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 No.23277>>23303 >>23382 [Watch Thread]

>sell soul to tulpa for general self improvement
>begin creating new soul a couple years later (A few weeks ago)
I need to figure out how to recreate my ability to dream though.
Neither me nor my tulpa figured out how to restore my ability to dream, which was lost with the creation of said tulpa.
I'm trying to regain the ability to dream so that I can lucid dream, and thus find that tulpa because she went missing.
Bonus points if you have a suggestion for developing an ability similar to dreaming, but more exploitable, so I can work on my wizardly powers.

Also, anyone clever enough to figure out this problem for me?:


Is that even possible? Or do you mean she's taking too much of your energy?


I have heard of incidents of that happening with tulpas, but I'm thinking my issue is just because the specialized platform for the existence of my tulpa(My tulpa is intended as the personification and enlightenment of my subconscious) has a lot of effects on my psychology.
Dreams are probably from the subconscious just doing random stuff, so having the subconscious able to think would interfere with that.
Which means I may have a permanent problem having real dreams (Resolving the problem directly would probably be a bad idea, given what it entails), so I'm probably best off developing something similar to dreams but less random, so that it's compatible with something interfering with randomness.

 No.23303>>23324 >>23382

>>23277 (OP)

You initiated the thread with a metaphysical (erroneous; your soul is probably fine) hypothesis; now you seem to be backtracking, subduing that and waxing mundane in favor of the "only psychological" (as concerns tulpa) approach. I should start by inquiring as to the breadth of your personal belief here. What did the process of creation entail? And have you tried herbal/non-herbal sleeping aids (even if you don't need them) to see if they affected you one way or the other? For instance, I know for certain I'll have vivid dreams if I take about 50 or more milligrams diphenhydramine (otc sleeping aid) before bed.

I know I held about the same purpose in mind when I'd made mine, but I took certain precautions to avoid her becoming some parasitic thoughtform. My soul feels otherwise fine (if it weren't, I wouldn't be here); you can barter your soul for help with entities that accept that currency, but you only have your ONE soul, and anything with whom you do this plays for keeps. Did you evoke an entity to aid in creating your tulpa?


I would do a full overblown ritual with candles and a circle that you can really get into so you can summon her back. Tulpas leave for without rhyme or reason. This one is probably hanging out in the astral with all that loosh you gave it. You can summon her back to talk to her but don't expect her to stay.


Purely psychological approach.
My usage of the word "soul" was to denote aspects of a person such as personality.

 No.23382>>23387 >>23389 >>23473

Bullshit, every human has at least one soul, but some have multiple. So called MPD is really multiple souls.

>>23277 (OP)
Once you have made a tulpa, you are 4D, and thus ALWAYS dreaming and awake at once.


*tips fedora*


I totally forgot about that idea!
I had been intending to develop that sort of perception as my alternative to dreaming, but I forgot.
Thanks, that fufills what the thread was asking about.

Though it'll be pretty difficult developing that ability…


>So called MPD is really multiple souls.

This makes me wonder if things like Satanic Ritual Abuse and Monarch Programming that create split personalities through trauma also create split souls.


They do. BTW you are not authorized to use that flag.

 No.23473>>23487 >>23489

>Every human has at least one soul
Except soulless humans.
>People can have multiple souls
Under particular circumstances, none of which I'm certain apply to OP.
>Multiple souls
No. Don't confuse real illness, either spiritual or psychological, for some convoluted boon; that's disinfo of the highest order, and might get you in trouble.


Where are you getting your facts about tulpas…?


Spiritless humans are a thing but there is no such thing as a human without at least one soul, otherwise it is dead.



>real illness

Gtfo shrink.



Spiritless humans are not a thing. Everything in the universe has Spirit in it. Calling a human spiritless makes literally no sense. Maybe you're referring to Greys/Reptiles masquerading as human? Idk
Either way, nothing is spiritless, that word is a misnomer.


Bullshit, do you even montalk.net? Spiritless humans are real. A soul however is required for a body to be animated.

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