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Esoteric Wizardry


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This place disgusts me. The fake enlightenment… the shitty translation of ideas and the braindead manor in which you regurgitate facts like it's some kind of information war is the very reason you cannot have an enlightened mind.

You can't be all like "We're all one… except for these fuckers who disagree with me! They are NOT all one!"

We are all the Serpent that swallows its own tail. Nobody can be less or more of that serpent than anyone else.

Your own rejection of divinity is the reason you're trapped in your current self-made prison of hatred, malice and contempt.

You are alone in life because you refuse to listen, you refuse to learn and worst of all, you refuse to admit to the possibility that you are WRONG!

Yours is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing.

You say you seek enlightenment? Well fuck you!

You say you seek it for personal reasons? Fuck you, selfish prick!

You say you seek it to help others? Well then get to work… and fuck you!

Either way, fuck you.(RULE 4 - NO FLAG)


>nobody can be less or more
>you are less because of these reasons I made up


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Enjoy your subjective truth… ALONE


So you're basically criticizing the elitism, cognitive dissonance, and contemptuous attitude prevalent on this board? If so, I agree with you.


It's a shame you allow yourself to be subject to these fools. It's clear that you're outside the Cube… at least in spirit and mind…

Do you stay here for the potential this place has, or to use these fools as a source of free energy?

I know I'm certainly tempted to vampyrize the fuck out of this place…


There's a lot of neophytes here which use it as their main resource and connection to information.


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Nigga, out of which asshole did you pull the need to proselytise about nothing like a retard?

>Pulling shit out of your ass to represent what get's posted here

>You are less because I say so
>You don't deserve spiritual growth if you don't follow my arbitrary reasoning!

>You say you seek it to help others? Well then get to work

How big of a retard are you that you cannot imagine that a STO oriented person would want to help his fellow man with his increased knowledge, understanding and power. Frankly, I would think that most of the people attaining anything noteworthy spiritually would be non-STS oriented, because of the high likelihood of having to face blockages on the path given to you by your higher self to make you more virtuous.

No, moron, you fuck off.


I don't feel particularly comfortable on this board because there's too much focus on externalization and trying to make certain information as irrefutable facts instead of encouraging each other to look inside for the unique solutions that everyone has to their soul path. Too much needless hostility spilling over in from other places. I'd think that we would be more supportive of each other, but alas, we're a broad spectrum. It's also expected for someone to get defensive to varying degrees when ideas about ultimate divine truth are discussed.

But this is all fine, just a part of the process.



What do you think this is, /x/? Fuck off roleplayer.


>We are all the Serpent that swallows its own tail. Nobody can be less or more of that serpent than anyone else.

Why the fuck aren't you posting with this flag?


>all of that projection

I think most of your post is all directed at like one specific RHP poster on here

1. I do not espouse a fake enlightenment. I don't give a SHIT about the idea of enlightenment. I am here to cultivate personal power and become a SUPER HUMAN.
2. I don't reject my own divinity, I am aware of the divinity in all things.
3. I hate the concept of oneness as it is promulgated by RHP tards. They constantly preach the "need to become one" but as I see it OP, we are just as much ONE, even when we have created the strongest illusions of separation. I do not need to be peaceful, or to work along some path, or to pursue some Jew World Order objective to unify the goyim into slave cattle. None of that shit has to be done because the implicate order, the fundamental unity of all things, the ALL IN ALL, is always active and does not have to be pursued.
4. What is it that I "refuse to listen to"? I listen to everything. Entities in higher planes. Humans of all sorts of mentalities in this plane. I read scepdick fedora journals, I read occult blogs, I read books of all sorts. I don't block shit out man; and I don't give a shit about if I am wrong or right, I only care about what is useful. As I see it man is blind in his state of non-gnosis so he can not ever know truth anyways. He can be right about something BY ACCIDENT and yet not grasp the truth fully, not be in full realization of it, etc. here is shooting in the dark. …and what of it? I do not care about being wrong or right, I am well beyond such considerations, and only attend to the cultivation of higher consciousness.
5. You are a cliché fucker quoting and spewing stuff that's been said many fucking times over. Muh "sound and fury!" Jesus fuck, you are immature. You've got a long ways to go. A lot of thoughts to be thought.
>You say you seek enlightenment? Well fuck you!

No you are saying that. I don't seek some vague retarded notion of enlightenment. I am just undergoing a gradual unfolding, steadily becoming illuminated to higher truths in DEGREES, while developing my mind and raising it up closer to that of the infinite living mind of God. If I thought "this is the end of the trail, I am enlightened, nothing more to do" stagnation would set in and the quest would be over. Man can hardly even convey the wisdom of the higher states of consciousness accessed much further in the development of his soul beyond his body. He would cease to be a "man" in the sense we know of men in going that far, reaching that level of development.

>You say you seek it for personal reasons? Fuck you, selfish prick!

Literally everyone is moved by dominant desire. It is the law. You seem to be in a lowly underdeveloped parasitic state of mind where you demand others serve you. I for one anon, do not give a shit if you or anyone else are doing things for personal reasons or not, I have risen well above the plane of personality. I am completely at peace with God now and only worry about my own affairs and not that of others. Everyone is moving along their respective paths, living out their potential, etc. and I am only concerned about my own virtue and my own development. Badgering others is a waste of time and probably you want us to create some kind of ideal society here on Earth or something like that focused on the material world, as if this plane were not just the a temporary stage for the development of your soul, and there weren't far more beautiful things awaiting you beyond this realm.

>You say you seek it to help others? Well then get to work… and fuck you!

lol no. Helping others is an illusion. I am only helping myself.

tl;dr OP needs to fucking read The Arcane Teachings, lrn2astral-travel, and get over himself.


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>mfw I am euphoric as fuck right now because I am so at peace with everything and feel such immense love of God, that anything at all can happen from martyrdom to being ignored to being treated well, and it simply is what it is

"For in him we live and move and have our being."


>implying you can out loosh farm the master loosh farmers


>most pathetic attempt to quote Shakespeare ever made

Go back to /x/.


I resonate with this.

Too many posters are motivated and controlled by a base ego and feel a need to lash out or big up their achievements. They lack freedom, as they are compelled by automated reactions to maintain ego integrity.

I mean everyone has ego issues and is tangled up in a mess of desire and aversion, but we should acknowledge it and be humble, admit our mistakes and look back at when we were mistaken and admit faults.

We are all fellow travelers who should help each other not behave like crabs in a bucket.

At the same time personal power is fine to cultivate, it is a useful tool, so long as it doesn't become the focal point. It also important to remember that power comes through gradual removal of delusion and discipline, it doesn't have to be (nor should it be) vampyric.


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Time has revealed the true depths of your colors, and found them to be grayscale.


>that pic
>those hooks

Bait; the final form.



You're not alone, friend.


>trying to befriend the shitposter from /x/ who regurgitates silly fedora-tier quotes and spews stoner philosophy and angst that isn't even worthy of /edgy/


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Try harder, Mara.

Your anger bothers none but yourself.

You who cannot look beyond the surface shall have nothing but the surface.

You'll never have acceptance until you give it.


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Disregard that, I suck cocks.


Goddamnit, you're just as stupid as Rei.

sage for shitposting


Nope just giving reassurance to someone who also sees sense



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Love you OP. The jimmies have been rustled. All these condescending fucks calling you 'retarded' are blind. You speak the truth… The board is being shilled. The SS practice astral projection, and from what I can tell, are proficient in some of the arcane arts. They don't want the populous to be the same.

This fuck is a perfect example
This guy too
This idiot with his pointless post
This fuckwad defending his own practice because he needs validation

Pointless trolls

Also, you can tell the stagnation from the mindless love of all newage jewish texts; bardon, kybalion etc. People think you are a fedora just for disliking the mind slaving kikes. (rabbinical mysticism is a whole nother deal)

>mfw initiate above the grade of adeptus minor

>mfw I've been called a fedora on here multiple times

Reality is filtered through the ego… I guarantee almost nobody here has even come close to the abyss… People always say "not me" "in my practice" "I think"… lol

For all those who want growth… Learn to tell the difference… Don't listen to anybody on here… Just practice, not by some regimen "10 mins pranayama, 10 mins blah blah". Follow the inner light, the lantern the hermit holds is within him… You must be willing to be WRONG. To die is to be reborn.


lmao it's a shitpost :DDD


You are right. But where do I find help? I am barely scratching the surface of magicks and I don't know what I have to do exactly. I see people suggesting this and that and debating common issues. I don't know what to do. And if what you and OP say is true, how will I ever get deeper if I am just led astray?


I completely agree with you and the OP. There's so much smug horseshit thrown around here that keeps everyone distracted with infighting and uncontrolled egotism (inb4 some asshole accuses me of being a silly mundane for resenting the ego per se, even though I don't). The only thing it serves is the monkey mind's conceptions of tribalism, hierarchy, and machismo competition.


Everyone trying to be the master wizard. :^)

Don't worry brother, we will all reach enlightenment.




He faggot, your attempts at using scientific theory to explain the universe are laughable and mundane.

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