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Esoteric Wizardry


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I've read some of the threads here and I'm going to try and avoid ranting about parents like an edgy teenager, but I'm just telling you now so you know I'm aware of the problem of "ranting about parents". I also do not know the maximum post length so I'll try and split it up in paragraphs.

Everyone here seem to be well aware of the subtle and invisible energies that no one else talks about. When my mother talks about it everyone thinks she is insane, but she's a primary victim in the whole "energy wars" of the world. Doctors gave her Risperidone to counter the psychotic influences but it doesn't really help other than dampening the "voices". Being her son, I of course is having similar issues as she is but I've decided not to take pills to fix it, because I'm a homeopath at heart.

The problem:

Some people I meet influence and affect me on a non-verbal level. Though I've managed to figure out that part of it is NLP hypnosis and slight hand of touch, it is mostly non-verbal. People I've known have manipulated me into becoming a copy of them. The people I knew were criminals, pedophiles, pathological liars and addicts of different kinds. Long story short: They made me into a mix of all those things and I had to combat these urges in my life all the time. At one point I thought I was born with it and that I had to accept it, but due to irregularities, I noticed that I wasn't always these things.


The thing is that you're too much focused on other people. Mundanes rant about themselves to gain loosh, you get drained into them. It's a form of energy control.

Ignore their talking, one ear in, other ear out. It's a good way to keep the loosh.



After reading about people's problems here, I understand that it's more than just that. It's about diet, people, media, music, meditation, clothing, cell phones; everything that conspiracy theorists talk about. But since I've browsed /pol/ for a long time, I understand that there's more to this world than just simple physical materialism.

I've read enough books about all this spiritual, but just by reading greentext here, I learned so much more than a book like Taoist Yoga: Alchemy that are targeted towards people that are entitled to know these things.

My main goal for the last years have been to leave my body. But because of unknown reasons, I just can't leave. I think it's the diet that does it. But I'm not sure why.

The problem that I have with people's energies is also due to unknown astral reasons. Because of the friends I've made in the fringe, they've helped me see what these people are. Most of them have some kind of demon attached because of a contract they did way back. Some people don't even remember that they made a contract when they thought it was their imagination.

I've had a tulpa, I got it hijacked and altered. I had to purge it. I've met several alien races and helped some build a device.

I'm just going to write what I think I need and then someone can point me in the right way. I need easy to read: books or videos that explain things from the ground up. Then I need to do the meditation techniques, but more importantly: I need diet guiding and advice.

In a way, I'm sick to have to live like a mundane after their conditions and their ways. I've already gotten ahead of myself and bought a distiller I use to give myself pure water. But I want to avoid GSM and all those additives in food as well. I am kind of looking for a week schedule I can just follow where it tells me that on Monday, I eat tomatoes and on Tuesday I eat lettuce.


You're worrying too much about mundane things, about GSM, devices and such. Radiowaves and electronic waves. Let it go, find a nice place, meditate, let it go.


Another problem is the way I am. It's not a problem for me, but for me to live in this society in this way, I have to constantly suffer because of how the mundanes work.

Every day when I walk around, I do so without thought. I'm in a constant Alpha brain wave state. I rarely go into Beta because I don't allow myself to stress. This makes me a walking hypnosis, highly suggestive person. Every time someone says something, I have to actively force myself to think in order to filter their bullshit. Every piece of music I hear (like "I WANNA RUN AWAY") is music to program the masses and I have to actively counter-program myself so that it doesn't affect me.

My intelligence is also of a mix of the types Chrystal and perceptive, but they work separately and never together. I don't have thoughts in words and I don't have a thoughtform nagging in my head (movie: Revolver).

I'm going to take some time and answer the posts above, but I will use my tripcode for as long I am in this thread. Also my flag is related.


Ignoring their talking lets it slip in through my Alpha brain state. I have to actively counter it otherwise it will affect me. Drop by drop. The only method that works is to ignore the person and avoiding them. Once they are face to face, ignoring their speech is a good way to make enemies.

Worrying? You know nothing. Not even the air you're breathing right no is free like the air your great great grandparents breathed. Don't you dare talking about worrying about mundane things before I shove a coal filter down your throat.

The control matrix acts like poison everywhere we look. Telling me to ignore it is equal to shilling for the system. Go buy a distiller.


Because of my brainwave state, I can easily meditate, do energy work and remote view, but I can never form habits. I don't have any habits in my life except for checking my computer, eating and breathing. I have to actively choose to dress myself, brush my teeth (with licorice twigs mind you) or clean stuff up. I don't have a voice that tells me to do stuff and I never motivate myself to do stuff other than magick.

One thing many people forget when they are ascending into the enlightenment is that not everyone is like them. It's an easy mistake to do (one that Descartes did) where you assume everyone is like you. The reason we are different, is not so much genetic or dependent on our skin color, but more because of our parents, our environment and mainly our food diet. I wish there were more experiments done on twins where one twin would grow up in a complete different environment, country and with different parents, then compare their lives side by side, year by year. I recon that one twin would enter puberty at a different age, one would become a talented artist while the other would become a pleb. Then the genetic differences would make little to no differences because they shared the same egg and sperm, they are identical.

I don't trust scientists. I don't trust people that think they know everything. I've figured out that no one in this world knows more than me on any subject, the difference is the time they spend reading about it in a book. Real knowledge is equal to wisdom, which comes from our experience and things that happens in life. You can't learn to play soccer by reading a book about soccer, you will learn through doing.


For easy, digestible information about the function and control of our subtle organs and energies, some about the more common or powerful entity varieties, and esoteric nature, I highly recommend Arthur E. Powell's books; two to look for are "The Etheric Double: The Health Aura of Man" and "The Astral Body".


Hey OP, sounds like we're on similar tracks. What keeps me going through the soup of brainwashing is the process of making a game out of it. By asking the simple question: "Where's the illusion?", you can scan your environment for the constructs convincing you of reality's stability, break them down into their simplest components, and break through the the restrictions it's placing upon you. Every time it happens, it feels like shifting a mental or genetic reading frame forward, and with it comes an entirely new atmosphere and concept of the present moment in time. There are a number of simple tools to speed it along that you've likely encountered and careful timing can cause it to occur at an accelerating rate.
A key thing to remember is that the illusion can be within others, within yourself, that every person is aware of this and the process at least subconsciously (which might be the a part of it as well), that it will go to great lengths to conceal itself, and that it will switch to a different level of awareness to avoid further deconstruction (but this distancing can act as temporary protection). Once you get good at it, you can look into somebody's eyes, tease it out with words and blow some aspect of it apart. I consider this all equivalent to psychotherapy, exorcism, magic protection, and evolution of the mind, body and pathogens.

The standardized mechanisms of electrical technology makes it very easy for the illusions/oppressive forces to perpetuate themselves. Government and data collection must be tied into it. Any truth you claim to profess online is likely to severely damage its certainty by these processes of subversion. The only confidence you can maintain is in your own health because it is proof of itself. The rest is all a game for entertainment.


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Even scanned that twice for typepoos


Spoken like someone that has never had to deal with this shit.

2 more days…

>TFW mundanes have made me really sick and I have to do intense energywork and get more loosh from the astral to repair myself


Ignorance / denial allows, awareness repels, resonance attracts.

Some really silly mundanes on /fringe/… wish I had a keyboard. Going to unload some mad wisdom when I do.


>still living withnyour parents
Christ, how do you expect to maste magick if you cant even master mundane shit?

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