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Esoteric Wizardry


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For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a girl. I've asked far and wide for methods to achieve this through occultism and magick but most of the time what I get is that generally magick can't be used to enact physical changes, or at least, not until one has spent their entire lives training. There are other options I have heard rumors of, but almost all involve working with demons, and I don't think I have anywhere near the resolve and training I would need to do that in a safe way. The folks that would even know how tend to keep those kinds of things secret.

Is this the case? I haven't asked this question here, so I figured I would see what the occultists here think.


Some old buddhist texts have some mentions of people changing sex from men to women by karma, generally it's not presented as a good thing. It's one way of losing some type of vows, not sure if monk or boddhisatva vows (I think changing sex three times), and also Shakyamuni in a past life got instant karma changed into woman for mocking some high level monks.

There was some post in here some time ago where a guy said he could feel himself as a girl in the astral or something like that. Don't remember which thread it was though.


I hear if you are wizard enough to bring your physical body into the astral, you would then be able to change it via thought into a perfect form you desire and then bring it back into the physical world. Robert Bruce spoke of this once relating to druids who turn into animals and such.



Thanks for the advice, anons. >>22621, I hadn't heard anything about those Buddhist legends, I'd say that might be worth looking into. Maybe the fact that it can be supposedly accomplished at all could mean there are ways of doing it without involving karma.

And nice astral dubs there, >>22622. I have heard this one quite frequently, though that would also probably take quite a long time to master. I will of course continue to pursue the longer methods, I guess you could say I'm hoping there's someone out there who has already suffered through the trials and could give me direction, or psychic support, in my own struggle.


I think it might be the same guy. That thread was interesting, but he's been rightfully forewarned of potential consequences should he further proliferate the practice.


What kinds of potential consequences?


It's possible, but intensely challenging.
To start with, you need to visualise your body in incredible detail and know absolutely everything about it, the way your skin feels, how you smell and taste and the position of every hair on your body.
You need get this down absolutely perfectly, and then live it.
You need to be living with your new body, you should know the back of its hand better than the back of your own if you are to make it a reality.

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