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Had anyone here tried using their throat to enhance vibrations/energy in other parts of their body?

Clairvision has a whole school built around it and I've found it to be very useful.

ps flags menu doesnt work on my mobile


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Here's a PDF of an old version of the book they use


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I don't have time to look through the pdf at the moment, but it seems reminiscent of the overtone chanting traditions of Tibetan Buddhists.


There's a slight difference, the sound they use isn't very loud and is designed so that you can do it during everyday activities (and later on you don't have to make a physical sound at all). But it has a similar principle of using the voice to manifest and enhance vibration/energy.


Was enjoying that books many months ago, but stopped when I was unable to chant a continuous humming, buzzing sound, while inhaling. Any tips for achieving this?


My understanding is that isn't a humming or a buzzing but more of a breathing sound. The main purpose is to link the throat vibration to the third eye and use it stimulate the third eye. Later on you can just link the two to amplify it without the physical vibration.



Oh, cool. Thanks for link. Imitated that and got immediate pressure in third eye area. How far have you gotten into that book and what are your impressions?

Ujjayi breath is similar.


I've read it several times though I haven't done every exercise listed in it. It's been pretty useful for clairvoyance and it's descriptions are fairly lucid.

I've come to prefer it to techniques that are based off of language or just visualization. While both of those things have vibration and energy, I find it's easier just to locate and project the vibration and energy instead of going through the motions with words. Words can easily drag in your rational mind that can disrupt the whole process.


Nice. What sort of results and powers have you gotten with it? I was quite impressed when going through it a while ago, so I suppose I'll continue through it soon.


Yeah I did several hours of humming meditation before.


The coolest thing I've ever done with this was quite a long while ago when I made a noise, focused on it, and made the same noise again while still focused on the first instance, leading to some kind of recursive loop and time dilation effect, that resulted in a REALLY LOUD, strange, vibrating astral noise that induced a strong trance in me.

Try it. You can even use a word. Say a word in your mind, now repeat it, get the word to auto-repeat, now while that's going start up more instances of the same word on repeat, and they overlap and ultimately result in a very strange sound. Mentally say the word as far as you can while layering over more repeats of it, so it just breaks down into a really loud astral tone.


It's a little different than just humming or a mantra because it leverages the throat chakra.

There's a dark blue/purple/greenish around my peripheral vision nearly all the time, the book describes this as astral background vision. I have a wider field of vision than I used too, instead of being hyper focused on a point I can see more at once. If I remain somewhat still and focus without grasping at anything I can also see clouds of different colored dots, especially around people.

My depth perception is screwier than it used to be but I can feel my around things better than I used to be. I've also noticed vibrations in things and that everything has a certain vibration to it and have been increasingly been able to tell the difference between things based on this vibration. Though there is a drop off point for detecting things at a distance and if I'm not focused I have a hard time sensing the vibrations.

I also like to use 6.11, the rib rubbing exercise when I wake up in the morning. It wakes me right up.


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Yes, I don't know the name of the practice but it comes naturally with meditation as with mudras.

Ohm I found to be most powerful, hummed correctly, making your whole body oscilate, it shakes your spine and bones, slightly realigning them, some yoga after such a meditation and you crackle into being nicely.

Its been one of the most helpful things to align posture, next to mudras.

Went feom hunchback to noble posture and exuding confidence, also to mention, with every correction your energies take more aligned, perfect pathways through your body, it can evoke a torrent of thoughts, a whole rover of ideas, plenty of knowledge just appearing as if youve pondered it a lifetime, to just be there to reflect upon.

If a vase gives you two impressions and an emotion, a proper movement will supply a books worth of information and broaden your horizon.

give me something and ill give back what little i can, this is of great interest to me.


Yeah the book linked:

Mentions them a little bit, starting at page 91.

I haven't experimented with them that much, beyond just making sure that the muscles in my jaw and neck are relaxed.

I've embedded a kundalini chakra meditation (starting at the root and moving up) that you can compare to just using the throat friction mentioned: >>25521

The friction is much more generalized and doesn't feel as fiery to me.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Forgot embed


Multiphonic Brass playing will change the way you think.

It will turn overtones in your body into notes.

How's that for Vibe?

Bet on it.


Don't lie to us OP, the only throat friction you're getting is a cock rubbing your insides.


You found me out.

How else am I going to force open those stubborn chakras?


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I've been interested in this "throat-friction" for some time now - the idea seems to be somewhat same as in Kabbalah or 'vocal-magic', i. e. certain sounds (words) have certain vibrations and these vibrations can be used to make changes in the ether, enabling such things as etheric reconfiguration in one's body, levitation of object, etc.

I imagine this sort of kind needs more than just the correct vibration, like a proper occult training, but you get the idea.


Nice, can you give some more insight? Do you "meditate" just on the Ohm sound, or how do you go about it? And what kind of yoga do you do?

I have a slight hollow back, so maybe that can help.


The idea here with the friction is that the voice can be used to manifest things, or to at least make them more tangible. So it's a tad different from a mantra that would be linked to a specific chakra, it's more general purpose.

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