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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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So, due to increased SJW corruption on Reddit the past month, people are fleeing Reddit en masse to go to voat.co, the Hotwheels-endorsed alternative.

If there were ever a time to greenpil and/or redpill, it's now. The site is in alpha, and we can drastically alter the political views and spiritual Weltanschauung of that site by giving them a push in the right direction now. If we subtly spread our information while the site is still new, when it grows into full reddit replacement we'll have swelled our ranks by millions.

What the fuck are you waiting for? It's Hotwheels endorsed and ripe for the picking. Head to https://voat.co/v/politics https://voat.co/v/Conspiracy and other boards and start dropping them pills. Right now they aren't getting rebuked or banned, and people are open to alternative view points having grown sick with the political correctness on reddit.


I'll go there as a /pol/ack but I'd rather not get another influx of mundies in /fringe/ again so I won't be mentioning anything esoteric.


I could possibly go and spread Yoga teachings.


Can we just make some posts about /fringe/ stuff and drops links to here so they come here to download our occult library and ask questions and so on?




I have absolutely no idea how reddit works btw or how to use this site.


Reddit is a cesspool that relies on user votes to push content to the top or sink it to oblivion. It works both very well and very poorly as it relies on trusting the judgment of other users.

Voat.co simply takes the same concept and improves upon it in some way, or at the very least removes the influences that Reddit has currently become entrenched in.

Like any other democracy, Reddit has the same eventual corruption, like voting manipulation and moderator and administrator corruption. People crave the internet approval so will resort to desperate things to get internet points or push their view across.

Because Voat is new, people want to jump on and push a different perspective before anyone else can come in to taint things.

We *could* create a fringe board as a launching point. But activity dictates how much exposure it gets, so it will depend on how many users post there regularly and would divide up things that are already here. There's tons of dead fringe-like boards on reddit.

Compared to the 8ch board however, things would be easier to find and shitposts would get downvoted by the real userbase and eventually disappear.

"xpost from /v/fringe" when posting on other boards would be a great way to namedrop provided that /v/fringe operates without gathering any notoriety due to some kind of pleb misunderstanding.

This is also an issue with Reddit where you have to be careful to disclose what connects to what to avoid being downvoted by fags who disagree. It's easy to do when you understand how to manipulate language but is very annoying to deal with.

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