>If magic is real then why haven't the powers that be nuked this board or the entirety of 8chan to stop normal folks from learning magic?The board has just been hijacked, everything was deleted, it was just recovered in part. Even if they did, it would be ineffective, this is actually the third /fringe/. There's also the possibility that we are not seen as a threat yet. And there's always powers that oppose the powers that be, to keep things is balance.
>Why are there so many resources for mystics on the internet?The overdose of information sometimes is worse than no information. Many people journey through the occult is reduced to using some drugs, masturbating to paper and vague "psychological" studies.
>Why do they not seem to be trying to sow disinformation? A cursory glance of this board suggests that shills visit here far less than they do /pol/Are you kidding? Just before the hijack at least half the first page was shilling. And I'm not even talking about the fedoras that always come to just "magic doesnt real guise" threads.
>Not trying to start any shit but: how many of you guys take drugs?Some do, most seem to disapprove.
>Any resources for magic on a budget? I have a middle class job here in Finland and I've been trying to be frugal, can you guys point me to a good resource on budgeting or give me advice?This pic and this
>>20089 post. All these books are in the Mega folder on the sticky. If you download them it won't take you any money, just time for the practices.