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Esoteric Wizardry


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you fags got owned

all this talk about being powerful wizards

you didn't predict your board getting rekt

you couldn't even stop it

turns out you're no better than the fedoras because the only thing that got tipped around here was your board(RULE 4 - POSTING WITH NO FLAG)


You know fuck all about what magick is about and how it works obviously also nobody here is into the kind of skills that would be involved in constantly scanning the future probabilities and checking for events.


>the only thing that got tipped around here was your board
My sides hurt

Doesn't take magick to read the site rules and know that the owner must login constantly or the board will be put up for claim, only common sense.


It's about to be changed to an inheritance system now.

I had no internet for quite awhile and only just got back in time to see the board get #wrecked


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i heard it was a curse - the "advanced wizard" board owner angered some powerful spellcaster and went apeshit on the guy - who's suicided now?


(RULE 4)


What system and who will be there to inherit it?


Janitors would inherent it.


What does this mean?



You mean we were supposed to know when to evoke Satan so he could eat your hands just 3 minutes before the raid? But that's impossible.

Learn how magickkk works, ya noob.


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by all accounts even satan couldn't even help you

true magick involves reversing time so it is possible to evoke spirits


Sounds Enochian. TAAB means government.


>childish acts
guess what there's no surprise here


pick one and only one


>not a blatant scapegoated misattribution(Rule 4)


>implying jews are human


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>you didn't predict

>implying magic is about predicting

>implying predicting is about knowing everything that's gonna happen

keep showing your pleb level lel

>you couldn't even stop it

and that proves we're not wizards how?

these atheists, so attached to their delusions about what religious or occult beliefs are

>turns out you're no better than the fedoras because the only thing that got tipped around here was your board

so you're implying that occultfags should be able to prevent their board from being hijacked and deleted by kekfags?
why are you withholding such a belief?

explain to us in simple words what you believe occultfags should be able to do if they were real
stop time?
deliver hot coffee in the morning by the power of thought?

not even mentioning karma or other hurdles


>wizard damage control intensifies
I bet you don't even know what TAAB NADAAL UKMEENI ASHAROOM actually means.


Why is /shitposting/ so shit


Okay… so I think I felt when the board went down. Who was the guy with the plague doctor mask?


To add too that.. I saw the role playing comments right before I 'signed off' unplugged whatever. I felt the event and fell asleep cauz I suck. In the morning when I checked the board the first thing I saw was the greeting being changed to dice rolling (primary element of role playing.) So to pull a bit of a smiley here… fuckin talk to me jack ass.



Were you the guy with fro?


What the fuck DOES it mean?


No idea.


Oh man I love watching the pentacle spin.

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