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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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[Rules] - the board was destroyed by kabbalistic jews but we have salvaged what we can. About a week's worth of material is lost. [Freedomboard] (If 8chan.co goes down, go to freedomboard which is our backup)

File (hide): 1425376191561.png (21.13 KB, 641x618, 641:618, 1424623432216.png)

 No.25048>>25093 [Watch Thread]

Can I use your board's css please?


>>25048 (OP)
It's a montalk theme and it's on pastebin permanently under the Fringe Wizard account on there.

Right now though it's missing the background and a few other things because it had to be restored after the board got fucked over a few days ago.

So you may want to wait until the CSS has everything fixed again first.

You can use it, but I need to finish fixing it up back again, and re-adding certain changes in the catalogue, some dialogs, the background, and other stuff like the rules page.

>starting question threads outside of the main question thread


Note: it's half-broken right now and you need to wait for it to be updated so everything is fixed again like it used to be.

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