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Esoteric Wizardry


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In which we take a breather from whatever we're doing and post cool stuff related to fringe.

Btw, in what are you working right now?

I just finished coding a program which asks for an intention and returns a 5-letter word that serves as a sygil.


I successfully etherically reprogrammed my hair and caused a massive amount of physical changes in just 3 hours approximately, twice.


File: 1424500383277-0.jpg (425.49 KB, 884x1402, 442:701, psychonaut_field_manual_co….jpg)

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File: 1424502024120-1.jpeg (89.35 KB, 604x604, 1:1, IMG_582819705420.jpeg)

File: 1424502024120-2.jpeg (23.85 KB, 219x402, 73:134, IMG_820738162667.jpeg)

File: 1424502024120-3.jpeg (63.19 KB, 400x410, 40:41, IMG_361941106740.jpeg)

File: 1424502024120-4.jpeg (81.63 KB, 356x604, 89:151, IMG_9169314518105.jpeg)


File: 1424502103328-0.jpeg (114.66 KB, 462x604, 231:302, IMG_9207923435342.jpeg)

File: 1424502103328-1.jpeg (98.65 KB, 404x604, 101:151, IMG_9504142200231.jpeg)

File: 1424502103328-2.jpeg (104.38 KB, 427x604, 427:604, IMG_9747198718784.jpeg)

File: 1424502103328-3.jpeg (43.74 KB, 652x509, 652:509, IMG_12885430228025.jpeg)


File: 1424502150601-0.jpeg (69.93 KB, 447x604, 447:604, IMG_14649050542609.jpeg)

File: 1424502150601-1.jpeg (159.35 KB, 534x604, 267:302, IMG_17801378665552.jpeg)

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File: 1424502183711-1.jpeg (44.24 KB, 500x604, 125:151, IMG_32081090905126.jpeg)

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File: 1424506876174-2.png (13.6 KB, 213x214, 213:214, aristotlelemental.png)

File: 1424506876174-3.png (249.17 KB, 1538x904, 769:452, krelian_logic_gates.png)

File: 1424506876174-4.jpg (82.86 KB, 530x434, 265:217, nh8circuits.jpg)

Diagrams, tables, concept charts; I love 'em all!


File: 1424507250954-0.jpg (30.48 KB, 425x364, 425:364, 808936762.jpg)

File: 1424507250954-1.gif (13.84 KB, 572x428, 143:107, maslows-hierarchy-of-needs….gif)

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File: 1424507250954-3.gif (101.13 KB, 411x527, 411:527, popatkinson.gif)

File: 1424507250954-4.jpg (127.05 KB, 545x545, 1:1, Pèi pèi the Kermit Hermit.jpg)


File: 1424548026362-0.png (473.86 KB, 1280x924, 320:231, civ.png)

File: 1424548026362-1.jpg (290.99 KB, 924x439, 924:439, god.jpg)

File: 1424548026362-2.png (217.76 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, heil.png)


is that work complete? fuckn saved



File: 1424627202773.jpg (17.87 KB, 612x131, 612:131, image.jpg)


the graphics are neat — but I saw one issue off the bat

>pic of issue

the problem is the -ism suffix. Adding -ism implies there is a concrete ideology with codified, strict dogma.

this should say "Western Esoterics"

(p.s. the word "mysticism" is an exception to the -ism rule)

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