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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1425493570616.jpg (43.97 KB, 345x467, 345:467, Grey alien.jpg)


>some batshit insane Crowley successor say his master met "Lam" and there is more like them
>they start summoning them from portals
>Alesteir said nothing like this and it was supposed to be his autoportrait
>Grey phenomena starts over
>Mfw neophytes have started an international meme

Are all greys thoughtforms?


Never openly met one, but I don't think their reported behaviour fits in this theory. But who knows? Why would they be abducting, experimenting and hybridizing if that was the case?


>Are all greys thoughtforms?

Humans themselves are thoughtforms held in the mind of The All.

We're all created out of thought.


>Why would they be abducting, experimenting and hybridizing if that was the case?

Greys mostly just terrorize people for their loosh.


File: 1425520686648.jpg (56.54 KB, 640x512, 5:4, mindfuck.jpg)

lam was real but everything is thoughtform so it doesn't matter

if people experience alien abduction, they really do, but that doesn't imply that the entire experience is any more or less real than taking a walk in the park


I always thought the whole lam thing was retarded. I just never saw what was significant about it.


The All is still the objective substrate in which our subjective experiences are embedded within.


"Some Greys are not physical beings but thought-forms, which are etheric constructs without physical bodies who lack the ability to materialize in the physical. They would be used more for human possession, influencing, and monitoring purposes, whereas the tangible Greys are used for physical tasks like handling abductees." - Montalk

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