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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1425600886577.jpg (410.47 KB, 879x879, 1:1, A Luminous Year by guillem….jpg)


What books on == Alchemy == would you recommend reading?



Did he recently update this?


Yeah from the looks of it he did. This wasn't here last time I checked. Now he's added William Walker Atkinson to the list.

>implying Tom Montalk doesn't browse /fringe/


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>Classic history of Nazi occultism, from an occult rather than bland academic perspective. I think something other than the Spear of Longinus was the root of Hitler's rise and fall, but this book still captures the essence of the occult drama behind it all.
>I think something other than the Spear of Longinus was the root of Hitler's rise and fall


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I think it's likely he browses /fringe/ because he and Smiley have had discussions, like Smiley sharing his experiences with Montalk.

(Oh man, I've seen in a dream me giving this answer to you.)

Anyways, I'm happy for this, Montalk and Atkinson are both very remarkable men.


I emailed him when /fringe/ went down and he seemed to have no idea of its existence but I let him know his site was the top recommended site here so maybe that got him interested.

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