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Esoteric Wizardry


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is it possible for humans to learn shape-shifting.




when you are stupid and think your body is what you are.. no

when you realize with the real eyes - yes

cuz you realize you're not the physical, you control it.

so you change the WATER in your body to a SHAPE via EARTH ELEMENT.

water+earth mastery = shapeshift.

could also try molecular research in neurology coupled with occult energy work and visualizations.

This is like their 14 shit tho in comparison to most people here who can manifest reality (tier 7) and create tulpas and though-forms to do tasks for them passively over time (tier 9) and astral project (tier 12) kind of shit, tier is just a little idea of where you can be in terms of acquired abilities or remembered affinities so the construct of perceived reality, this entire hologram of light shaped by the very will which animates.

why does a caterpillar turn to mush and goop before it mutates into a butterfly…?

Nature provides, just give the console command with your will.


Skiwalkers is a protip


Why OP do you keep making these threads still?

Yes you can shapeshift. The first task to do would be to heal your skin. Then learn to direct blood consciously around while in trance in order to make red little numbers appear on your skin. Then learn the art of making moles fall off. Then learn to cause various other skin defects to appear and disappear. Then learn to create stigmata… and so on and on you should practise, gradually becoming better at shapeshifting your body. Eventually you will be able to go full reptilian.

*tips fedora*


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but i dont want to be a lizard, also how come every time i ask a simple question fringe comes up with like 10 completely different answers. and it always comes with a warning. you say raise your consciousnesses, but be careful because demons who are actually aliens, who are actually energy want to rape your mind i mean who am i supposed to trust.


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Then don't be a lizard. There is no reason a shapeshifter has to ever assume the form of a lizard.

Just listen to me. It's pretty straightforward. We live in a mental universe. Cultivate your mental power and use it to reshape your body. All the tl;dr is just the details of how to cultivate the powers of imagination. Do not of course think that imagination means it's all fake, far from it, everything we ever experience is imagined. You can actually cause physical changes in your body with your mind, this is proven beyond all doubts, by many studies and examples.

Demons, aliens, etc. are just entities in the great multiverse. Some humans, some aliens, and some other types of beings can be described as demonic.

None of them are energy though. Don't listen to someone that says that. They aren't energy anymore than we are energy; as in our bodies are made of energy. Ultimately everything is mental, it is composed of mind stuff, held within the mind of The All. God is UNIVERSAL INFINITE LIVING MIND. See: The Kybalion.

There's a lot of people on here that don't know what they are talking about or who are shilling or who haven't thought things out so clearly. The truth is simple. Use occam's razor when you can.

This shit is based on some basic principles. The 7 hermetic axioms. Familiarize yourself with that. Read the books we always keep suggesting.

As a general rule the more convoluted and baseless something seems, the speaker probably doesn't understand the subject he is talking on.

If you have any further questions or need clarification then just ask I guess but try to do some reading yourself and figure things out. All the books you need are in the library. When starting out you just work on simple body modification tasks like the ones I mentioned and then you develop things further with more complex feats until you're capable of reshaping your whole body with your thoughts.

Humans, aliens, demons, and other entities all require loosh you know. Loosh is ultimately the most precious resource in all planes of existence. It comes originally from God but in a finite quantity that trickles down to all first order beings, you can read about it here: http://montalk.net/synchronicity/synchronicity.html and http://montalk.net/about/212/glossary#loosh

Loosh gets shit done. In its main form, it is astral energy; which is emotions.

Let me explain the importance of astral energy. It's what motivates you to do anything, it gives you purpose in life. It fuels desires, it powers thoughtforms, and it enables astral travel. If you ever try to create a tulpa (a sentient thoughtform) then you will realize that they thrive on loosh and if you don't give it to them their development is stunted. All thoughtforms need lots of loosh to power them. Try it yourself, try thoughtforming, and see how well and how complex your thoughtforms can be made when you are anhedonic (emotionally numb) versus when you have a ton of emotion to pour into the endeavour.

The aliens / higher beings harvest loosh from lower beings to create anything they want.

So when you're travelling around in the astral, yes, you can be attacked by other beings there that will steal your loosh in many different ways. Succubus for example will try to seduce you and prey on your lust. You give in, just do it yourself one time and see, you will lose your connection to the astral (temporarily) because of how bad they drain you thus interrupting your travel prematurely. Other beings will try to terrify you, and others will provoke emotions of all sorts out of you, to get your loosh. If you're drained too fast, it's going to cut your time short in the astral, and it'll take awhile for you to return.

The biggest threat for you in the astral is you may become emotionally drained and sometimes you may lose some of your vitality and when you come back to physicality be very fatigued. Possession, dying in the physical, or having a lot of damage done to your mind is extremely rare and not likely to happen unless you get yourself involved in some very dangerous shit with elemental beings or some other very powerful wizards and piss them off.

It's no more dangerous than living here in this physical plane. You will notice that here in this world loosh farming happens all the time and people try to provoke emotions out of you to harvest them. There's a REASON trolls troll, it empowers them, or the thoughtforms and beings attached to them when you get provoked. This whole planet is a loosh farm.


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>The biggest threat for you in the astral is you may become emotionally drained and sometimes you may lose some of your vitality and when you come back to physicality be very fatigued. Possession, dying in the physical, or having a lot of damage done to your mind is extremely rare and not likely to happen unless you get yourself involved in some very dangerous shit with elemental beings or some other very powerful wizards and piss them off.

i guess im better off not trying. i mean is there a way to protect myself or what? technically if i dont try it im safe right? like if i cant see them they cant see me right?



>technically if i dont try it im safe right? like if i cant see them they cant see me right?



because it says in the bible that we shouldnt try to do magic. so if i try and fail i go to hell. if i dont try maybe ill go to heaven. idk.



Since you seem knowledgeable on the topic and brought it up, I will ask - how to go about generating strong emotions for the loosh and even simply motivation? What I've read on emotions all talks about managing them if they are unrestrained but I have the exact opposite problem.


Yes OP, if you practice magick for a long enough time you can shape-shift into a crazy adult with several mental disorders


>this is proven beyond all doubts, by many studies and examples.
Where are they hiding all this evidence? Please, by all means, posts just 2 or 3 of these studies


>Where are they hiding all this evidence? Please, by all means, posts just 2 or 3 of these studies

It's not fucking hidden dipshit. Look in the various psychological studies, there's lots of stuff on how mental states effect the body, changing things like digestion, the flow of blood, the condition of the skin, the tension in the muscles, etc.

Can't you find that shit for yourself?



Swing the pendulum. That's how you get really fucking hardcore emotions fast. The moment you feel you've swung it as hard as you can to the right, swing it to the left. Also identify of course the opposite poles. Like hate and love are polar opposites and ultimately different degrees of the same thing. Fear's opposite polarity seems to be confidence.

Just do it faggot, as long as you don't fuck around with elementals, you'll be fine. It's completely fucking worth it.


>asked for studies
>he posts a book
Nigger please, I wanted to read a teenager fantasy I'd order harry potter. It's fine if you have beliefs that are not backed up by evidence, we all do, but don't go around claiming to have many studies proving your point when you can't link a single one.

Flags are broken on mobile.


People with multiple personality disorder, or dissociative identity disorder as its now called can shapeshift when they switch personalities.

On a more mundane level peoples outward appearance is influenced heavily by how charged they are internally and by what emotion.


>because it says in the bible that we shouldnt try to do magic.

I think the Bible is probably talking more about sorcerous pacts with various astral entities and demons. Because Jesus' teachings, especially those like Mark 11:22 (master numbers btw), are pretty much the basis of all Western magic, being Kabbalistic in nature.


>it says in the bible that we shouldnt try to do magic
>coming from the guy who healed the sick
>conjured food
>spoke to God
>sought to spiritually enlighten Men
Nigga, you blarmy and you misunderstand "what" is done with "magic". At all times during the day you are using "magic" unconsciously to influence how and what happens in your life and in others. If you spend time actually learning how these things are used you are no longer aimlessly in a sea, hoping to survive, you are given a boat and the skill to steer where you wish it to. And all it is in line with what God wants because the power to do so comes from God.

And >>26787 is right. It would warn against that because there are entities powerful enough to influence the world and do so at a decrement to you because you allow them so. You have not the power discern good from bad in this context and you are putting your free will aside in hopes that some entity will not screw you over when all it wants is to take your energy at the least price possible. The Bible says to not do sorcery because you, as someone with no idea how these things operate, will be screwed over by the first Tom, Dick or Mephistopheles answering your call. Doing deals with Gods and Spirits ain't bad inherently, it's just that everybody wants whats best for themselves.


>Swing the pendulum. That's how you get really fucking hardcore emotions fast. The moment you feel you've swung it as hard as you can to the right, swing it to the left. Also identify of course the opposite poles. Like hate and love are polar opposites and ultimately different degrees of the same thing. Fear's opposite polarity seems to be confidence.

I'm just a believing mundane-aspiring-neophyte, but I can't help but think that what you're describing really sounds like bipolar disorder. And I've seen a friend get really quite badly fucked up by her being bipolar.

Is the axiom of the pendulum the only reliable/efficient means of accumulating significant proportions of loosh for arcane use? Admittedly, I'm not far into my required reading, so the answer is probably in there waiting for me. I'm just giving voice to an anxiety your post raised.


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You fedoras turn me on in a weird way. I just want to mindfuck you so hard and rub my succubus tits in your face until you admit magick is real while soaking up your loosh.


That's not how it is at all. You just need to dump the negative emotion into a form while switching its pole and you can transmute it. It actually happens so fast that you barely notice the pain but for a brief moment before it's transformed into its opposite.

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