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Esoteric Wizardry


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>tfw go all the way down the rabbithole

>finally understand true nature of the self

>the more truth I find, the less satisfied I am

>tfw realize what the optimal way to exist is. - That it's better to be a Mundane than enlightened

>tfw all the mundanes I used to criticize were actually doing it right.

Goddam why did I listen to /fringe/?

I want to go back

How do I go back


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Bluepill please go, enlightenment is a painful process with the greatest reward for becoming fully realized and going the distance. Mundanes always end in poor health, divorce, tragedy, etc. and will never traverse the higher planes or avoid reincarnation and endless pain. Mundanes disgust me.


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Do you not understand? The very act of seeking truth takes you further from truth.

You cannot simultaneously BE truth, and BE AWARE of it.

Being, or becoming.

Pick one.


Waking up is a very traumatic process. You're going through the classic stages of grief. All that there is left to do now is continue the path of education and perfect all aspects of yourself. The price for freedom is alienation.


Good thing I seek power? Truth is just useful.


You will awaken from nightmare into nightmare until you are fully awake. Keep walking.>>22980


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It can't be a valley of darkness unless there is a hilltop on the other side.


You don't get to pick. You've still got a long way to go.


I don't understand the need for isolation to become green-pilled. Unless you mean to refine yourself in privacy. Even then, when you were done becoming enlightened you could go back to having friends anyway

All of my friends are mundanes, and even though they'll never adopt my view points or beliefs I accept them as they are. That's fine. If they have a problem with me for what I believe that's THEIR problem. Also, there's always going to be people who accept, and don't accept you. No matter what. You're on fringe. You're not isolated.

Can't you see the duality of it?

For all the truth I have I contain just as much bullshit.

You are material, and you also are not.

You are mundane, and you also are wizard.

You don't need to go back anywhere because you're going exactly as you ever would. Follow your heart.

I wish Peace,Love, and Good fortune to you. Mundane, Fringe, or otherwise :)


This shit is starting to sound like reddit… Mundane is a synonym for plebian, which involves very openly a hive mind.

On the other hand OP is a little bitch who can't handle evolution…


As the Bible says "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm", and that's quite true. As inside, so outside: your companions are a reflection of yourself. You attract and are attracted by vibrations similar to yours, in a way that having lower degree friends just evidences and prolongs a lower degree of development in yourself.


>"Hermeticists can isolate themselves psychologically from this (the Matrix Society) negative influence and remain awake, but are forced to share with people the material circumstances derived from this situation of mass hypnosis"

- the Stellar Man


Periods of isolation are very useful as is engagement in the greater world, so long as you are mindful.

As far as friends are concerned, what is important is the influence they have on you and you on them.


wasn't there a very similar thread but with many many more posts? I'm tryirg to find it but it looks like it got deleted

there was some discussion about the self not existing and just being an infinite feed back loop, just like everything else in existance

anyone know what I'm talking about?


The board got hijacked and lost all last week posts. Did you just not notice all the missing stuff? Pics, background, etc.


oh.. so we start a new?

what if it happens again?


Not anew, the images, flags and css went missing, but of posts we lost only one week. There's a sticky on what happened. Probably won't happen again, since the cripple will implement a new system for changing the board's owner.


the truth was never meant to make you satisfied

the simple fact that taking the "normal path" makes you ignorance will make anyone who sees the truth frusterated

now that you know the truth, be part of the force to enlighten othetrs and fix the world

aspire to the vision that normality will be synonymous with enlightenment

well that sucks but is okay I guess


None of you know The Truth and I do not know The Truth all I know is that no human in his underdeveloped barely conscious state perceives much of the whole of reality…

So stop acting like you guys "know the truth" and can make assessments as to whether "the truth" is bad or good.

You don't know.

>be part of the force to enlighten othetrs and fix the world

>muh fixing the world

>muh enlightening

I don't want to be part of your bandwagon.

That anon doesn't even know the rules here and doesn't post with a flag. An anon with no flag is a sure sign of a newfig posting.


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>doesn't even know the truth
>thinks it's impossible to know it


>a third density human who can't even slap me in the astral
>thinks he knows the truth
>also wrongly assumes that I think it's "impossible" to know it

It's just not possible for a third density being to know it. You got to raise up in the scale of consciousness first.

…and before you say there's books and stuff that could have the truth in it, sure, you may even be getting some things right and being telling truths; but that doesn't mean you have truly realized the truth it only means you're guessing right at times.

There's a difference between someone who makes a guess and is right versus someone who TRULY KNOWS.


dude to TRULY TRULY KNOW would mean to simply stop existing.

having an intellectual understanding is more than enough, and is required to be enlightened and still exist on this plane

btw the truth is simple: all is one
it has infinite meaning though


what I'm saying is to TRULY KNOW the way you speak of it, defeats the point, other wise the universe wouldn't exist


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>the bluepill is the redpill because I can't handle the truth


If you feel you've gone too far then you haven't gone far enough.


>There's a difference between someone who makes a guess and is right versus someone who TRULY KNOWS.

that's actually kind of interesting.

the truth is only ever true subjectively. until or unless the grand universal unification singularity ever happens, this truth can never be true objectively

I think logic proves this otherwise; if one looks at the trend of what logic implies as they increase their understanding and enlgihtenment then it does point to this truth
but maybe it is something else. hmmm. maybe it is just human nature to think so

maybe it's all just a cosmic bet



I agree with all of you. Maybe I'm just fortunate to have the friends that I do.

So, it's either isolation or a few good close friends. However, isn't it more realistic to sort the good from the bad, and to take what you need?

For example, I have a friend from high school who is a very smart fedora that graduated with the highest GPA in his class whom takes a keen interest in science and an almost ignorant belief in his intelligence. However, while he's not really open to anything fringe he's a really nice person, and is always willing to help.

What I don't get, or at least what I'm trying to say is why have an external filter when you can have an internal one? If the masses are hypnotized, yet you remain surrounded by them doesn't it make more sense to find the better masses, and to to find positive attributes, then to force your way out when they're almost everywhere?


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>btw the truth is simple: all is one

You must be some egalitarian fuckwad if you think oneness is the ultimate and most important truth.

>what I'm saying is to TRULY KNOW the way you speak of it, defeats the point, other wise the universe wouldn't exist


I get criticized on here constantly for being LHP and caring only to work on myself and not be bothered with others who can't be fucked to self-improve. Only thing worth changing is myself, the world is just a temporary stage for me, and not something that needs to be "fixed".

Revolution is a constant.


The ultimate and most important truth is the nature of the universe as being held within the mind of the All, in other words, the Principle of Mentalism. We live in a mental universe.


>the world is just a temporary stage for me
lol have fun reincarnating over and over again to this "temporaroy stage"(RULE 4 - No flag)


I am developing WAY TOO FAST and am way too disciplined and determined for that to happen. At the rate I'm going, no, I will not reincarnate in this shithole again which I have no attachment to. I'm just going to develop beyond and move on to more exciting shit in higher planes or on better worlds that don't need improvement because they are already collectives of beings of high virtue.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>22980 (OP)

A proposition:

>Lojong Slogan 4. Self-liberate even the antidote.

"The problem this slogan addresses is the tendency to cling to the insight uncovered by the previous two slogans. That is, you may have recognized the dreamlike nature of the world and the ungraspable nature of awareness, but you still cling to that recognition itself, and the sense of having figured all this out.

The need to find solid ground is so strong that you can even make the groundless nature of inner and outer experience into some kind of ground. You can make emptiness into a catch-all explanation for everything. It is almost instantaneous—as soon as one thing slips away, you have already grasped onto something else. You may have all sorts of realizations, but as soon as you make a realization yours, it is no longer a realization, but another obstacle to overcome.

A rather shallow hanging on to the notion of emptiness is quite common. It can be an excuse for a kind of nihilistic laziness, since if everything is empty, why bother? It can be used to deny painful emotions by imagining that the realization of emptiness can take away their sting. It can serve as a source of pride based on the feeling that you are tuned into something profound that other people are missing.

The point of self-liberating the antidote is that you don’t need to do anything to liberate it. You just need to realize that there are no antidotes. When you do so, the antidote liberates itself. It is because we keep trying to latch on to each and every meditative experience, realization, or insight that arises that this slogan is so important. It is a reminder not to do that."


Thich Nhat Hanh:
>"In Buddhism all views are wrong views. When you get in touch with reality you no longer have views, you have widsdom"


bump to save good discussion

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