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Esoteric Wizardry


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Through mental exploration of the 3rd Hermetic law of vibration, we can understand that the physical world we live in is a vibration, always vibrating. This can be proved by experiments like the double slit, The holographic universe mentions a similar theory which is that all interaction with our brain is a wave converted using the same calculus televisions use to create picture or sound.
To quote "The fundamentals of esoteric knowledge by Jean Dubuis""Imagine a piano keyboard which is very, very long. Its scales extend infinitely. With each G note of a new octave, for example, the number of vibrations doubles. Soon, after 5 successive Gs, we no longer hear them and for us humans the notes seem without effect. Yet, if we could fashion a piano to this image (this is practically impossible) and if we were really steadfast, there would come a time when, in striking a key, we wouldn't create a sound but vibrations which could perturb radio waves, television waves and then radar waves. The next key could give off heat and finally after 42 Gs following our original G - of 384 radiated vibrations - a red light would radiate. Imagine that our keyboard could expand even more, there would no longer be sound nor light but a C key which would create hydrogen and an A key which would create oxygen. If we were to make a chord of these two notes, water could be created.
Every created thing is thus only a chord of notes on the universal keyboard."
What if we had at our disposal a tool to create and manifest these vibrations, strings cannot be made large or thin enough to encompass the range required, colour pencils also do not come in sets larger than 100, computer CPUs are too limited by physical engineering to adhere to our requirement.
What system could be possibly use to manifest all desired vibrations? The answers i would think up are a form of visualization. While visualizing we trick and impress upon the mind the exact same signals which reality does, both being a vibration.
In our magical practices we attempt to shoot thought up to the first created world of fire(I've forgotten the Hebrew name for these worlds), which is then taken down to water and into air then finally materialized into earth. It should be theoretically possibly at this point to develop skills of mental materialization of near instant speed. This i hypothesize would be done through mental impressions, visualization so strong that it becomes more real than reality, or the advanced abilities of shooting a thought to the fire world.
So what i ask of besides discussion, does anyone have much experience in this field?



The anime based on the novel http://myanimelist.net/anime/13125/Shinsekai_yori goes into very good details about this.
This anime was a sync for me to check out when i had some ideas about such processes - i don't usually watch anime or shows unless it pops up as a sync and when i checked this one out it was very oddly resonating.

but yeah basically - if i picture an atomic explosion in my mind - did that really happen or did i create the projection - where did i create that projection then? What was source material to construct that display, same with imagining a horrific scene or a pleasant and loving scene, how is it possible for us to formulate full on scenarios with every element to resemble reality if that's even just to call it that… And all that in our minds? idk, logic itself makes me come to conclusions that create plausible coherent paradoxes.

This shit works, i know how it works, i know why it works - wording it is pointless because there's thousands of reasons each valid and worthy.

because we have been brought up with ideas of separation between symbols and concepts, we never assume that a sound is related to a color or a light, it's only in the deepest and often much older points in an experience one is even permitted such information, for 20 years you're raised on complete fucking useless bullshit in the curriculum and social crap - then you start to figure shit a bit out and because obviously it's a sea of bullshit to navigate through, you end up covered in shit on the way; some plow through it like champs without giving a fuck about the smell or nastyness, others have to stop every second to clean shit off them selves and a lot just rather not even bother with the smell since it's easier to just use chemicals to avoid dealing with the shit.

existence is selfish, selfishness is wonderful if practiced correctly - the problem is when one is selfish forgetting to take care of self.


Thank you for your input, i feel similarly about your concepts of thought and talk of the corrupted brainwashing curriculum. To think an anime would have details or knowledge about this, i will definitely give it a look through.


The four elemental worlds which i was about (but forgot the name) are Asiyah, Yetzirah, Briyah and Atziluth.

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