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Esoteric Wizardry


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Are there any paranormal practices that are just too loony for you /fringe/? Where do you draw the limit? Like, is there anything out there you just can't believe in?

For me, it's crystal healing and other assorted snake oil "cures" for disease. Some Jew found a way to get gullible goyim to buy pretty rocks with no utility whatsoever beyond maybe placebo. No, aligning a bunch of rocks with your chakras isn't going to cure your cancer, you fucking moron.


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Shit like this makes me feel ashamed to believe in chakras.


i draw the limit at all this gay ass new age shit. the new age movement is run by feminists and manginas and radical Marxists.

they plagiarize all their ideas from hinduism and buddhism.

fuck new agers


No limits! No idea is too crazy to not work. Homeopathic 'medicine' seems a bit silly though.


…but it's pIacebo. PIacebo is magic.
no Iimits nigga


Penn and Teller think ALL conspiracy theories and UFOs are bullshit. They think there is no difference in organic vs non-organic food, and vaccines are safe.

I'll give them some credit though. The video games and big brother ones are good. I'm sure they have a few others, but for the most part they prey on the ones with no understanding of higher knowledge and claim it's all bullshit by anecdote and a few "scientific" studies.


I was skeptical about the effects of crystals but I was curious to try it out for myself, so I got some rose quartz. Even before I opened the package it felt really good to hold it in my hands. This probably sounds really batshit but touching the rock makes me really happy and I like to hold it when I'm feeling down. Maybe it's because I just think it's pretty or placebo affect or something but I've also experimented with orgonite and I think my rock does more for me.


Literally everything on here.


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You're being "that guy" again, anon.

Cut it out and suspend disbelief like a non-autist.


>le astral projection
>le magic
>le aliens
Bunch of 12 year olds on here who will believe any stupid shit they're told.


>is on fringe
>magic dozen even real only twelve year olds are so dumb
>*dons fedora*

You should not be here


epic, le tip fedora meme
Kill yourself, your succubus harem is waiting.


>being this irrational
Where would we be without people like you who have everything figured out?


>Hurr hurr thing dont into
>"Have you tried it out anon"

Nice damage control.


Pretty much anything that calls itself New Age openly (not just gets described that way, e.g. montalk gets called New Age by idiots, but he's not really New Age) is where it usually gets 2absurd4me. Anyone who openly embraces the New Age label is usually full of shit.


>tfw do colour-coded chakra meditations every single day and night multiple times
>tfw used to not use colours but added them in so it's red to orange to yellow to green to blue to violet to purple and then I finish it off with white stuff bursting out of my head and showering around me


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>beyond maybe placebo

Hey don't hate on placebos. They are our friends. Pic related.


kek it works on the principle of belief not on the physical props

…and belief is a very powerful and legit tool in chaos magick.


>those mad as fuck fedoras in the comments





Go back to >>>/x/ you fedora cancer.


I'd love to see someone greenpill them


>Implying they would just say "LOL look at this idiot who seriously believes this"

It's a pretty predictable "counterargument" when people realize how wrong they are


>when people realize how wrong they are

What do you mean by this?


When someone looses an argument to someone who's thought to be schizophrenic or whatever the usual reply is "Hah, get a load of this guy! He believes in aliums"


So guilt by association?


Nothing is Bullshit, everything is questionable.


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I personally don't bulk at anything and go around saying something is impossible. I just suspend judgement. I don't have to doubt nor want to doubt when there's no good reason for it.

For all we know maybe there's something to crystal healing. Maybe some of the people involved in it are dumb-asses but maybe there are some more knowledgeable persons that have actually discovered some properties of crystals and their influence on subtle fields and made good use of them.

Until I really look into the thing properly I'm just going to call it "bullshit". I'm just going to say I don't know but maybe.

If something can be imagined, it is possible, as far as I'm concerned.

I'm someone who isn't looking to disprove things or tear down other people's work but to build myself up and look find and assimilate ideas into my life that enable me to achieve my lofty goals and overcome limitations.

Scepdicks sit around all day dismissing everything as impossible while other men take a leap of faith and see what is possible.


go get laid faggot


You should have sex with it.


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>Third density sex


All those mediums who give readings to the sense of "I'm hearing a name beginning with M… or N… might be Mary or Marianne or Marilyn or Nataly", I think that's bullshit with a lot of cold reading behind.

I'm also not convinced about machines that identify ghosts, like the ones used by many ghost hunting groups.


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any sort of this bullshit healing crap

how come they never treat real injuries if it's so effective? wave your hands around over an open stab wound and it'll seal right up guys


Some are legit.


that's retarded, placebos work negatively to. anxiety = failure because placebos; it doesn't have to be a conscious intention to work (that might hinder it actually, but I wouldn't know). the whole idea came from sugar pills givin by doctors as fake medicine which still worked

so I hope that picture was a joke


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"muh dick"

*dibs fedora*


>I'm also not convinced about machines that identify ghosts, like the ones used by many ghost hunting groups.

Supposedly some very sensitive machines can be influenced by them easier when they have trouble manifesting any physical influence in this realm.


Dogs can bite you if you don't know how to behave around them.

Placebos are still the chaos magicians BFF.




>the whole idea came from

I think you mean the idea was finally acknowledged by scientists after centuries of ridicule when…

And now since they have no legitimate explanation they just it's psychology which ironically isn't a hard science either.


placebo means positive

Negative is called a nocebo effect


Man, you said it right there.
>Shit like this makes me feel ashamed to believe in chakras.
It's a sad state of affairs. I'm glad to see others share this sentiment.
Thanks guys.


so you think magic is real, but you don't believe a crystal millions of years old has no energy behind it?


This thread reminds me of a quote from The Stellar Man.

> Here we must cite an aphorism of great esoteric significance which says, "cor- rect methods in the hands of incorrect men function incorrectly; incorrect methods used by correct men function correctly."


When I was younger I used to meditate myself to sleep with a piece of quartz on my forehead, and when I woke up I felt amazing.
I still think crystal healing is bullshit though, lol. Fuck new age.


I try to give actual practices the benefit of doubt because even if they are bullshit by themselves, if they can successfully work placebo into it, that's still neat. Some might even work, just for different reasons than expected.

I've been thinking crystal healing might not be so much the inherent healing property of the crystal, but just having an object charged with some positive mental power or something. Who knows. But this thread is about loony shit, so if there's one thing that's too loony for me, it's the "lizard people"

>I'm someone who isn't looking to disprove things or tear down other people's work but to build myself up and look find and assimilate ideas into my life that enable me to achieve my lofty goals and overcome limitations.

I like this so much


Crystals have always worked for me but it's probably just a good ol placebo affect working its magic.


>an object with positive mental power
The crystals probably just provide a focus that makes it easier for people to heal themselves, sort of the same way that thinking magic is easy actually makes it easier.
They think the crystal amplifies the heallibg process so They amplify their innate powers around crystals


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If I am to interject, crystals have unique structures, and they resonate differently into the ether, some align with the chakras, others don't.

If your chakra centers are imbalanced, you can place a crystal (corresponding to a correctly aligned and healthy chakra) near it to force your less solid body/etheric body to align accordingly.

Just because someone silly looking does it doesnt bla bla..


a year ago i would have said timecube…
now i know what a year really is . . .



Timecube? I've never heard the expression. Can you tell me more?


>Divinity of Cubic Creation will
your soul be saved from your
created hell on Earth - induced
by your ignoring the existing
4 corner harmonic simultaneous
4 Days rotating in a single cycle
of the Earth sphere. Religious/
Academic Pedants cannot allow
4 Days that contradict 1Day 1God.


the timecube guy writes about the Jews and he is against race-mixing btw


I don't believe in snake oil healing or new age stuff in general. New age stuff just seems like a bastardization of esoteric beliefs for soccer moms.


Really now? I haven't even heard anyone mention him in a few years.


Wicca and Satanism are simply controlled opposition by the Zionists who want to keep us subverted by Christianity and Islam. Notice how you see so many stories of Wiccans and Satanists "seeing the light of Christ" and returning to him. Yet never with Asatru, Odalism, or any sort of authentic paganism.



Thats because nobody wants to honestly waste their time trying to educate some straight up retards who have 0 required knowledge to even start a discussion on even grounds.

If you simply do not understand the scientific method for example then it is no wonder one cant explain to you why "vaccines are evil hmkay" is incredibly retarded. The process of doing so would require an insane amount of time and effort and might not lead anywhere anyways due to the ignorance displayed.


I thought "placebo" just meant any self-reinforcing delusion but alright.


All those religions are misunderstandings of the true cosmic religion which works by certain laws.

Jesus thoughtforms abound everywhere and can easily lead the foolish back into Christianity.

They're just thoughtforms.


I would say at the moment I don't believe in most of the stuff in /fringe/. I am very interested and I'm reading as much as I can (which is not really a lot) but I have my doubts, not regarding the universe but regarding people and their intentions behind anything. So, if I see a person in the street offering free crystal healing I would be like okay, let's try it. If it's some guy in a suit telling me I have to pay $100/hour to have some rocks put on me body and lay down for a nap then I would say I don't believe in that.

I'm trying to be transparent though, casting no judgement and raising no doubts. It's hard work. Your personal feelings get involved all the time.


Why are you here, then? This board was specifically created to learn and discuss about those things which you don't believe in. You're basically going to the church every sunday just to yell "God doesn't real you edgy 12 year olds!", which doesn't seem a very mature behavior. /x/, /b/ and /pol/ would be better boards to do that, and you'd get more attention because this board is slow.

So, what's the reason? Low self esteem? Le master trole? Being a faggot?


>inb4 loosh farming


Here's an anecdote on the subject.
Last year I bought a small bit of hematite (for shits and giggles) and noticed that my sleep had improved a bit from putting it under my pillow. I then wanted to make an empirical test on the stone, so I gave it to my sister's boyfriend and asked him to put the stone under her pillow when they went to sleep, without telling her.
The next morning my sister was in a really good mood and she told me that for the first time in a long while had she not had a single nightmare during her sleep, which she has been suffering from for many years. Her boyfriend even said that he had woken up from her laughing in her sleep, which she (to his knowledge) had never done before while they've been together (which at the time was 3 years).

I am willing to consider that it was simply the boyfriends positive anticipation that may have
affected this to occur, but nonetheless have I taken this incident as an affirmation that these stones are not just humbug.


Crystals work for the same reason lavish churches, incense and candles work. They look impressive and have symbolic meaning.


get a moldavite


It won't work because you're mad about the possibilty that it actually could work so you make fun of people who dare to try it out

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