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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1423885045943.png (586.11 KB, 1024x1707, 1024:1707, renge.png)


>>>/am/ here.
What's your favorite anime to watch while wearing your tinfoil hat, /fringe/?


Rosario + Vampire


xxxHolic has legit occult teachings.


File: 1423886800406.jpg (93.38 KB, 619x509, 619:509, 2dpill.jpg)

>watching anime
>not living it


File: 1423888103602.jpg (506.04 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, XxxHolic-Wallpaper-_.jpg)

I second xxxHolic. Also, Yuko is best grill.


File: 1423888751940.jpg (139.55 KB, 369x426, 123:142, Zashiki-Warashi-xxxholic-2….jpg)

No way.


questions in question thread shit cunt


this is killing this board…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Angel's Egg.






No, lazy shitposters are killing the board.

Take a look at this thread: >>22255

It contains a question – but that is OK because it talks more and presents more information.

Why the fuck can't you shitposters do this?

If you're going to just ask a simple question, there is a questions thread for that, where you may post your questions.


File: 1423963886674.jpg (34.19 KB, 400x585, 80:117, 1404315365545.jpg)

Hey you stupid mundane do you even realize there's a whole ton of magick that can be used with anime?

You can evoke your waifu, you can astral travel to anime worlds, you can use deity meditation adapted to anime, etc.

You could totally become a bad-ass illuminated wizard with many skills and virtues by combining a love of anime and magick together.


> Why the fuck can't you shitposters do this?
Assuming I'm a shitposter…
Questions threads often lead to interesting discutions, and always are more productive than b tier shit like "Post your desktop right now don't change anything, and compare to other wizards."


The most you could aspire to would be a decent foundation in the mental plane, the land of human creation.


Questions go in question thread.

Thread has received too many replies so im just gonna lock it.

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