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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, webm, mp4, swf, pdf
Max filesize is 8 MB.
Max image dimensions are 10000 x 10000.
You may upload 5 per post.
You may roll dice on this board, type "dice XdY+Z" in the email field where X is number of dice, Y is max roll and Z is modifier.

[Rules] - the board was destroyed by kabbalistic jews but we have salvaged what we can. About a week's worth of material is lost. [Freedomboard] (If 8chan.co goes down, go to freedomboard which is our backup)

File: 1425309985124-0.png (451.94 KB, 1846x840, 923:420, Selection_035.png)

File: 1425309985124-1.jpg (54.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1425281718818.jpg)


Almost every image here is broken, I think there was one special image that had to be taken down, but they corrupted almost all of them so we wouldn't know which one was the actual target.


Which one do you think it was?


What if they took down almost all of them and kept the one(s) they wanted to hide from us.. among the remaining ?

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