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Esoteric Wizardry


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My aura outline is basically zero, like a painted conture around my body edges. How do I regain back the full extinguish aura outline and the living spirit effect ?


Maybe you're an organic portal with no soul, and only the illusion of existence.
>Consequently, another difference between the spirited and spiritless is that the first have all seven chakras while the latter are missing the three higher ones, the heart, crown, and third eye chakras. This further contributes to the intuitive or clairvoyant perception that spiritless people are flat and inert inside regardless of how animated they are on the outside, because the spectrum of their etheric or auric vibrations are missing certain colors and are therefore of a lower overall resolution.

>tfw I just wasted my time replying to a meatpuppet


I've been trying to learn aura sight for a while, anyone have any tips or guides?


Wtf is an organic portal? Is it a human with no soul? Anyone who can't dance to the blues?


Arcane Formulas, last chapter.

Also, Mind Power.



I read somewhere else on /fringe/ that a spiritless human could never introspect into whether or not they're spiritless and that the very act of questioning how spirited they are is proof that they are in fact spirited.

Or, was that something said out of pure kindness?


They are generally repelled by such things. I think they might have a thought, but wouldn't pursue it. And don't despair, >>23331 is just rusing.


Of course they can, just like I can program a computer to say it has feelings and consciousness, a meatpuppet can parrot these existencial questions.

>If you were an organic portal you wouldn't worry about it, so don't worry about it
You see the flaw in that logic right?


Not really since the reaction is previous to the reasoning.


>a meatpuppet can parrot these existential questions
But why would a meatpuppet parrot these questions? /fringe/ would have to be popular first.

Is it possible for spiritless humans to have an interest in the occult?


>Of course they can, just like I can program a computer to say it has feelings and consciousness, a meatpuppet can parrot these existencial questions.

The body they are in would not be able to convey that with the degree of sincerity and expression that a souled being would be able to.

Now, if a hypothetical meat puppet, a materialist's Black Box, could be exactly as a souled individual, would that make them souled?

Color me crazy but I think so. Perhaps the more a meat puppet is coerced into behaving like a creature with a soul, they can eventually develop a soul or perhaps awaken one that is latent. I wonder…

Maybe true meatpuppets aren't very common, and souled people are just lulled into deep sleep in our society, drained of energy by the food they eat, the air they breathe, the media they see and hear, and all the mundane decisions they have to make.

>Is it possible for spiritless humans to have an interest in the occult?

I think so, in theory. Perhaps only for the apparent edginess, throwing around symbols and terms they see or hear. They're the useful idiots you see in large organizations. They become the means in which the higher-ups can act with great power and influence.

I doubt they could do much with whatever knowledge they may pick up, at least not without being co-opted by an entity or something. Whatever power they may gain does not come from themselves.


An organic portal will never be interested in the occult.

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