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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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How do you wizards not have a wacky race car thread yet? You've been in the top 25 for a few days now.

Wacky Races is a Hanna-Barbera cartoon series. The anons back at /co/ had the idea of setting up a race
reflected by the position of the top 25 boards. For example, you guys are currently in 22nd place.
More may still come from all this (comics, modded games) but I wouldn't hold your breath for those.

You'll need a vehicle, at least one driver, and a name for said vehicle.

Here's some of the other vehicles:
And here is the current /co/ thread.


Wish you the best of luck, we are all excited to see what you guys come up with.


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We had talked about it before, it'll be a Vrilcraft. I think it should be called Vrilcraft Haunebu V, pilots should be Smiley and Fringe Girl with a Vril-Damen haircut. I wonder if the drawfriend from the other thread will be able to do it.


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here is vril ship, it goes "vwöö vwöö vwöö"

I use it when I must go to town for vodka, bark bread, and sauna :DDDDDD


I forgot to mention, you guys also need to come up with a race track.


How exactly do we go about designing a race track?


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Eh, here's something. I checked out others tracks and they were made in Paint.


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That's nice, I had a way more autistic idea that I drew tridimensionally and even needed arrows to explain, it was about descending and ascending back.


That's pretty fringe too! We could call those three floors "planes" and, while ascending/descending, the racers automatically raise/lower their vibrations.

Maybe we could use your map and add the Rabbit Hole/Astral Space idea in it; what I wanted on my map is that there's no walls/edges on the track, all riders have the chance to fall off into the hole/space.

Is there anyone who wants to draw? I might do it if no one else wants to, depending if I get my scanner to work.


"Planes" was exactly my idea, the cars would be more powerful on the higher planes and weaker in the lower ones. When they get to the lowest one they might get obstacles from demiurge and allies, trying to use illusions and trickery to get them to stop going up or making them going back to the lower one.

Yeah, I think it'd be nice to mix both ideas. I suck at drawing though.


our car should just be a flying carpet


Ok guys how about this, driver is hermes trisme fucking histus; driving an

hold onto your pants

invisible car

how about that?


Fuck that. This isn't /islam/. A vrilcraft would be much better.


Would Hermes be invisible as well or would we all see the levitating dude?


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It is clear what our choice must be.

… the Merkaba


No fuck that, we aren't jews here.

Vrilcraft is what we must have.

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