What happened to my transcendence thread?
Fucking mundanes ruined me. They gave me bacon and mussels, nonkosher foods, and I fucking crashed and became severely depressed and sick.
I now am refusing to eat their crap and they are getting mad at me. I am only consuming honey, tea, nuts, and maple syrup. Fuck anything else. I might eat some fruits and drink juice. I also might start drinking my own piss because my piss smells so nice and sweet and is warm and I am having trouble regulating my body temperature and staying warm.
I hate mundanes so much, they are always trying to lower me to their shitty vibrations.
I can not sleep at all and am so sick right now, complete anhedonia right now, unable to utilize emotion for healing or anything else.
maple syrup has a lot of sugar dude
>>22855Try to rise your mental state above the mundane plane for a while, sounds like you need a rest.
>>22856Is that a problem? I am consuming lots of honey and maple syrup. How much of the sugars from these can I consume? I feel like my body can not absorb anything right now anyways due to my very depressed state of mind… so may as well drink my piss.
I still have not shit out the bacon and mussels and I feel so damned awful.
>>22852You could tell them you're changing to vegetarianism to try get them of your back.
>>22858well if its any normal store brand (honey and syrup) its got lots of HFCS and refined sugar which are very bad for you. Whether you are in a depressed state of mind, your body will still absorb these nutrients. Dont just chug syrup without any pancakes
Yeah the Fructose is going to be so much worse for you. You're not going to transcend, you're going to have a sugar crash and become gassy and lethargic.
I have to ask, why did you eat it when they gave it to you?
Do you live with your family?
>>22861No, that will piss them off even more.
>>22865I have no money and live with family that hates me.
>>22865I am OK when I consume unlimited fruit, honey, etc it does not have those effects on me. Meat and dairy does that to me.
All food is poison, Inedia is the only way.
>>22858Yeah start drinking your own piss, it must be consumed within 15-20 for best results. Urine and Distilled water are the two most easily accessible ways to radically heal oneself. All things said about distilled water on this page apply to urine. No.22873
>>22872I meant "It must be consumed completely within 15-20 minutes of urination for best results."
>>22872Should I wait until the bacon and mussels have totally passed through my body first before drinking my own piss?
Finished reading New Energy Ways v2.
>>22890flush it all out baby!
“A Synopsis of Practical Psychic Self-Defense”Practical Psychic Self-Defense: understanding and surviving unseen infl uences (PPSD), was not conceived as a popular book, but to help real people with real supernatural problems. Confl ict with some popular New Age type beliefs was unavoidable. PPSD offers sound experience-based advice and a range of practical countermeasures that can be used by the average person with no background in applied metaphysics. Everything is explained and taught as simply and practically as possible. Where necessary, short training units are provided to fi ll in the gaps.PPSD focuses on educating people on the how’s and why’s of supernatural problems and what can be done about them; from mild psychic infl uences and hauntings, to major psychic attacks and possessions. PPSD is a supernatural expose’ for the uninitiated, and a survival guide for those living the nightmare.Supernatural problems often require supernatural solutions. For this reason, though most countermeasures within PPSD are very down-to-earth, elements of applied metaphysics are found throughout. As far as possible, PPSD desensationalizes potentially frightening subject matter by classing all spirits that can adversely affect humans as negative inorganic beings, or ‘negs’ for short.
>>22890You don't need to unless they make it taste so repulsive that you can't handle drinking it.
No.22901 and physical shit is utterly fucking useless, gonna just look for healing in the astral.
Maybe I should use my immense negative energy to intentionally fuck up my skin more as a self-demonstration of power?
>>22902That's not how a wizard would act, try keep your negative emotions under control.
>>22903I just used water + faith + emotional resonance to cause a visible level of healing to my face. Holy shit, I feel a measure of returning happiness at this success. The formula was as follows;
1. Will doing this heal my skin?
2. Emotion/feeling check to see if doubt or other negative thought forms arise in response to my self-inquiry.
3. Proceeded when I obtained gnosis, the knowing in this case that it would work.
>>22909I also BTW have been immensely successful at using negative energy and doubt to completely mitigate any positive effects of medication before as well.
I need to start practicing making stigmata and becoming a shape shifter.
>>22912How are you going to go about shape shifting? Will you change your body in the astral or slowly change it through will like the stigmata method.
TFW feel more negative energy incoming and fucking my shit up.
>>22913Intense imagination, confronting and processing all relevant thoughtforms, and cleansing my astral body too through energywork. Also will.
Franz Bardon The Practice of Magical Evocation is corrupted in the library, where can I get it?
>>22960I just opened it fine on my PC. I downloaded the whole mega folder back in December. Though it said "insufficient data for image" all the pages are there and the book is perfectly readable.
>>22968I can not open it in my android tablet.
I hate mundanes so much too, they are so disrespectful and steal my energy and drag me down to their shitty low vibrations and they always want more and never improve.
The thing that pisses me off the most is simply this; when I myself make a bad choice it ALWAYS happens out of ignorance or having very limited options. The mundanes however can and have been told by me hundreds of times what to avoid, what is easier and more beneficial, etc. and they ignore me or get mad at me for trying to help them and bestow upon them sacred knowledge.
…but they always want me to heal them FOR FREE just so they can continue to abuse their bodies and also be a total cunt towards me and steal my loosh more.
They are complete fucking parasites with no virtue, no will or desire to improve, and who reject knowledge.
I love people that sincerely want to get better and be of service to themselves and others. These filthy mundanes that surround me are just toxic, obese, deranged, mind controlled freaks whose minds consist mostly of the content of televisions. They willfully poison their bodies even though sometimes the better and healthier food is literally cheaper and they can totally afford to pay a premium as well on good uncorrupted food.
I spend as much time as possible completely alone and want to break contact with them even more and just be around only people that actually are trying to become better people instead of just being faithful servants of a bunch of really stupid vices.
BTW, mundanes try to force body contact or make me look them in the eyes just to steal my high energy which they can feel and it drains my energybody and makes me take on their sickness and makes it hard for me to get back into the astral.
I have to spend hours doing energy work, eat only pure foods, etc. to heal myself of their poison. Meanwhile they just continue to poison themselves with bad food and bad mental habits and so on and cannot be fucked to do anything to improve, they would rather steal my energy and live parasitically off of me.
When I manage to get away from them, they all probably be in the hospital dying pretty quick, without me around to steal loosh from.
>>22992It's a tough life when the entire worlds against you, at least we're the ones heading upwards.
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>22891>>22852>>22992Why do you let external circumstances affect your internal state?
Mundanes have the ability to 'steal', or 'lower' your vibration because you let them. Because you externalize your power and put it in them. Stop doing that.
>They gave me bacon and mussels, nonkosher foods, and I fucking crashed and became severely depressed and sickYou always have a choice. Refuse the food if you think it will harm you. Stop being paranoid. They're not trying to harm you, but you have very different beliefs, so what may not harm others, may harm you.
To me, belief has a lot to do with reality. I personally believe that
everyone sort of cashes a 'belief' vote into a big pool of reality. What most people believe becomes reality.
I recommend this video. This dude is very green pilled, and I love his positive message.
>TFW a mundane seriously just asked me why I do all the stuff I do to become a better, healthier person and did not get why I care
Fucking hylics. They must lack spirit, it would explain a lot, as their suffering and their joy is fake. They have nothing to lose. They are just 100% programming.
>>23001It is a painful realization to understand how robotic people are, i still believe that i can help them though, if only they would listen.
>>22997Try being in my situation for a change, they yell at me and break into my room to yell at me more and they do not stop harassing me. I am actually leaving in 4 days and I meant to leave today but the fucking mundanes delayed me and I missed my chance to leave. They tricked me into coming out here with outright lies BTW.
They are trying to harm me BTW, hate me. I am GTFOing ASAP.
I know that the effects of food on me has to do with my inherited karma and I could eventually reach either Inedia or a point where tons of toxic food will not effect me but in the meanwhile I have to play by the rules of my own personal metaphysical map and that means I need to avoid this shit so I can get the energy I need to raise myself to higher planes of consciousness where I can then operate on my lower self and fix the defective programming of my body.
Tl;dr you do not know what situation I am in right now and comment out of ignorance.
>>23002>if only they would listenThat feel.
>>23003 They second BTW is supposed to just be "they"
>>23003You're right I don't know your exact position. I don't know why they would want to yell or harm you either.
I can't put myself in your situation because i don't have enough details. Why would they trick you? Why would they get you out there so that they could expend energy pestering you? I just don't get what's in it for them.
You seem to be very paranoid, but if you should definitely follow your heart and do what you think is right.
What appeals to me personally is the ability to rise my consciousness above situations to overcome stress, and fear. I know i'll probably never reach a state where I can burn myself alive and be completely relaxed, but then again I don't want to lol.
I've been in situations before when I told myself that I hated everyone around me, and that they were all out to get me, but it never made me happy. For a while I got this sort of underdog feel where it was like it made me some sort of hero, and at the time I really needed that.
You're probably different.
So yes, I don't know you, and I don't know your circumstances. I strongly feel that my opinions are self-empowering and loving.
Please, try to have a good day, :).
>>23006It is hard for me to send messages here so you will have to wait 4 days at least before I can really explain in detail. I am just surrounded by really awful crazy people whose thought processes are unfathomable to me. They are very sick and do not know what people outside of their bubble are like. These are normies that use Facebook, watch tons of television, do not read or if they do read it is only trashy literature, and willfully live in disgusting conditions. They would be horrified using imageboards for even one day and would have a total meltdown that someone triggered their feels. They fly off the handle at imagined slights and are just very intolerable awful fucking people to be around. They also are very mentally impaired, it is very hard for them to memorize anything, or to change how they live or do anything at all. In short, they are mindless bluepills, and dumb as niggers.
What the fuck is wrong with you people? Drinking your own piss? Visualizing being healed instead of going to a doctor? Giddings me??
>>24952It's almost as if Crowley is posting here.
Yes guys, meditate in a cesspit to prove your worth then you can bugger me on the alter to invoke pan.
If I lived alone my practices would be enhanced tenfold. I have no money to leave, though. It's a desperate situation. I really have to get out before I explode and do something reckless.
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>24231It got deleted when board was kill.
>>24961Water the spiritual benefits of living alone vs living with family?
>>24975What do you think? Not him, but If I didn't live around mind controlled bluepills that have the TV on 24/7 and fill their bodies with poison my life would be a lot better. It's not about living alone, it's about not being around shitty human beings. Like him, I am slowly going insane from my current living situation and I can't get simply because I don't have enough of these fucking demonic federal reserve notes.
>>24982>>24983You and me both brother. One day we'll escape and do what we are supposed to do.
>>24975I suppose it depends on what your family is like? I was never close to mine. I felt extremely uncomfortable around them all the time. To make things worse, one of the people that live here is not related to me by blood so it makes things harder than they have to be.
>>24952>implying OP even have access to doctors No.25015
>>25010I feel you guys, since my mind has become much more receptive to other peoples emotions and negativity, i can't handle living around these mundanes.
>>25015This has happened to me too and the thing is you can't fucking turn it off without losing your connection to everything. The water element has to be active for you to work at a high level but it also picks up intense bad vibes from others and it's absolutely awful.
That's diabetes you moron.