>Alcoholic beverage congeners exerted estrogenic effects both in an experimental animal model and in post-menopausal women.
>The estrogenic effects of alcoholic beverage congeners were detectable using a variety of estrogenic markers, including the pituitary hormones LH (in OVEX rats and postmeno-pausal women), FSH, and prolactin (in postmenopausal women); uterus weight (in OVEX rats); and the estrogen-responsive liver proteins HDL cholesterol and SHBG (in postmenopausal women) No.25567
I have never consumed the alocholic jew once and never will start.
>inb4 buttmad degenerates saying "just try it once"
nah, fuck your silly vice, I ain't starting
>>25567Don't listen to the intoxicated mundanes: alcohol is not healthy to consume. Period.
The only good effect alcohol is some antioxidants in low amounts of clear alcohol. Alcohol is estrogenic, proven by science. You'd have to be dumb to consume something estrogenic.
>>25589>muh antioxidantsJust eat fruits. Eating grapes > muh wine
I talked to me in Nova Scotia who had their own grape vine and would eat like 6-7 grapes every day and they were in their lates 90s and early 100s. They were ancient; and yet extremely healthy and active even at that age. They didn't drink alcohol btw.
I think this is already commonly accepted knowledge among most body builders.
Besides Arnold but he doesn't count because he is obviously juicing heavily and I think at that point getting some more est is trivial because you are already suppressing it most likely with blockers.
I have noticed drinking alcohol also kills my ability to meditate which is of more concern.
Heroin is better for you than alcohol. Seriously its true.
>>25615Nice joke douche bag!
Ethanol is polar. It is an unbalanced molecule. Extending yin or yang. It takes effort and focus to balance it within yourself, and it can be done, but the cost is paid by liver and kidneys.
Now, what if we balanced ^OH
It would have to be.. ^o^
Mundane science aside, it's pretty obvious that alcohol is bad for you.
From my experience it places the consumer in an alternate mental state in which the thought process becomes much slower, not unlike trance but instead of you being the one in control of your thoughts they just seem to crawl into your head. Perhaps there exists an alcohol thoughtform that broadcasts those thoughts, similar to lust and other vice thoughtforms that have a specific name which I forgot.
Useful for forgetting the terrible realities of life but should be avoided at all costs if one desires to have a sharp and disciplined mind at all times.
That's not to say alcohol's effects can't be countered. It's harder than countering coffee but it's doable. However that also means you get to view your friends in a degenerate state which quite an ugly sight.
>>25539that is why weed is and always will be the best "drug"
>>25567Who is stronger the man who never consumes drugs or the man who tries them once then walks away?
>>25710The one that never did it, in an age where fucking everyone was doing it.
I don't got shit to prove, I don't need any respect from druggies, I would rather earn respect by becoming super fucking healthy and rich and powerful.
>>25713Agreed minus the rich, but I think trying a drug with no long lasting effects once is both a learning experience and a testament to your will power.
Having said that I have only ever tried weed and alcohol. I am deliberating trying MDMA in a comfortable space with friends, for the reasons I just mentioned
>>25714Traditional psychs a couple of times a year is great.
I have heard MDMA is pretty euphoric, great for bonding. Try to seek out pure sources, often it is cut with cheaper stims or is a lesser known analogue.
Expect to feel shitty the next day. No.25727
>>25626It wasn't a joke. I can use heroin for too fall asleep cause I have back pain. Alcohol doesn't let me fall asleep that easily. Also you get seizures from alcohol withdrawal.
disregard ethanol, sip cough syrup
>>25714Dude, there ain't anything more respectable, than a rich man who uses his wealth wisely.
>>25630>Ethanol is polar. It is an unbalanced molecule. So is water, dipshit.
>>25727Use oxy and/or valium, safer than heroin.
>>26830water is stable as fuck nigga
>>25713Are you "super fucking rich and powerful"? Sounds like you haven't earned any respect at all.
>>26839Yeah. Polar =/= Unstable
There's this mental state referred to in scientific literature as alcohol myopia. This causes the individual to focus more on his immediate environment to the exclusion of less salient cues. This is why a drunk person may engage in risky behavior, as his thought processes are so hung up on the act itself that he is unable to consider the consequences. Now, an individual may, being aware of this effect, take the necessary mental precautions to forcefully expand one's consciousness in spite of the alcohol's effect. Alternatively, you may be able to think of a situation where this contraction of consciousness would be beneficial. I'm not sure what evidence there is to confirm, but popular wisdom in the programing community holds that both stimulants and alcohol are useful chemical aids.
>>25683Weed will put holes in your aura.
You may think it makes you more spiritual.
It doesn't…
I've been experimenting with mead and while it's perhaps beneficial for beserkers and the thralls of raping and pillaging it is a fleeting and emptying substance.
Alcohol isn't called spirits for nothing.
Alcohol lowers vibrations and fries/acidifies the brain. Even if you don't drink alcohol, its in everywhere where sugars can ferment. Overripe fruit, fermented milk, juices, fermented vegetables,etc. Its the most dangerous, addicting and legal drug there is.
People do it because of misguided escapism, to turn off their brain.
>>25589antioxidants , resveratrol is just an excuse to drink. Its all in the fruit itself, but alcoholics pick red wine instead of fresh grapes.
>>25539It's easier to invoke me if you're drunk
>>27336It's easier to be taken by any entity claiming any name if you are drunk.
>>27304Your aura would have to be weak as all fuck… Well, I suppose this is /fringe/
>there are people who are still affected by alcohol
my whole family has a natural resistance to foreign substances in our bodies.
even when getting anesthesia we have to allow ourselves to let it affect our bodies.
alcohol works the same way, there's no problem using it to relax after a stressful day if I know that it won't affect me in any permanent negative way.
>>27364>>27501You are only tricking yourselves.
>>27505>tfw u can smoke 3 grams and feel sober if you so mentally choose >tfw mind over matter>tfw so many stories of buddhist monks taking lsd and feeling no side effects by choice>tfw my sober evocations probably make your hallucinogenic trips look lame No.28742
>>27532I'm right with you, friend.
You don't need any of these drugs to actually experience the 'effects,' and even if you do then you can choose to not go to a point if you will it. But it has me curious because most people I know who have taken hallucinogenic psychedelics like LSD or R.C.'s do not see anything at all.
A powerful mind can will what it wants, and so if you practice with the intent? One finds themselves in an interesting situation.