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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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[Rules] [Guide for Newbies to /fringe/] [Freedomboard] [/asatru/] [/occult/] [/edgy/] [/4chon/]
Read the rules before posting. Go to freedomboard if 8ch.net goes down.

File: 1424039037015.jpg (40.57 KB, 1178x201, 1178:201, nigga.JPG)


He's a fucking 14 year old mod, what do you expect


Reported for not using a flag


give me more of that delicious loosh


File: 1424050694041.png (290.48 KB, 900x300, 3:1, wizard fight.png)

Please allow me to demonstrate by this meme badly edited in paint what seems to be happening in the board right now


>using the default style



>tfw cult of Curls finally forming
flag when?


After I saw that a 14 yr old was going to be modding, and experienced a decline in quality threads, I stopped coming here daily.

This is just a small, really small stepping stone. NO REAL information is ever giving out here and for good reason many are not ready.


I still don't understand the point of switching from freedomboard to here


It's a shame, more than anything. I wouldn't mind if there were more quality discussions, but the board is only dragging itself along on pill threads and loose farming, with the occasional quality post which is usually mostly ignored and driven down the page.


We should try to improve this, don't want to end up without a place for quality magical discussion.


It's true. Nobody is going to do it for us.


Except ur mom! She totally will do it for us!


Sage shitty threads. Post good material and thoughtful response. That's all there is to it short of volunteering as a mod and buttblasting the shitposters.

Visualize how your ideal /fringe/ imageboard would look like and it will manifest.


I literally only delete Curl's threads and nonsensical 'ayy lmao' threads just to watch him rage cause I'm on a shortage of loosh, but thank you all for that loosh


nice, uncle al would be proud but FUCK that guy

I actually get into Magickal topics, post quality replies, don't shitpost (like this thread), etc.. Should we make a /fringe/ complaint sticky where we file complaints about the board? That should weed out these kind of threads.

Thread saged for room for quality threads.


File: 1424175841089.jpg (25.77 KB, 300x225, 4:3, 1415918827891.jpg)

That's strange, because I seem to be receiving vast quantities of loosh after making this thread. gib more loosh pls.


Make a complains thread, no need to sticky it, I think. The porn spam, the no quality threads and Curl's shit is annoying as fuck.


I'd like to volunteer. Who do I talk to?


Consult your pineal gland.

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