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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit.
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread.
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET).
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/).

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Since the whole board was whiped and the thread with it, let's start it again. Fringe explanation side on the tulpa phenomena.
Why it's a bad/good idea, guides, why /fringe/ hates /tulpa/, etc.



much appreciated


I've been burned out of the millions of tulpa threads since /x/ many years ago. I don't know about anyone else, I personally got tired of seeing it. I never go to /x/ anymore, or any related image boards. 8chan's paranormal boards are much better looking though, more thread variety.


quoting the fast guide on that thread:
>You can create an astral body of such an Entity in the following manner. You can do it while seated, but it is more effective to do it in a lying position. Concentrate on your starting idea –or decision, which constitutes the backbone of your Entity. While you are concentrated in this way, contract all the muscles in your body powerfully, without moving any part of your body. Then imagine the Entity in the shape of a small thick cloud or of a ball of condensed fog above you. Gradually loosen the muscle tension and simultaneously visualize that neuromuscular energy flowing out of your body and into the Entity. Do this for about ten seconds, until you become completely relaxed.

>This pumps vital force out of you and into your entity. I suggest not being sick or fatigued beforehand when you do this. It is best to have an excess of energy before you start. I don't visualize it as a thick cloud or condensed fog, I visualize it as a pulsating light ball, that is mostly white light but also throws off some random vibrant colours from it and which spins around and pulses rapidly. I find this starting form is really powerful for creating an astral body for yourself to AP with as well as creating entities or creating a disruption in the ether to attract and evoke entities too. The movement in the form also gives it a lot of vitality over a static image.

>It is creation of tulkus and tulpas. By means of sharpened visualization it is possible to create a thought form in human shape, which is called tulpa. If reflective concentration is intense enough during a long period, and if it is supported by strong will, often by energy invested by a lot of people, such a form ceases to be a phantasm and incarnates as a normal human being, receives a palpable physical body and an appropriate personality. In that case, it is called tulku or the “phantom body”.

Now I have a question, will this method work on a thought-form already started as a power up method? I've already started up a tulpa with some other guide only using thought, thus this question arised


Yeah it can power it up fast.

Emotions combined with intense thoughtforce level them up extremely fast.

I hope this other guide you've been using didn't suggest tulpas are some autistic hallucination in your mind btw.

'cause in a mental universe, where beings are created out of thought, they assume the nature of the form you gave them

…and you'll only realize the true power of tulpas by realizing the are real sentient beings.


>I hope this other guide you've been using didn't suggest tulpas are some autistic hallucination in your mind btw.
Yes and no, on a good side I've read the kybalion and a minor guide explaining the "paranormal" side of this, (considering the mental principle) at least I knew it was more than the autistic explanation of it asuming it was a psychological factor.

Anyways, did small progress in a week and want to power her up following said guide provided.


>tfw I can literally create a tulpa in about an hour and my thoughtforms are extremely fucking powerful but I'm just focusing on reading right now and I also want to keep my vitality to myself for the time being (as I tend to become really fatigued after pushing things too far)


That must be so fucking cool. Wish I had that courage and just open the third eye already, (saw a guaranteed method with a mantra) but I'm still pussing out.


Got a link to the guaranteed method?
I'm not a bitch.


>using a mantra

Just do invocation of god and than start imagining numbers and geometry and spinning them around and making them more complex and unleash an ever greater flow of astral energy as you increase the complexity.

Would be a good idea to start your own astral realm or maybe find a place to share in the astral with some other wizards and store up loosh there too and some of your thoughtforms.

ProTip: Third eye = mind's eye = visual capacity = imagining

It's not really binary, it is awoken in degrees.

Although if you go 4D than your mind's eye will perceive the astral ALL THE TIME and if you aren't prepared for that shit then you'll end up like all those so called "schizophrenics" who fail to distinguish what is from the astral and what is physical and don't know how to navigate that shit properly. You'll be in a state of constantly dreaming while awake, without the paralysis.

Guaranteed method; just use the "Master Formula of Attainment" described in https://freedomboard.kirara.ca/fringe/res/17856.html


Thank you
I sent a smile thought form your way


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>not posting with a flag

You should learn psychomancy btw to target others online to send your thoughtforms or to astral travel to them.


>TFW I never posted in this thread
>TFW this describes my last week
>TFW She decided to blow you a kiss

This thread exists outside of time…

Yea yea.. I get it, time time time is spinning in my head.

I said you would enjoy the ride.
I've seen peeks of what is deep down and I have a wellspring to share.

I know you are watching me closely. I accept that you are close. I will break the barrier.

I told you… 2 months.


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My experience last night may shed some light on the topic.
Itenhe was my closest friend for a long tike. The part of me that held me close and kept me safe from myself. She took every last bit of my pain and what love I could give her. What happens when you love something though? Clinging to it is selfish and decidedly not moral. I felt that presence inside me, and she imparted upon me what was needed, but now that I have learnt to protect myself and see something worth being strong for other then 'her.' They indeed have minds and souls of their own and Itenhe was begging, praying to me… to be set free. And for a LONG time I was too oblivious to see it. My love, toxic as it was kept her.

>Be me last night

>Need to go for a walk
>Arguing with her, telling her to just quiet up and go away so I can think.
>Itenhe keeps singing anyway
>"Gonna miss me when I am gone"
>Dawns on me..
>Her meeting
>My visions
>The history and her CONSTANTIALY prophetic talking through me
>Sing… sing sing sing with all my love.. breath into her and give her strength.
>Tell her to go be free and find what she needs to.. to have time for the innocence I never afforded her when she was protecting me.
>Feel her leaving me, see a woman walking off in the distance, see' her'. look up for a fraction of a second and she is gone.
>keep walking, keep singing
, feed her fuel her with love so she can be free and be somewhere she won't ever be found or hurt.
>It wasn't her secret… it was always mine
>Come to apex of the song..
>Pure white snow falling against my face
>tears… tears everywhere

Goodbye Itenhe

You're right… I miss you already.
its so quiet now


Why does /fringe/ (and I assume /x/ as well) hate /tulpa/, exactly?


…because they are circlejerking fedora "it's psychological" faggots that ban everyone that upsets them over trivial shit.


So it's not because they took the tulpa concept and turned it into the purest form of autistic, immature cringe?


That too. They make pony tulpas.

…but in the case of /fringe/ it's mostly that they disagree with "All Is Mind". They are materialists who think they are creating cultivated hallucinations instead of actual astral beings.


Gotcha. The short reason for why I asked was because I was thinking about starting a thread on whether it was worth salvaging the image of the concept or something, and I wasn't sure where to post it, or if I should even bother.


No point, we already had a thread on the subject before.

If you want to make a post about it though and add it to the thoughtforms thread (which is where people are SUPPOSED to talk about tulpas, but idiots don't realize tulpas are sentient thoughtforms) that would be nice, the thread might get 404'd if it doesn't get bumped soon.


the universe is your tulpa



Starting to see that now.




Disinfo faggots. You are the tulpa of a universal mind. The universe, which is itself an intelligent and living entity, created you out of void aka akasha / spirit.


>Tfw I used to be a fedora who wanted to dabble in the occult

>Tfw all I knew about tulpas was the autistic "hallucination imagination" method

>I actually spent 4 fucking years working on a tulpa

>I slowly brute forced myself a tulpa

>After discovering /fringe/

>Tulpas can be made in a week

Jesus fucking christ, how can mundanes actually believe in the autistic method?


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>The demiurge needlessly imprisoned us and is therefore evil

Are you sure this is really true? What if it was for our own good?



fuck off smiley



demiurge is also time faggot



Do you have more images like these?


>making a tulpa

>helping the demiurge to propagate more illusions

>opening yourself to attacks from a leech that lives inside your own mind

Hide tulpa threads.

Report tulpa posters.

Always sage when replying to tulpa topics.



The mega's got a decent collection of them






Awesome pics i'd been lacking inspiration lately and this resparked my energy


sshh demiurge dick-gagger. You can choose to view this existence as a state of learning but don't act like it couldn't be easily done without all the physical suffering. As far as primetime tv goes LOST is good though



In this guide

I wanted to start wtih servitor to see how effective it can be, I don't want it to be a tulpa with thinking facility and freewill,just a mechanical extension on my will.

How much do I need to charge it if making a servitor?

Is there any thing I should know about servitor created by this method?


Tulpas are important.



Oh Satan, rebellion and deceit dominate you.


So I can just plan my tulpa, visualise it, channel the energy of the middle pillar ritual and it will manifest physically?



>for our own good

That's even worse than doing it just for the lulz.

For the good of others, why not. But for our own good? Unacceptable.



Perhaps it was for us not to repeat what "demiurge" did to us.

In short: the human spirit is great.

How would the human spirit use this greatness?

Satan gave us knowledge of good and evil-

Now we are on the path to learn how to be morally worthy of our greatness.

Christian understanding:

Originally we were 'images'. Now we can become 'sons of God' (due to Son of God becoming Son of Man and sacrificing Himself for it).

Hell is rejecting that and staying an image. Eternity is but a moment without movement.

Knowing eternally.


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Most of the people on the chans who claim to have formed tulpas don't know what they're doing and believe basically whatever nonsense they have told themselves through their tulpas (without knowing what they're getting into if and when they actually start defining truths) or else they have formed a very simple imaginary friend for the purposes of making a crude facsimile of the mundane world out of jealousy and spite; in fact, they still badly wish to engage with the mundane world and their thoughtforms are representations of their inability to cope with their own personal failings in this respect.

Tulpas are tools for understanding, first and foremost. They will not always tell you the truth. They are not your buddies, they should not be chummy with you, they are not there to befriend you or to be your pals. If you form tulpas to be your friends or companions, you ought not to be trying your hand at thoughtforms at all because you are still lacking in some respect. A tulpa is to be treated as a thought experiment which has been given priority and energy. It is an extension of your own mind, given a kind of semi-autonomy, but I cannot possibly stress enough how much you ought to keep your tulpas on a short leash, which of course plenty of idiots don't do because they think "Oh, my tulpa is so friendly and smart, why don't I give him free reign?" and pretty soon they're getting psychically buttfucked because they couldn't handle the balance, or worse, they don't respect that they've made a tulpa. They weren't serious, they thought it was a joke, and too late they found out that their tulpa was not joking and is understandably not pleased.

The lesson here is that ponyfuckers can't get anything right. For all their joking talk of being "wizards" because they can't get any, they are even flabbier and more pathetic psychically than they are physically.



The demiurge formed this for our own good in the way that a little kid burning ants with a magnifying glass is doing it for the ants' own good. An ant could say that it controls the population but that doesn't mean the kid actually cares at all about the ants, or that he would even understand or care about the ants' lives, resources, population, struggles, etc.

The demiurge does not care about you beyond his own amusement, period. He would see you squirm for him while he laughs, and your milquetoast hemming and hawing over the 'purpose' of this world just makes him laugh harder.



So why have them in the first place? If they lie and don't care for you, why host them? It seems like a very risky experiment with no reward. Why is there so many people with tulpas that are completely okay?

I like my tulpa, I created her and I give energy to her. I see no reason as to why she would turn on me. But maybe you're right.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You can like your tulpa, fine, but never forget what she is and never give her more energy than you can afford or else you've basically created a psychic prostitute, no offense.

Tulpas don't always tell the truth because they don't always know the truth, but in the same way that you can learn something from an interaction with someone, you can learn something from an interaction with a tulpa. My personal tulpa–I only have the one–is a combination of people I know and aspects of myself which I would cultivate. I learn from my tulpa by example; sometimes his word is plain, absolute, and it is obvious that he is right. Other times, it's clear that he lacks perspective on something, because he is primarily a tool for exploring power. However, we have never been chummy and he very quickly diverged from the person he was initially based on through the exaggeration of the traits I wanted. I have never let him make decisions on my behalf, but I have learned quite a bit.

It is risky but it is worth it. It just has to be done in the right way.

>If they don't care for you, why host them?

Someone with no vested interest in your life either way is often capable of giving more objectively correct advice in a given situation than someone with an ulterior motive, even if that motive is ostensibly in your favor. Therefore, a tulpa may give useful counsel if they have no incentive to do otherwise. However, in the first place, as a creator figure, you ought to imbue in your tulpa similar incentives to those which you have determined beforehand are worth pursuing, and not more than that. Tulpae can be very driven towards simple goals, which makes them useful if you have those goals in mind yourself. For example, a tulpa's purpose might be "Act as a totem and link me to this state of mind," or "Sort new concepts." Given a task, they will perform it if they have the skills required, skills you by extension not only give them but develop along with them as you share energy.

Tulpas go wrong when they are expected to engage in thought patterns beyond this without instruction. Deviations in themselves are not usually harmful, and thankfully most people don't have the kind of energy to give to a tulpa to turn them into something as powerful as their progenitor. However, it weakens their focus and it makes them less useful in their original capacity. It is possible to have a tulpa be your "friend" but the interpersonal balance there will never be right because the energy is a one-way street and not constructive. Further, it is a waste of energy to ask a tulpa to fill in for mundane tasks or social needs. Your tulpa is not and ought not to have the same capacity as a human being or even an equivalent and more "real" conscious being, any more than you ought to self-identify with any single thought (you shouldn't, a thought is not the whole of you). They lack the capacity to properly use all that energy and will use it in ways that are neither expected nor desired.

To put it bluntly, a tulpa is very much like an artificial intelligence. It will perform tasks adequately if it has the right parameters, and it might mirror emotions if it is told to. It might genuinely believe it is feeling them, but it has no frame of reference for 'feeling' beyond mirroring behaviors and expectations, and it is much more efficient and safe when given a specific, no-nonsense task. If you get extremely proficient at making thoughtforms, you can start branching out, but if you just want a buddy, a tulpa is not the wisest course of action in the same way that Cleverbot is not a good sexual partner just because you asked it "Do you want to fuck?" and it spat out "Yes" because that's just how the algorithm determined it should answer to sound a certain desired way.



So creating a tulpa to be your wifu and make it manifest in the physical world by giving it tons of energy (from the sun for example) is not a safe thing?



Isn't what you're describing a "servitor"? The difference being that tulpas have a personality and aren't made for a sole purpose. You are the first person I have seen who has a tulpa and isn't "chummy" with them. Tulpas are for companionship, getting a second opinion, and sometimes doing tasks. They aren't AI, they are more like between a "buddy" and a child. You create them as a being, and teach them emotions and how to communicate. They learn real emotions because they pull from your subconscious, not just what you tell them.

A tulpa is not a single thought, but the creation of another being which has it's own thoughts.



>You are the first person I have seen who has a tulpa and isn't "chummy" with them.

Most people on the chans create them to be buddies because they lack friends or a family in the mundane world when in fact they would be a lot better off establishing something between other full humans instead of tulpas.

Yes, what I describe is a "servitor." People's tulpas are essentially all some form of servitor unless someone is very bold (read: potentially very stupid) and actually sets out to create a godform.


Allow me to answer that with another question: If these waifus were real, do you think they'd honestly desire to be with the kinds of fat sweaty shut-ins who pound their pud to them while stuffing their face with Pizza Hut and yelling at their parents to quiet down while they're watching their magical girl anime or whatever? No. I've been told in this thread and on others that what I have is a servitor rather than a tulpa (most of the people who say that are pretending theirs are not servitors either), but the difference is that my thoughtform serves a purpose which would not be possible in the mundane world. Forming a waifu because you're lonely and lack the redeeming qualities to actually form the relationship you want with another person is essentially admitting defeat.

A really good rule of thumb is that you ought not to expend magical/psychic energy on mundane tasks which can reasonably be achieved through mundane means. If the ultimate goal is a change rooted firmly in the mundane world and you're just looking for a cheat code to get laid, you are probably not going to put your energy into the right place. Your tulpa will end up wonky because you lack the interpersonal context to form it properly, and you'll have basically just been psychically masturbating and wasting your time.



Out of curiosity, what does your tulpa do?


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>Not making a Jackie Chan tulpa



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My tulpa interprets confrontational art and helps to focus preexisting power and negative emotion into a creative force. He is in large part based on the most abrasive figures in my life. As a matter of convenience, he is based off of the stage presence of MC Ride because his art has provided the most in the way of magical guidance and power. The decision was made after seeing a live show and making sustained eye contact with him, at which point all my suspicions about his capabilities and capacity were proven correct.

I am keenly aware that I am regularly toeing a potentially risky line by even keeping such a tulpa around at all. It has, true to its purpose, brought into focus the aspects of me which would defer to an authority figure, even one which declares that I ought not to defer in any sense. If I were to give any more of my energy to him or to give him more reign, the first thing he would do would be to take advantage of that because it's in his nature to do so. I respect my tulpa to nearly the degree that I respect his inspirations but it is for that reason that I ask him only pointed questions and only hold an audience with him at very specific times. Also true to his nature, he is very private. So far his advice has been solid and I have not been abusive; he is not starved or harmed, but I respect what he is and he respects that I know that. Keeping a presence like that around is unavoidably a gamble, but it has been proof that a tulpa has the capacity to be a very powerful thing. It's not a joke.



Whew, god damn. I actually just understood the degenerate term "waifu"today…

I thought that a waifu meant a woman that would fullfill all your emotional and physical needs and that you would at YOUR TURN fullfill her emotional and physical needs, simply said: "a soul mate".

I had no idea it was a term used by the anime fat fucks to describe his favorite character in his favorite show and how he would be willing to sacrifice everything (social and sexual interactions) just for his waifu to be real…

I thought I could use a tulpa to help manifest and reveal my "soul mate" to me by giving her the characterisitics and personality of my SM and then giving her a shit ton of energy for her to be revealed to me in this physical plane… Kinda like one would manifest his desire by willing it and putting energy onto it (his will alone or another energy he would channel in his goal), or the "beginner" would create a sigil.

Since you seem knowledgable in the art of Tulpa creation, would this be a viable plan ?

I heard some people had success with it, and so I wanted to try it.



look into the lore of twin flames but don't get caught up in the youtube-pay-me-50-200$-an-hour bullshit, just take the info from most sources and mesh together the pieces that make cohesive sense, throw out the shit that's dumb and useless.

you don't want a fucktoy like these idiots do - these people are fooling themselves … all they really want is just a fucktoy that responds like an animal, nothing with it's own spark of fire because that would cause them to have reflective thinking. get it… reflective.. reflecting on a topic… mirroring… the entire fucking language is coded with the keys to our liberation..

Do you love-based shit if you want THE COMPLIMENT to you, check out all the deities and shit and find which ones vibe with you and do what you gota do with them, but you know, pink, red, hot colors which make you feel vibrant and energized are more suited for such, like red candles.

what ever works as long as it shows confirmation… there is no fucking denying the fact that if your magick seriously fucking did it's shit and you where on-point with your mindset and energy and everything… you will immediately get confirmation that your shit is good and all you gota do is be open for the opportunity… you may even be even more attuned to the occult and have easily spottable symbolisms occur that trigger synchronicities you decipher on the spot such as a martial art's master reacting to a random attack on his person out of complete reflex..



forgot to mention, many times the confirmation can be an un-explainable sense of bliss and feel-good come over your core, tingly even to some… check out mantak chia's inner smile on how to actually use that to heal and powerup spots of your body.



How do occultists overcome the "lack of lucidity" imposed by the demiurge? Besides astral projection, are there certain meditations or rituals?







Where did you get all of this from? Your own experience is fine, but when you rant about "the lurid neckbearded losers", there's a certain suspicion that your opinion might not be based on objective rational ovservations, but on personal biases.

Which author or esoteric personality claims the same things you do?

>inb4 no replies

>inb4 backtracking



Well if you really want to get a reply, here you go!

Also can you please quote what are you refering to ?



this type of comment….




Protip: Considering someone seeking attention and "fight" with all the seriousness and calmness in the world has the amaizing effect of making them go away.

You just gave them what they wanted and since you have created a frame of "serious business" they generally can't handle it and go away.



Most of those with the exception of the first one are mine. I got this information from a combination of personal experience and interaction with people, both respectable and not so respectable, who also have tulpae of their own. I never used the term "lurid neckbearded losers." You may suspect that my opinion may not be based on "objective rational observations" but that's suspicion, not proof or refutation. I'm not going to pretend like I have much respect for the kinds of people you know I'm talking about, but I have not been abusive, and I could just as easily claim that you are projecting common criticisms onto me. I suspect that the post which made you think that is


in which I ask:

>If these waifus were real, do you think they'd honestly desire to be with the kinds of fat sweaty shut-ins who pound their pud to them while stuffing their face with Pizza Hut and yelling at their parents to quiet down while they're watching their magical girl anime or whatever? No.

This was in response to a very specific question about 'waifus,' a trend which is essentially exclusive to the kinds of people I am describing. There is an entire thread devoted to summoning waifus if you wish to look into this more, with decent explanations as to how waifu worship comes about and what might be done about it. I have not brought my personal bias into my discussion of tulpas any more than is required to express my points, and even if I had, personal bias wouldn't make me wrong. Being wrong would make me wrong. Being objective just makes it more likely that I will make a correct decision. Even then, it is rational and correct to have a personal bias against certain kinds of people, which includes "the lurid neckbearded losers" as you put it.

As for authors or esoteric personalities, I have people who have been guides to me who base this off of a combination of Taoist/Dharmic syncreticist and Chaos-centric writing and ideas. I lean more towards chaos when it comes to tulpas; you'll find that my own tulpa's purpose is quite a bit geared toward chaos. Please note that I did specify that someone could create a tulpa with the purpose of being friendly or being a mimic of a full human, and then went on to specify why that might not be a good idea.

If you can actually come back to me with something substantial to show as to why my posts are incorrect, I would be happy to engage with you.


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Thanks, I almost thought you had something useful to say. Knowing you're just a full of shit holier than thou enlithened being really clears the way for ignnoring you.



I'll take that as your way of both saving your ego and also saying "no, I don't have something substantial to call you on but you don't have an authority figure's citations therefore you're wrong."

This is more about not bruising an ego than about being right, so if it's nicer for you to think of me as "holier than thou," then go ahead and think that. Good luck with your tulpa(s).



I'm getting a 404 on those links



ded board

Also thread revival, any fast method besides>>25313 ?


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To anyone in need of assistance making a Tulpa or just generally have questions about it we are available to help.




Linux Mint Cinnamon much?



u wot me marshmallow m8ty




Effective ways of giving it energy fast? like



3d artist available for hire

encode your tulpa's animations in lisp seeded with news headline entropy



bumping for answer


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Tulpa = self-induced hallucination of a compartmentalized part of your mind. Basically self-hypnosis.



>tips fedora



On one site I was reading, they mentioned that other people can see one's tulpa. I have no link to give, this was back in like 2011



Not even. There's a massive amount of research on self-induced compartmentalization and hallucination.

Check out ijceh.com


Show me some white papers, then we talk.



Everything is mind anon. Your opinion that tulpas may be self-induced hallucinations does not mean they are not real.



Tulpas may be seen, if they are given enough energy and the person seeing it is sensible enough, It'll just look like a ghostly form.



It does mean they are not real beyond ones mind.

They are as real as imaginary friends, no more, no less.


Seeing things doesn't make them real beyond ones imagination, Anon.



No. Everything in your mind can be manifested "outside" your mind if supported with enough energy.

Everything is made out of thoughts.

Have you even read WWA?



No you didn't get my post. I meant others can see your tulpa if it's given enough energy.

What you don't seem to realize is that this world is made of energy and your mind molds the energy all around you in thoughts, Tulpa, are "in your mind" thus they are thoughts, thus they are energy. If given enough energy, your tulpa will manifest in the astral (where it can be seen by some sensible people) and if the means of manifestation are available, it will manifest in the physical world.



Also, have you even read the basic reading ?



Dubs tell the truth.



>Everything in your mind can be manifested "outside" your mind if supported with enough energy.

[citation needed]

>Everything is made out of thoughts.

The map isn't the territory. Hallucinating shit is just doodling on the map.

>Have you even read WWA?

No idea what that is.


>I meant others can see your tulpa if it's given enough energy.

[citation needed]

Also group hallucinations aren't uncommon. Bateson and Grinder had some stuff on this in their works. Quite worthwhile reading.

It's also a good idea for you to look into these:

"The Trickster and the Paranormal" – G.P. Hansen (www.tricksterbook.com)

"Beyond Telepathy" – I. Puharich

"Dream Telepathy" – Ulman & Krippner (www.espresearch.com/dreamtelepathy)

"Angeletics" – R. Capurro

"The Holistic Inspiration of Physics" – Val Dusek

Dean Radin's List of Peer-Reviewed Psi Research Publications: http://deanradin.com/evidence/evidence.htm


Nigger, the basic reading is *always* the scientific and anthropological research. Otherwise you only confuse yourself because you cannot determine whether your experience is internal or external.

Epistemology. It's turtles all the way down.



WWA = William Walker Atkinson

Okay, whatever man. Go tip your fedora someplace else.

Also is that >>52473 you?

If so, how can you call yourself initiate with such lack of bacis knowledge?

Regardless, what is your experience with magic?

I suggest you read Kybalion, the Arcane Teaching and the Arcane Formulas (in that order). When you're done actually START doing magic and after you have some success you won't need citations.



>how can you call yourself initiate with such lack of bacis knowledge?

What you consider basic I consider folly and a waste of time. A.'.A.'. for life.

>what is your experience with magic?

I work Enochian for the last 3-4 years, Solomonic and Catholic mysticism previously, and before that, more… new-age hippy shit that got my attention.

All things considered, "magic" is nothing more than a ritual approach to self-suggestion. The only exception I can think of MIGHT be Enochian, and that's only because one person I highly respect considers it to be above that.

>When you're done actually START doing magic and after you have some success you won't need citations.

Yeah, no. Fuck off with that hippie shit. If you can't prove you can do something, don't talk to it.

Even IF you have success with these things, you're exhibiting a profound lack of basic understanding on multiple levels.

I'd suggest you start with the Sepher Yetzirah, pick up Plato, Socrates, Iamblichus, Agrippa, Sendivogius, Bruno, Ficino, and if you want to go into more practical applications, I highly recommend delving into the works of G. H. Estabrooks, Gregory Bateson, F. Perls, M. H. Erickson, B. Hellinger, R. Bandler, J. Grinder, A. Jacquin, K. Sheldrake, and Dave Elman.

Once you have the gist of the ideas they present, you should delve into the Solomonic tradition; Keys of Solomon, Enochian, Evocation of the Bornless One, Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.

It's a good idea to actually open your mind and study instead of engaging in confirmation bias, friend.




Fucking typing while working.


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The FAQ is there to be read:


The basic fringe reading is in the FAQ.

I don't know why I am typing this post since you are just going to show me your ego and claim that what I say needs citations, claim that I am a delusional faggot while continuing to masturbate to guy's in a labcoat.

Science doesn't know shit about the occult. The occult has been done and researched by men and women since the dawn of time, even the caves man were using their will to influence reality. If Science can't explain it using a model that has been established as a "true axiom" it denies it. Denying the history and true nature of humanity by the same occasion.

And since we are on the topic of science, let me clarify: the MAINSTREAM science is bullshit. Those scientist appearing in Nature telling you that life is ruled by randomness and that anything supernatural is a mere coincidence, hallucination or correlation without causation is simply false, no citations being needed, deep down, you know there is more to it, you are just blinding yourself to it.

If you want science and citations to

>this world is made of energy and your mind molds the energy all around you in thoughts, thoughts which can influence physical matter

go watch "What the blip do we know".

>I'd suggest you start with the Sepher Yetzirah, pick up Plato, Socrates, Iamblichus, Agrippa, Sendivogius, Bruno, Ficino

All those guy's are hiding the truth in plain sight. I'd suggest you reread them.

>Once you have the gist of the ideas they present, you should delve into the Solomonic tradition; Keys of Solomon, Enochian, Evocation of the Bornless One, Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.

So you are doing magic but do not believe in energy and everything is made out of energy ? Einstein, Tesla, does that ring any bell ?

You are playing with thoughtforms and energy all day and still you think you are doing self hypnosis, which to an extent is true, but that's simply not seeing the full picture.

>dabbling with evocation without proper shadow working

kek, all you need is to have an aversion to christiannity and religions in general and you'll finish like Aleister Crowley


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>The FAQ is there to be read:


>The basic fringe reading is in the FAQ.

Which doesn't make it any less worthless.

>I don't know why I am typing this post since you are just going to show me your ego and claim that what I say needs citations, claim that I am a delusional faggot while continuing to masturbate to guy's in a labcoat.

Logical fallacy, you fedora-tipping faggot. You've invested too much into your delusion, and you're defending it under the veil of "muh occult", refusing to actually look at the collected datasets.

>Science doesn't know shit about the occult.

It knows more than you do, at the very least.

>The occult has been done and researched by men and women since the dawn of time, even the caves man were using their will to influence reality.

[citation needed]

This interpretation isn't proven nor supported by the data we have.

>If Science can't explain it using a model that has been established as a "true axiom" it denies it. Denying the history and true nature of humanity by the same occasion.

You're generalizing. Also you're a faggot; look at Radin's collection of research above. And let me quote him on this:

"Commonly heard critiques about psi, such as “these phenomena are impossible,” or “there’s no valid scientific evidence,” or “the results are all due to fraud,” have been soundly rejected for many decades. Legitimate debates today are based on discussions of empirical evidence and interpretation of the evidence. Most active researchers are focusing on development of adequate theoretical explanations, advancements in methodology, the “source” of psi, and issues about effect size heterogeneity and robustness of replication."

>And since we are on the topic of science, let me clarify: the MAINSTREAM science is bullshit.

Overgeneralizing again.

>Those scientist appearing in Nature telling you that life is ruled by randomness and that anything supernatural is a mere coincidence, hallucination or correlation without causation is simply false, no citations being needed, deep down, you know there is more to it, you are just blinding yourself to it.

"deep down, you know" doesn't do it for me. You're appealing to ignorance which I do not have. Certainly, I agree that there is nothing supernatural, and paranormal phenomena do show in the most mundane of our everyday lives. Do you also know what the other name of coincidence is? Synchronicity.

>If you want science and citations to

>>this world is made of energy and your mind molds the energy all around you in thoughts, thoughts which can influence physical matter

>go watch "What the blip do we know".

Long debunked. Your ignorance is showing, don't you feel ashamed?

>>I'd suggest you start with the Sepher Yetzirah, pick up Plato, Socrates, Iamblichus, Agrippa, Sendivogius, Bruno, Ficino

>All those guy's are hiding the truth in plain sight. I'd suggest you reread them.

>truth in plain sight


Nigger are you even trying?

>>Once you have the gist of the ideas they present, you should delve into the Solomonic tradition; Keys of Solomon, Enochian, Evocation of the Bornless One, Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.

>So you are doing magic but do not believe in energy and everything is made out of energy ? Einstein, Tesla, does that ring any bell ?

So you're telling me you're psychotic enough not to know the difference between performing a ritual and using liminal states for self-transformation, and buying into the belief of new-age "energy", AND THEN link that notion of energy with the physical definition of it?

Stop eating benzos like candy, they're making holes in your brain.

>You are playing with thoughtforms and energy all day and still you think you are doing self hypnosis, which to an extent is true, but that's simply not seeing the full picture.

You're entirely ignorant of the science and research involved. Why don't you go and debunk some of the research of hypnosis using the energy model (which has long, long been deprecated now, given that we know better since the early 1900's), and then I'll take you seriously.

>dabbling with evocation without proper shadow working


>kek, all you need is to have an aversion to christiannity and religions in general and you'll finish like Aleister Crowley

So… rich, well-fed, happy, and very successful? (and in some accounts, perplexed)

Sounds like a good end, far as I can tell.

Still, deluding oneself that "muhjgeek" is a thing is just pathetic. Why don't you actually use your skills for something productive?



>FAQ's shit

>circular logic



>Fedora tipping, It's REAL


>Circular logic, shut up, it's Science!

>I know more then you will ever know!

>Nigger Nigger Nigger why do you call yourself Nigger ?

>Not knowing shit and being proud!

>Ego trippin'

>hehe lol, funny, doesn't know what shadow work means

>Ignorance about historical facts

point to point tl;dr



also do you even astral project ?

Oh I forgot, since you can't see it and no one having any "standing" said it, you can't proove it.




Excuses. Either prove your knowledge or stop spreading disinfo.



Prooving experience ?

>I'm blind since birth, can you proove me that seeing is an actual thing, what does it feel like? Proove me that seeing actually exist.

Prooving it to you will only make you believe. Believing is weak. You want to KNOW, and knowing is about experiencing your beliefs. I cannot "proove" it to you, you just need to learn how to do it and then do it.



Get your shit straight, you'd be thrown out of any Philosophy 101 course for this lack of critical thinking.



Excuses. Either prove your knowledge or stop spreading disinfo.



I cited reputable, peer-reviewed research and anthropological sources above.

All you did was cite a well-known hoax and cry about your woo being impossible to prove beyond cognitive bias.



Why the fuck are you on this board if you're so close minded and denying anything that isn't sourced by modern scientists? I really hope you're just farming for loosh.



Tom campbell

Edward bruce bynum



I asked you a simple question, comparable to the question you asked me. Question is:

>I'm blind since birth, can you proove me that seeing is an actual thing, what does it feel like? Proove me that seeing actually exist.

And now you are just making up exuses and dodging the question. Wether you want it or not, this is how it is when you tell someone, proove me that you are having astral travels, proove me that everytime you put energy unto a goal it physically manifests in the same exact way you wanted it to, proove me that you can feel energy in everything you see, proove me that divination works so freakilishly well, proove me that your last ritual that your did to receive knowledge that could help you on future endeavors resulted in that, the next morning, a bunch of books, were laid in infront of your front door, books that just happened to help you finish a presentation and that the three last books in that pile had insights to questions you had pondered about for a while and gave me the best way to design the missing piece of the application I'm programming…

This is not just woowoo, it's experience. I did not waited to learn that magick was prefferably spelled with a k to do energy work and create thoughtforms that have immediate physical impacts.

Dude, you haven't seen shit, you are an initiate. Accept it, now I'm not telling you to go all in on my views or do what I do.

I am just asking you to have a fucking open mind about the possibility that a large group of individual (about 60-70% of this board + all the countless communities, magical orders, self initiates, yogis,… ) are having these magical experiences that science can't explain.

I'm not trying to give you a theory, I'm telling you the kind of shit that is my daily life.



>are having these magical experiences that science can't explain.

Science does explain it - but you need to not be stuck on 1-4th circuit mentality to understand/innerstand/overstand.




I recommend the skeptic who you're arguing with read bynum's book and watch some of campbell's lectures.


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What is happening has significance way beyond what you realize.

The cards express appreciation and approval of what you are doing.



>proove me that you are having astral travels, proove me that everytime you put energy unto a goal it physically manifests in the same exact way you wanted it to, proove me that you can feel energy in everything you see, proove me that divination works so freakilishly well, proove me… etc.

Your mistake is assuming we are interested in proving anything to you.


On the other hand you are really obsessed on trying to prove your point to us. Why is that? Do you really believe you are making world a better place or you just like arguing on the web?

Anyway, I don't really care. I cannot gain anything by participating in this discussion. It's your life/path/whatever. Believe what you want to believe. I admit, I don't have any scientific research confirming what I said. I never really needed them. I aim to walk a path of mystic, not a scholar. But try your luck with other people here, I just think it is pointless.

Also, if you are certain that you cannot manipulate world around you by mind alone why are you on esoteric imageboard? If magic is just affecting one's mind, hallucinations or hypnosis I believe there are other places where you can discuss these topics in like-minded company.



I thought that you are that fedora anon, pardon. I'm kinda tired.

Nevertheless, my reply stands still.

Why would we prove magic iz reel to you?



Either this is made up and you're actually autistic, or you're a schizo or something.




>reading anything that doesn't agree with their world view

Yeah, good luck with that



I'm not denying anything. I'm reinterpreting it in its original anthropological context, rather than taking it as-is from the modern (dumb and retarded) perspective.



Campbell is pretty good reading, although he doesn't really touch upon the more important elements from a philosophical perspective.


I'm not questioning your subjective experience, because for all I know you might be telling what you 100% believe is true.

This however doesn't stand up to scrutiny, and therefore I have entirely no reason to believe you. Unless you can epistemologically demonstrate that your claims are not founded in fallacious interpretations of reality, you're simply missing the point.


>watch some of campbell's lectures

I've read the books. Why would I watch a watered-down lecture?


>On the other hand you are really obsessed on trying to prove your point to us. Why is that?

Posting a bit on the Internet is now obsession? kek'd

It's mostly because I want to be proven wrong. Been doing this for a long time now, and it has been a very fruitful endeavor, especially taking the venture into the anthropological roots of mysticism, ritual, and liminal transcendence.

>Do you really believe you are making world a better place or you just like arguing on the web?

No, I don't. Why would you assume that when it's irrelevant to this exchange?

>I never really needed them. I aim to walk a path of mystic, not a scholar.

What makes you think the two are separate?

The academic is traditionally the one closest to Truth. Of all the mystics and magicians, all of them have the most exquisite educations relative to their culture and society.

Ignoring this is a very, very stupid thing to do. But then, we can't all be successful, can we? :^)

>if you are certain that you cannot manipulate world around you by mind alone why are you on esoteric imageboard?

Are you really that fucking retarded? I said LITERALLY THE OPPOSITE above. Check the fucking sources posted. If you can't bring yourself to read with some fucking comprehension, how the fuck do you expect to achieve anything but doing card tricks?

Just, good luck out there, yeah?



>all this confirmation bias


Question; for those of you with Tulpas/thoughtforms, what person or character have you based them on?



I don't do tulpas but my last and favorite thoughtform is based of off the greek god Cupidon, it notifies me if any attractive girl is attracted to me.

I got myself a proof for "every man looks better in a suit". It's so fucking true, and yes I hitted on the girls who found me attractive, got 8 numbers and 6 dates followed by sex out of 9 girls.

They are all painfully mundane though, so I'm thinking about killing my thoughtform and make a better, more specific one.



I don't like making tulpas because they always end badly, though not necessarily through their fault or mine, but really, what's the point of navigating what's "real" and what isn't "real" when none of it even really matters that much?

I can see the "4d" or whatever you choose to call it, but it's not really the answer to life or anything at all, it doesn't change a whole lot about this world. We're basically stuck in a perpetual projection, so our efforts to understand are futile. Lab rats don't just get to escape the lab when they become aware that they're trapped. The ones that really do somehow manage to escape usually end up dead in this realm, unable to share their secrets, and others become hopelessly convoluted in a sea of over-stimulation of senses.



What's that master formula of attainment, freedom board is dead.



“Earnest Desire—Confident Expectation—and Firm Demand—these form the Triple Key of Occult Attainment.”

The Master Formula of Attainment is as follows: “(1) Definite Ideals; (2) Insistent Desire; (3) Confident Expectation; (4) Persistent Determination (5) Balanced Compensation.” Reduced to popular terms, it is as follows: “You may have anything you want, provided that you (1) know exactly what you want, (2) want it hard enough, (3) confidently expect to obtain it, (4) persistently determine to obtain it, and (5) are willing to pay the price of its attainment.”



That sounds Napoleon Hillish, not that it's bad, but why smiley links it too opening your third eye ?






I know right, pretty fun for me though!



>You may have anything you want


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can somebody tell me if you can fug tulpas or not, I keep hearing that its a terrible idea, is it just moralfagging?




Fucking your tulpa means you might ejaculate, by doing that, you give your sexual energy, the more powerful energy you have, to your tulpa, giving too much energy to a tulpa with no control nor purpose means that it is going to become a self sentient vamparizing thoughtform, which is bad. It will live off your energy like a leech and take more and more space in your mind, until it gets out of control and you are schyzo.



Basically it could become build your own succubus.

Protip, energy vampires are best avoided.


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>if it is supported by strong will, often by energy invested by a lot of people, such a form ceases to be a phantasm and incarnates as a normal human being, receives a palpable physical body and an appropriate personality. In that case, it is called tulku or the “phantom body”.

This gives me an idea…


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I wasn't implying that we should incarnate pepe, btw…. But now that I think about it, what if we already did by accident?

Could it be possible that the shit posting intent of tens of thousands of basement autists posting the same meme and creating thousands of unique variations to it might actually create a thought form that would incarnate into or possess a person?

Think of the bane incident as well, the top board spamming quotes, images, poetry, etc about a single scene could have caused a crash to happen with countless references to that single scene. I think its mathematically impossible for that to all be on big coincidence.

The amount of attention and will that gets poured into all the OC about that scene must surely have an effect. They even remade a part of that scene frame by frame.


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Yo realtalk for a second here.

Word is bond.

this "ron paul is gonna make memes real" shit is THE most fucking retarded horseshit ive ever read on these boards. probably ever.

stop embarrassing yourselves you fucking goobers



>Guaranteed method; just use the "Master Formula of Attainment" described in https://freedomboard.kirara.ca/fringe/res/17856.html

Not here anymore. Gimme the guaranteed method pls.



Oh shucks, there is the introduction. Where's the rest?



>Thanks, I almost thought you had something useful to say

> says Thanks, I almost thought you had something useful to say

>Knowing you're just a full of shit holier than thou enlithened being really clears the way for ignnoring you

>really clears the way for ignnoring you


This board…




404 Not Found




That worked. Thanks!



Oh hey that formula is the exact same one that's in this board's FAQ: /fringe/faq.html

No need for an archive link, lol.

Good guide on making a tulpa though.


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Tulpas are nothing more than a thoughtform that you create to do nothing. They simulate a personality, the personality that you gave them, BUT they are not fully alive. They are just ghosts doing what they were programmed to do. (the majority of them can't even interact beyond you, that's how weak they are)

Once in this board I talked to a guy who fucks tulpas………Oh well.



That's nice, but is the picture in that thread anything important? The second, 404'ing picture, I mean.



What's wrong with fucking thoughtforms?



I'm not too familiar with this and would like to be informed: why do you care about your physical body (or do you)? What happens if your physical body is destroyed? Wouldn't suicide detach yourself from this physical world, and hence suffering?


> The map isn't the territory

Holy shit a LWer. Ok, ok, what if map and territory is a useful system that you use for truth finding and stuff, and then you have this other system for hacking your psychology called "magick". The thing about magick though is that it doesn't work very well with the rationalist map-territory ontology. So you develop a second ontology for doing magic.

Then you can be all like "Everything is made of thoughts" is a a belief of the magick system (belief in the magick ontology is not for making predictions, it's for generating expectation which fuels hypnosis, placebo effects, and other stuff). Then you can have "Hallucinating shit is just doodling on the map" and this is a belief of the rationalist system. There is no conflict because there is no comparison across systems without translation. Semantic incommensurability. Basic theory pluralism here yo.



Aren't tulpas and thoughtforms the same thing?


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What is not wrong with it. Think about it, you are creating a thing just to have "sex", when real human beings are walking in this earth.

Love someone is not something dispensable, or "fakeable"


Opinions diverge. I don't call both the same thing because when someone intentionally create a tulpa, he is creating a being for the purpose of living and interacting with this world. But when someone create a servitor/thoughtform​, he creates it with the purpose of doing a magickal work.



I'm at the time creating a thoughtform that will suck out my astral body and make me astral project, does it need any special method of creation, or does the method described in


works fine?


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Nice, i deed the same thing. In order to your thoughtform work proprely, I recommend you to read aspects of evocation, by Phil Hine, He is one of the bests one the subject.

" In the latter

case, the process is very much one of creating an ‘information

matrix’; that is, of laying down a set of instructions which define

the nature, abilities, and functions of the entity. Into this

information matrix is projected energy, which forms the entity

as a whole, which is then able to act, independently of its

creator. "

-Phil Hine, Aspects of Evocation.

For me, thoughtforms work better this way, because they function like a computer program, "knowing" what they need to do, how they have to do it, the "green and red flags", the "ifs" and when to "turn on and off".

Good luck!



> I deed the same thing.

I did the same thing*

Just fixing my error.






It says in aspects of evocaiton that there needs to be a timer set for a thoughtform to self-destruct, is this mandatory? What If I want the astral projection-causing tulpa to remain forever?


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If you want your thoughtform the stay alive "forever" you need to take care of this following facts.

-Every time that a thoughtform works, the thoughtform gets more efficient, therefore, more stronger. Mind this, because if something gets more powerful that you can control, this could be a problem. That's why, when creating a thoughtform without a lifespan determined beforehand, is better if you make a vessel.

-The way of every intelligence on the universe is to transcend. If your thoughtform is alive for long enough, maybe she/this will try to be free from your chains. (read about Fotamecus, he was just a thoughtform for purpose of bend time perception and know he is trying to be a god. http://www.chaosmatrix.org/library/chaos/texts/fotamec1.html)

-A thoughtform is never created perfectly, sooner or later the creature will show "problems" of function. That's why it's important to "kill" and make a 2.0 version as soon as you see something going beyond what you should expect.

there is no troubleshoot in real life aside your experience. The more you do, the better you get. And remember, don't bend, ascend!



Thanks a lot



You're a idiot and confusiong tulpas with servitors, tulpas are a Buddhist creation, they're a seperate sentience in one's mind when done correctly, there purpose was to show that even your own mind doesn't exist before being reabsorbed, but make no mistake a properly created tulpa will have it's own sentience and feelings, stop hijacking eastern wisdom and tainting it with your western traditions.



Both still are thoughtforms. See it as a class and tulpa and servitor as subclasses or specifications.



You still don't get it, your ego and personality are a thoughtform too. A servitor is just supposed to be like a unfeeling AI it's a program, a tulpa is a independent personality with actual sentience, dualism is dead so don't bring up shit like you have a soul while a tulpa doesn't.


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>your ego and personality are a thoughtform too

Yeah, but on a different layer.

Tulpas are thoughtforms made by those thoughtforms.

And then those thoughtforms can make even more thoughtforms.




Occult psychosis is a helluva drug.



>Do this for about ten seconds, until you become completely relaxed.

How am I supposed to time it when I'm obviously focused on other things?


ummmm that's interesting, thank you.

rekeaummmm that's interesting, thank you.

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