.

Maybe a hotel or something might have one.

I just do tumo meditation instead for now.

Really need some salt though…


I'll have to do a bit of a turn around, about 80% of my meals use onion.


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>tfw ate some pork marinated in onion today
If garlic has similar effects to onion in relation to astral projection this explains why I'm having so much trouble with it.


don't eat pork


Garlic is even more extreme than onion in its effects. It's useful if you're subject at the moment to some sort of psychic attack you need to suppress and it pretty much works by shutting down your third eye. Other than that, it's rather troublesome.


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Good choice op

Those have a cult following among underaged mexicans

These are my choice. Also taco bell ranch doritos supreme tacos



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I once drank this disgusting crap to fit in at school. I drank only energy drinks and pop, I'd drink many cans a day, never water.


Currently im just eating a strict vegitarian organic diet.

Nothing that is not organic goes in my mouth. And I cook all my own meals with cocanut oil and no animal fats. I make sure always to cleane and detox.

Foods i avoid from worst to not as bad

Non organic meats
Red meat in general
Wheat(barley ok)
Organic meats, even red
Fried foods of any kind, always bake or sautee fat out
Fast fucking food, ida throw it away before eating it
Bread of any kind, fuck that shit.
Never ingest any toothpaste, i brush my teeth with baking soda only and wash my hair with apple cidar vinegar only
Pre cooked foods
Sweets, any kind of chocolate or nut treats.
Or any kind of jerked or salted meats
I never eat any processed foods that come in a box period.
Never let anyone cook for you, ever, no premade meals nothing that comes in a boxnor bag or pork or anyshit

Well that is the list essencially and when I do a proper detox opening my third eye is as easy as blinking and I can easily hear thr thoughts and affect the thoughts and emotions of those around me.


Fuck off Dre, I know dogs that are more enlightened than you


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Hey. Retard. Organic foods are grown right next to the "non-organic" foods. It's a scam so gullible people like you can say "nothing that is not organic goes into my mouth". Which taken as a sentence without the idiotic definition of "organic" stamped upon your brain by the major food companies is incredibly stupid.


>Not activating your almonds


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>Implying it's completely impossible to get organic. Food

Fuckin plebs lmao ha he ho ha hah


How bad is eating canned tuna and drinking tapwater?


Depends what you think of mercury and fluoride.


This. I've heard of bodybuilders going insane from eating canned tuna on a regular basis. (Apparently it has a unique protein of some kind).


No doubt it's good gainz food, but all i'm saying is you gotta be careful of the traces of mercury found in some.


Nah its that big ocean fish tend to accumulate more mercury in the flesh compared to smaller fish on average.

Sardines are a great alternative, lower mercury content, very high in omega-3s (x3-x5 times more than average fish) and a rich source of calcium. Only problem is the uric acid if you tend to suffer from gout.


What sort of magical flaming faggot uses a camera like that to take pictures of taco bell drinks


I don't eat pork. It has tons of parasites and digest things almost twice as fast as other animals. I eat a lot of birds for meat.

I don't eat processed foods either. They're fucking disgusting. Things with heavy amounts of preservatives or altered heavily make me feel cloudy and sluggish.

I don't drink alchohol and I don't put anything with flouride in my body.

I try not to eat too many fungi, but Cooked mushrooms are so delicious.


The selenium in tuna prevents the absorption of mercury. However as >>22683 pointed out, sardines are superior. Being lower on the food chain, they haven't accumulated as much toxic shit from the water into their flesh, not to mention they are sustainable.


Red meat, corn-poisoned cow patties (McDonald's and other Chaim restaurants), soda, non-filtered tap water, any junk food, etc.

I buy natural sweets such as cacao and 100% natural fruit slices (kind of like fruit snacks, they're a thin paste of fruit), but my main dishes include fruits for breakfast, in the spring my own fruits, natural meat I buy from a nearby farm that has grass-fed cattle for dinner, I normally don't eat lunch because of school lunch and I don't know what the fuck is in that. I also drink La Croix or purified tap water throughout the day to keep hydrated, if im excercising I'll drink coconut water mixed with pineapple juice, best goddamn thing on earth. You want a cup of 3/4 pineapple juice and 1/4 coconut unless you actually enjoy that shitwater.

This year or the next I plan on raising chickens, for their meat and eggs, along with the usual fruits and vegetables.

And then of course using the rest of your uneaten foods for the wild to eat, either in blót form or not for the spirits of the wild.


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>tfw the only place I can find to Sauner close enough to my house (no car) is a gay club.

>Go there, in sauner with my towel. Surrounded by naked guys with erections.

>Constantly hit on, propositioned for sex

>no thanks I am just here to sauner

>do this for several weeks

>finally asked to stop coming, because people complained about me to the owner


I can't give up my fucking spices


Well, you're gonna! (hand them over)



Not him but are not spices healthy?


There are some healthy spices, but their use should be kept in check. Using some select spices in moderation as sources of helpful nutrients? Nothing wrong with that! Using any spices because they taste good and make food more interesting? No good.

As always I'm speaking from a Yogic point of view.


Have to make my mujaddara without fried onions tonight, this is the wizard life.


If you are very aware of your energybody, astral travel a lot, and do trance meditation and thought forming regularly then take note for yourself how various food substances effect you as they go through your body.


Problem is i can't astral travel yet, I've been working at it solidly the past two months and only this week have i changed my diet.

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