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Esoteric Wizardry


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I've been thinking about becoming active magically. I have a couple questions to ask the regulars of this board so I can get an idea of whether or not this is all legit:
1. If magic is real then why haven't the powers that be nuked this board or the entirety of 8chan to stop normal folks from learning magic? Why are there so many resources for mystics on the internet? Why do they not seem to be trying to sow disinformation? A cursory glance of this board suggests that shills visit here far less than they do /pol/
2. Not trying to start any shit but: how many of you guys take drugs? I don't do any hard drugs, I only smoke cigarettes and I want to know if you guys are really seeing the benefits of your actions or if your brains are fried or something.
3. Any resources for magic on a budget? I have a middle class job here in Finland and I've been trying to be frugal, can you guys point me to a good resource on budgeting or give me advice?


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>If magic is real then why haven't the powers that be nuked this board or the entirety of 8chan to stop normal folks from learning magic?
The board has just been hijacked, everything was deleted, it was just recovered in part. Even if they did, it would be ineffective, this is actually the third /fringe/. There's also the possibility that we are not seen as a threat yet. And there's always powers that oppose the powers that be, to keep things is balance.

>Why are there so many resources for mystics on the internet?

The overdose of information sometimes is worse than no information. Many people journey through the occult is reduced to using some drugs, masturbating to paper and vague "psychological" studies.

>Why do they not seem to be trying to sow disinformation? A cursory glance of this board suggests that shills visit here far less than they do /pol/

Are you kidding? Just before the hijack at least half the first page was shilling. And I'm not even talking about the fedoras that always come to just "magic doesnt real guise" threads.

>Not trying to start any shit but: how many of you guys take drugs?

Some do, most seem to disapprove.

>Any resources for magic on a budget? I have a middle class job here in Finland and I've been trying to be frugal, can you guys point me to a good resource on budgeting or give me advice?

This pic and this >>20089 post. All these books are in the Mega folder on the sticky. If you download them it won't take you any money, just time for the practices.


About the shills: I wasn't really seeing any but I had taken like 5 minutes to check the board after I noticed it was on the top 25 again. I've got a good eye for shillery, I can tell you that.
Thanks for replying, man. About the thriftiness thing, I meant something more along the lines of essential tools or supplies. Any apparatuses common to magicians, like star maps or sextants?
Also, can you vouch for the books in the sticky? I really want to approach this scientifically. Magicians for the most part seem intelligent at a glance, but I'm worried about getting false or contradictory information from the get go. Would you say these books are scientifically rigorous?


At first the only thing you really need is your mind. As you develop you may take interest in other ways of magic, some of them may be very expensive, but it's possible to just follow your path without having to spend much money, all will come in time.

The first two recommended books are theoretical, but from the third on there are exercises, then you can test for yourself the efficacy of the teachings.


Ok, thanks for the help.


>Any apparatuses common to magicians
Yes, you'll need a wood rod, about 4-7 inches. You must old it in your hands and visualize what you want to accomplish for 13 days in a row.

On the night of the 13th day you repeat TAAB NADAAL UKMEENI ASHAROOM as you slowly insert the rod on your rectum. Leave it there until you absorb all the accumulated energy.


1. As the others have stated, we were just nuked and a lot of good resource was lost. As for why there is so much resource on the internet , i would say because people are waking up and finding this stuff useful, you don't get thousands of books about nothing(before you target that point, you know what i mean). For disinfo, there's disinfo everywhere, you eventually develop a kind of detector for it and are able to tell right from wrong, you'll eventually understand what i mean.
2. A few of us have taken drugs in the past to get us out of the old rut of thinking, to make us question our beliefs and dogmas. Not all drugs fry your brain, MDMA is the only one that does something relatively like that, most entheogens take you out of the normal vibrational level so you experience other realities(this can be dangerous to the inexperienced user).
3.Go check the sticky for the MEGA, for recommendations go read the chart above or go to the question thread, anything in Smiley's library will generally be of use.


>why haven't the powers that be nuked this board

They did exactly that just a few days ago OP.


>They did exactly that just a few days ago OP
Yeah, sorry, I should have made it a little clearer that I meant something like pulling out all the NSA stops. I meant something like full on smashing this website and others like it. I'm thinking that a decent explanation is probably either that there is some sort of counter organization dedicated to protecting this sort of information or that the powers that be don't want to destroy every mystic resource on the net and have people "going off the grid" and researching magic the old-fashioned way (i.e. book learnin').

>people are waking up and finding this stuff useful
That's probably what's going on, honestly. I'm just really trying to be rational about this (inb4 le autism) and trying to be really methodical with my approach to the whole thing.
Reading the Kybalion right now. Thanks for replying.


Also, it may be like that guy said, that /fringe/ simply isn't on the radar yet.


Trying to get yourself to believe it is one of the first steps in magic, i recommend you find some practical things that you can do (sigils, reality creation, thoughtforms, manipulation, parapsychology, etc), give them a shot so you can prove it to yourself. I still held doubt after a good month or two of magical work, it takes a while to remove your old instilled world view.
As for NSA or something else destroying the site, try to think what happens if that goes on, you destroy something and it rebuilds again.


>Why do they not seem to be trying to sow disinformation?

They have been doing EXACTLY THIS for a very long time. Are you totally unaware of the CIA projects to spread disinformation on this matter? The internet is absolutely chokefull now with complete garbage, endless rubbish, which is why finding the jewels in all this refuse is so hard. We on /fringe/ have spent a very long time finding all the books we now recommend… many of us hard to dig through crap with a high noise-to-signal ratio for a long time.

I do not do any drugs and the board owner does not do any drugs at all and espouses asceticism. He sees the use of drugs as submission to the demiurge (matter).

>I only smoke cigarettes

Oh, so you are a degenerate drug user afterall. I bet you also do pharmacy drugs.

>3. Any resources for magic on a budget? I have a middle class job here in Finland and I've been trying to be frugal, can you guys point me to a good resource on budgeting or give me advice?

Only thing you really need to spend money on is decent food so you can maintain good health. Why would you think you have to spend money? Everything here is free, all the PDFs are provided free.


>first two books "theoretical"

They are the most important books though. Application of the 7 hermetic axioms in The Kybalion and the various aphorisms of The Arcane Teachings is ultimately all anyone should ever need to accomplish everything, if they were super clever. You can't just skip them, they are essential.


>Are you totally unaware of the CIA projects to spread disinformation on this matter
I am, actually. Like I said, I'm an absolute beginner on the subject so naturally I have no idea what's going on. I'm sure I'll develop an eye for disinformation as I learn more.

>I bet you also do pharmacy drugs

I don't, no. Not even babby-tier meds like melatonin.

>Application of the 7 hermetic axioms in The Kybalion
I'm committing them to memory now. Cleared off my desk and I'm scratching away at my notebook and everything.


>tfw my introduction to magick was via seeing mindblowing high level magick involving the manipulation of matter and the knowledge of events far removed (remote viewing)
>tfw didn't have to go through all difficulty cultivating faith, 'cause I saw for myself what high level wizards can do


>Not even babby-tier meds like melatonin.

Melatonin is classified as a vitamin supplement.


Also Kabbalah is some sort of Enlightenment/modernist matzo fuckery, right? You guys don't seem to like Kabbalah but there's a resource on it in the recommendations. I'm from /pol/ so I think I'm already pretty red-pilled on the Talmud.

Well, even so.


The one book on it by Franz Bardon is a Hermetic work and not just jew-fuckery.


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>Also Kabbalah is some sort of Enlightenment/modernist matzo fuckery, right?

Kabbalah was heavily influenced by Hellenic philosophy (particularly Platonism) due to Jews kicking around the area in ancient times.

Emanations from the gross up to the Godhead with a concrete hierarchy is solid Platonism.

I don't know a lot about the Kabbalah Centers that Hollywood celebrities have a hard-on for. My guess would be basic meditation like practices with a good dose of feel good chicken soup for stupid.

Persistence is key.

>PDF related: Ray Sherwin's Book of Results

Basic and short outline and instruction on Self-Improvement, Monasticism and Magick.

One of the best newbie texts.


Magic is quite cheap, though it might cost you a bit if you want to study from material books, (I have six of the books mentioned in the chart as material ones, I find it easier to study some works this way).

Modern Kabbalah has little to do with ancient one, and Bardon's Kabbalah has very little to do with that Jewish Art - it's Hermetic.


Haven't read the whole thread, but the Holographic Universe by M. Talbot is a book that took scientificall studies, and made me consider a lot of what is talked on here.


>influenced by Hellenic
I'm sure the tree of life that predates the pyramids of Giza was influenced by a shitty society that stole some of the old knowledge of Egypt…

Fucking autism everywhere


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Whatever the original source, a lot of it was shaped (or reshaped) by Greek thinkers and culture, which in turn heavily influenced the Jews both in ancient, medieval and renaissance times.

No need to be upset.

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