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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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[Rules] [Guide for Newbies to /fringe/] [Freedomboard] [/asatru/] [/edgy/] [/4chon/]
Read the rules before posting. Go to freedomboard if 8ch.net goes down.


Post in this thread to demand the cripple adds these features for the benefit of /fringe/:

Also make any other demands for features that need to be added there too.



Hey guys if you want to make /fringe/ popular make a lot of normal posts on /fringe/ but each post from a new IP, don't spam a ton of non-posts in one thread, 'cause we'll get banned from the top boards list 30 days. Just make your craploads of posts spread out in all the threads and make them relevant.


How many people actually post here? I'm not gonna proxy it up, but I'll help you defeat these bullies with this one post at least.


A few hundred people problem is they don't all post frequently. If they all made one post every day then /fringe/ would be constantly way up the boards list. We just have too many lurkers.

Just the skype group alone for /fringe/ has a few hundred people in it.

There are also always about 150 IPs active on /fringe/ even with all the lurkers always just lurking.


I'm not being a negative nancy, I'm genuinely curious: what is the benefit of having /fringe/ listed on the top boards or making it popular?


The board was down for awhile, completely destroyed for a couple days straight, by Kabbalist jews. The point of getting it to the top again (oh look, it naturally made its way to the top) is to make anyone that saw /fringe/ in its destroyed state realize it has recovered now and isn't permanently dead.


It's to let the Jews know that any attempt to destroy fringe will just make it stronger.


trips confirm force for collective enhancement

That's fucking crazy

I wonder why they don't post more


>I wonder why they don't post more

Probably because the nature of the board involves a lot of study and practice. At least I like to think that's the reason.


as a long time lurker that's precisely the reason.

I check this board once a day for any interesting posts and after reading them and maybe replying I go read some books or some magical work.


This. t. lurker


Same shit here


File: 1425697092187.png (97.91 KB, 618x922, 309:461, Screenshot from 2015-03-06….png)

Check out this here loosh farming.


File: 1425739902266.gif (2.03 MB, 225x96, 75:32, 1390193707596.gif)


Should we remove "quantum" from the list of /fringe/ subjects or at least change it to "quantum mysticism"?


>that 9/11 GET

Hmmm I'm just going to remove quantum and add "Mysticism"

>/fringe/ is a board for esoteric discussion including matters pertaining to; Magic : Philosophy : Paranormal : Dreams : Religion : Occult : Symbolism : Aliens : Demons & Angels : Metaphysics : Conspiracy : Secret Societies : Mind Control : Morality & Ethics : Mysticism : Qualia : Psychic Abilities – Anything that is fringe in some respect


Should the ranks for /fringe/ be updated to include the new Adept and Magus ranks and to purge the old Master and Master of Masters ranks?


File: 1425742055398.png (6.51 KB, 1049x41, 1049:41, Screenshot from 2015-03-07….png)

Should I just remove the red text in the board announcement to make this simple or should I leave in the "read before posting" and other messages that are in there? Or at least put them on another line?


Anyone have suggestions for reforms to the guide?

This is meant for people who've never used an imageboard before to understand and begin using this place: http://pastebin.com/Guu9hZ2U

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