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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1424913116043.jpg (308.67 KB, 960x540, 16:9, happypeeps.jpg)


Okay hold on you guys
What if the "true god" we all sense is actually the anti-demiurge? Every action causes an equal and opposite reaction.

I remember communing with this entity and considering it to be "too finite", so thusly I dismissed it. But what if there IS an anti-demi that is not the true god or the false god's originator?

It is quite possible that I am simply defining "sophia", but what if this entity is simply the aspect of "sophia" (names are quite arbitrary) that applies only to this cosmos? What if the sky ISN'T the limit? What if there is no limit at all? What if the maxim of our understanding isn't the maxim of our understanding is just the first level?

Holy shit, all of you will think I'm so fucking stupid, I know you will.
Seriously, I know you fucking will. But what if love and understanding are just one piece of the puzzle, the only one we can get?

Holy shit I feel so invigorated right now, there is SO much more to life then this.

If this pleb I get it, maybe it is. But I have never -felt- this way before so I don't even care.


*what if the maxim of our understanding isn't the total maxim of understanding in general and is just the first level

Weird inarticulate typo, sorry.


Just work on building your mind and becoming more intelligent, raising yourself up through the scale of consciousness. You will think stronger, deeper, more insightful, intense thoughts than the dim flickers of consciousness that is currently your mind.


If by "intelligence" you mean conforming to this board's most basic and quite frankly predatory ideology, then no, I will never be intelligent as you see it and this is what's best for me so I would see it no other way.

If you mean something in another way, then yes I do sincerely hope it will happen.

Thank you in either case, seriously. Though I cannot tell if you mean well at this point I think you do regardless of how I interpret your message.


No you fucking idiot. By intelligence I mean improving your memory, visualization, reasoning, awareness, thought control, and otherwise strengthening and upgrading your mind through intense energywork, meditation, and thoughtforming. Typical William Walker Atkinson stuff. None of this shit is ideological.


If your ideology is not that of the predator than it is that of the prey. Hand over the loosh, goy!


If your ideology is one that follows predator/prey dichotomy then it is also one that will keep you trapped in the karmic cycle until you change it.
It takes real guts to stand outside that shit.
So you better not hand over YOUR loosh unless you want to, fucko. I don't even want it.

Your a fucking idiot, fuck off.




Many will find your statements plebly because you are attempting to express the inexpressible which you have glimpsed into. Use the energy of it to learn more and do more.

There are frameworks you can work within by observing patterns of change and the patterns of change that others observe.


Much karma.


File: 1424975297726.jpg (13.41 KB, 275x183, 275:183, infinate regression.jpg)

I don't believe in the dualistic gnostic stuff which sometimes floats around here. Is that the ideology you don't like?

Or more the elitist enlightened vs mundanes attitude? (Always reminds me of robots and normies)

Are you suggesting some sort of monism, or that gods create gods which create gods and universes in universes in an infinite regression?

Pretty mind bending stuff and considering what theoretical physicists consider mathematically possible, not unlikely.

I like to go with monism generally.

The dude who condescendingly said you needed to git gud at mental/imaginative skills, may be right. Not that anything in your post suggests wrong thought, but rather since you seem to be on a good track keep persisting with those skills to maintain it and enhance it.


File: 1424976393899.jpg (9.49 KB, 190x250, 19:25, eternal brahmin.jpg)

So this anti-demiurge that you claim to have had contact with is in some sense greater or more infinite than the Being that created essence (true God) and his accidental progeny (false God) materiality and physical laws. (At least according to gnostic thought)

Yet he isn't an actor in this world, in the sense that he doesn't manifest anything?

Or that he doesn't manifest things with gross causality, and his actions are more synchronous?

Or was he the action-less foundation which can only be apprehended once we stop chasing shadows of not-trues and desire?

Or does he have no role at all, but can be apprehended leading to a sort of awe in the contacted?

Sorry bit drunk my comprehension is the pits.

It could be like void or something, a primordia before creation, perhaps you are not seeing what is but rather what is not, and the discrimination is causing this giddy feeling.

Or maybe you are glimpsing the Eternal Brahmin, which did cause the reality, but by some strange indirect accident and that reality is more a trick of the light which the soul becomes attached to and thus bound with Karma.

Whether true or untrue, keep inquiring and persist with skills which enhance contemplation/focus/remembering/forgetting.

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