>The FAQ is there to be read:
>The basic fringe reading is in the FAQ.
Which doesn't make it any less worthless.
>I don't know why I am typing this post since you are just going to show me your ego and claim that what I say needs citations, claim that I am a delusional faggot while continuing to masturbate to guy's in a labcoat.
Logical fallacy, you fedora-tipping faggot. You've invested too much into your delusion, and you're defending it under the veil of "muh occult", refusing to actually look at the collected datasets.
>Science doesn't know shit about the occult.
It knows more than you do, at the very least.
>The occult has been done and researched by men and women since the dawn of time, even the caves man were using their will to influence reality.
[citation needed]
This interpretation isn't proven nor supported by the data we have.
>If Science can't explain it using a model that has been established as a "true axiom" it denies it. Denying the history and true nature of humanity by the same occasion.
You're generalizing. Also you're a faggot; look at Radin's collection of research above. And let me quote him on this:
"Commonly heard critiques about psi, such as “these phenomena are impossible,” or “there’s no valid scientific evidence,” or “the results are all due to fraud,” have been soundly rejected for many decades. Legitimate debates today are based on discussions of empirical evidence and interpretation of the evidence. Most active researchers are focusing on development of adequate theoretical explanations, advancements in methodology, the “source” of psi, and issues about effect size heterogeneity and robustness of replication."
>And since we are on the topic of science, let me clarify: the MAINSTREAM science is bullshit.
Overgeneralizing again.
>Those scientist appearing in Nature telling you that life is ruled by randomness and that anything supernatural is a mere coincidence, hallucination or correlation without causation is simply false, no citations being needed, deep down, you know there is more to it, you are just blinding yourself to it.
"deep down, you know" doesn't do it for me. You're appealing to ignorance which I do not have. Certainly, I agree that there is nothing supernatural, and paranormal phenomena do show in the most mundane of our everyday lives. Do you also know what the other name of coincidence is? Synchronicity.
>If you want science and citations to
>>this world is made of energy and your mind molds the energy all around you in thoughts, thoughts which can influence physical matter
>go watch "What the blip do we know".
Long debunked. Your ignorance is showing, don't you feel ashamed?
>>I'd suggest you start with the Sepher Yetzirah, pick up Plato, Socrates, Iamblichus, Agrippa, Sendivogius, Bruno, Ficino
>All those guy's are hiding the truth in plain sight. I'd suggest you reread them.
>truth in plain sight
Nigger are you even trying?
>>Once you have the gist of the ideas they present, you should delve into the Solomonic tradition; Keys of Solomon, Enochian, Evocation of the Bornless One, Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.
>So you are doing magic but do not believe in energy and everything is made out of energy ? Einstein, Tesla, does that ring any bell ?
So you're telling me you're psychotic enough not to know the difference between performing a ritual and using liminal states for self-transformation, and buying into the belief of new-age "energy", AND THEN link that notion of energy with the physical definition of it?
Stop eating benzos like candy, they're making holes in your brain.
>You are playing with thoughtforms and energy all day and still you think you are doing self hypnosis, which to an extent is true, but that's simply not seeing the full picture.
You're entirely ignorant of the science and research involved. Why don't you go and debunk some of the research of hypnosis using the energy model (which has long, long been deprecated now, given that we know better since the early 1900's), and then I'll take you seriously.
>dabbling with evocation without proper shadow working
>kek, all you need is to have an aversion to christiannity and religions in general and you'll finish like Aleister Crowley
So… rich, well-fed, happy, and very successful? (and in some accounts, perplexed)
Sounds like a good end, far as I can tell.
Still, deluding oneself that "muhjgeek" is a thing is just pathetic. Why don't you actually use your skills for something productive?