BLOOD magic thread 03/06/15 (Fri) 03:37:02 No. 25609
Blood resources go here, internet or books/pdfs/spells of high or low magick.
03/06/15 (Fri) 14:46:42 No. 25712
>binding your own vital essence into these spells Tread carefully OP, this shit can really fuck you over. Btw, Initiation Into Hermetics has some examples of blood magick in it.
03/06/15 (Fri) 15:30:33 No. 25719
>>25712 yeah doesn't seem like a smart thing to do at all.
didi 03/06/15 (Fri) 16:44:36 No. 25722
>>25712 >>25609 not much a difference between this and having sex.
what was it - 1 drop of sperm = 60 oz of blood?
tbh, blood magick seems like the best way to get married to some one for eternity for sure - like, bind the blood and in essence since you had the intention well there is no time, therefore the spell or ritual would be timeless which would cause to have effect on both's entire experience since the inception by logic. Group magick is weird like that folks.
When practicing magick, so far in my own experience, i have realized and overstood that it's best to always use steps of deduction of will to the simplest base, therefore there exists 2 beings, the i am in the experience and the being itself that experiences, aka the law manifest and the experience > character and persona > realizing that, you overstand that you have will over everything, which renders most rituals and magicks kind of just gimmicky and for self entertainment and self-satisfaction of accomplishment, sort of like a HERES A COOKIE FOR THE TRICK BOY to yourself.. to each their own, some just enjoy the artful aspect, tho again it's just self-pleasing.
So sure go ahead, do all these random rites, call on all these deities and names, where as in truth and essence, there's only the ONE then the TWO, the THIRD closes and continues…
didi 03/06/15 (Fri) 16:46:10 No. 25724
>>25722 mfw i just realize how the
most deplorable and degenerate perspectives considered by society could also be the most poetic and loving if used with proper intent.
03/06/15 (Fri) 21:46:49 No. 25777
>>25722 Oh wow someone from youtube actually came here. You're the person who says "overstand" instead of "understand" and "overstood" instead of "understood".
Blood magick is indeed a good way to sincerely bond yourself to someone.
As for sex,
>implying I am silly enough to masturbateSuccubus keep trying to steal my loosh though.
03/06/15 (Fri) 22:53:58 No. 25796
Dude, sure it's "forbidden" in a sense, but powerful shit is also not to be fucked around with unless you're actually fully prepared. Many an occultist has fallen in the path by fucking with the high level shit when not yet ready for it. I for one look at all the fallen and intend not to make their mistake. I do all the basics and research everything intensely and don't care if it takes me between 1-5 years to prepare, I am not going to do something like blood magick, unless I know I am absolutely as ready as I can be to handle that shit.
For now, I will use the blood of animals, and not my own blood.
didi 03/07/15 (Sat) 18:28:14 No. 25942
tbh, that sounds like science more than a ritual - your dna's vibration is affecting water which stores information (fact proven by science) and it then makes the water compatible with you, you're water, your own water becomes compatible to you - releasing latched coding from your construct.
boil up 4-5x bags of horse tail tea with 3-4 bags of chamomille tea, get some unprocessed sea salt(nothing white) and add everything to the tub for increased effects btw.
03/07/15 (Sat) 22:19:15 No. 25975
>your dna's vibration is affecting water which stores information (fact proven by science)
No fucking way. I researched this myself and I don't believe it. Get out your citations because a Japanese artist making shit up doesn't count.
See also: >>25222
I do not believe science has proven this at all. Even if it is a real phenomena science either can not or has not yet shown how it could be a reality.
>boil up 4-5x bags of horse tail tea with 3-4 bags of chamomille tea, get some unprocessed sea salt(nothing white) and add everything to the tub for increased effects btw.
This sounds like a fluid condenser (aka etheric energy concentrate). Did you get this idea of our Franz Bardon's books?
03/09/15 (Mon) 09:19:36 No. 26282
>>25942 It is science, because you see the blood yourself is a tether and a battery containing your soul field/aura. When you put that in the water the water both dillutes (which is waters attacking property) and nulifies and pulls away the auric parasites and destructive influences that youve been under,
Blood is more than just the fluid itself. Its our very spirit put into flesh form, all of the human bodys organs are regenerated through it, and our ceels are manufactured through it. We are literally "made of blood". Our mothers unterine fluid is a highly concentrated form of blood and the mixture of marriages in sex is also a form of transfering blood. (Thats why the jew has to make the nigger fuck our women to put nigger blood in their bodies).
But blood in its magic form is somthing so powerful ai cant even begin to describe what has happened. All of the doors just open like that, a single thought for me when ai pricked my hand with a barbed ring. The red door at the sex is the most important, as it is the center of blood where we find the blood godess and the great sea of blood from which all life is made.
Learning to use this, this great infinate sea and the purposeful amplifier of blood in ritual, which even a single drop or two can make a ritual huundreds of times stronger or low magic hundreds of times stronger, is insurmountable to anything ive come across.
Also, try taking (just fucking one and no more) drops of blood in your tea. Horsetail and chamomile are used in blood purification. Add some dandelion root with hematite elixir water or bloodstone elixir water.
03/09/15 (Mon) 09:33:29 No. 26283
>>26282 Even now, I can feel the energizing of every blood vessel and vein in my body, my heart is like a living engine of magic energy that I can just use at will to form whatever I please.
But more, that I have discovered that I am not alone. And that there are others who know now what I do, the red moon, the sea of blood, the godess, the arena, the lord of fights, the goddess of revenge and blood.
Its why laws of assault have to see a injury like a bruise or cut (spilling of blood/life mana) and why we donate blood this sunday which is her holy day.
Right now even, I can feel the latent blood energy in the air that I can use like a exponential multiplier. Im not saying this to brag or make it seem cool, but to explain just what ai have discovered and wish to share with you all.
Blood is the most important, and most powerful thing ever, any spell using it dramatically amplifies your power. Making a novice master of sanguinarian magic equal to a master of other diciplines easily. But be warned, blood is the path of the warrior magus, and is not easy. It is full of hostility and conflict and you will be sook out by right handers and left alike. So, be prepared for struggle and know that if your blood is spilled youll have ten or ten thousand times the power they have.
Also, the goddess and gods of war and blood and chaos and strife are VERY related. The goddess of blood is aris and ares' sister. They are all ruled by the same sphere, mars.
Also, iron is critial to blood magic, having alot of working iron in your blood is ehat gives it its power, without it your blood is watery and weak. Both as fuel and as sacrifice.
Austyn 03/18/15 (Wed) 02:42:54 No. 28044
Tonight I'll be charging a sigil with my blood, I'll report in tomorrow with how it goes.
03/18/15 (Wed) 03:08:02 No. 28047
I agree with the people saying it's not necessarily a good idea to bind yourself to a spell unless you're absolutely certain that you're able to handle the consequences. Blood magic is a gateway drug to making pacts and using true names. Tread wisely.
Austyn 03/19/15 (Thu) 01:51:04 No. 28159
>>28044 Blood magick confirmed for charging sigils well.
☻ 03/19/15 (Thu) 02:46:38 No. 28167
I succeeded in raising my lucidity level and general magickal power WAY HIGH awhile ago by eating lots of bones and blood. Get yourself some blood pudding and eat it. Will someone make a blood drop flag btw? I will add it to the flags list to symbolize blood magick. Edit: nvm I created a flag
☻ 03/19/15 (Thu) 02:47:50 No. 28168
I am not sure if I should put this in a category labelled "food" or "etheric" as in etherically potent substance. We could have a series of flags for honey, milk, blood, bones, chamomile, and other substances with high etheric charges.
03/19/15 (Thu) 03:02:49 No. 28170
>>28167 >>28168 one step forward, 4 steps back.
gj monkeys.
☻ 03/19/15 (Thu) 04:08:40 No. 28199
>>28170 wtf are you suggesting that me consuming blood to power myself up was a bad idea in some manner?
Austyn 03/19/15 (Thu) 04:10:47 No. 28200
>>28170 How did he take steps back?
☻ 03/21/15 (Sat) 07:13:13 No. 28582
File: 1426921993284.jpg (49.47 KB, 474x737, 474:737, 0ddb325321e2adf28c8ae16f04….jpg )
>go to the catalog >search "blood" >at least, that's what I think I am typing >look at what I actually typed >I typed "love" What the fuck is going on. Anyways, I just found this, and wanted to post it in this thread.
☻ 03/21/15 (Sat) 07:16:21 No. 28583
My power level is getting too damned high for third density. If that inheritance system isn't in place soon I may just go 4D before then. If that happens, hopefully the cripple isn't so dumb as to give away /fringe/ to another kabbalist kike, and avoids giving away the board at all unless it becomes apparent that a new board owner is actually needed here in which case it should probably go to Provur. There isn't really a worthy replacement for me though as far as I can tell for the most part.
03/21/15 (Sat) 07:27:46 No. 28586
>>28583 Just where is Provur anyway?
☻ 03/21/15 (Sat) 08:15:19 No. 28600
Provur ## Board Volunteer 03/21/15 (Sat) 12:49:04 No. 28625
>>28600 Im here. I always check this site every couple of hours, just don't post much because nothin really fascinates me atm.
didi 03/21/15 (Sat) 15:25:15 No. 28661
>>28168 >>28582 >>28582 thanks, you just alley-ooped that book to me.
love and blood indeed.
a true trillest will overstand the female and male, and know that both will exchange dna, energy, information, every possibility from the chaos portal that opens from their union. Give blood to your love and give love to your Blood - pure life.
i like rambling, thanks bro.
Provur 03/21/15 (Sat) 15:37:26 No. 28663
didi 03/21/15 (Sat) 15:58:15 No. 28670
Provur 03/21/15 (Sat) 16:06:58 No. 28672
didi 03/21/15 (Sat) 16:22:13 No. 28677
>>28672 i had an epiphany listening to that about rash decisions.
☻ 03/21/15 (Sat) 21:51:30 No. 28711
>>28663 >>28670 >>28672 >not embedding I am being rused.
Provur 03/21/15 (Sat) 21:53:51 No. 28712
>>28711 I can't figure out how to embed with this new select/drop/paste files here bullshit.
03/22/15 (Sun) 20:23:59 No. 28891
File: 1427055839507.jpg (728.91 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, bright-night-sky-aboe-the-….jpg )
>>25624 thanks for the links but that first link…
>Tumblr >Terrible font choice >Light grey text with a white background making it painful to read >Too much rambling and never ending paragraphs
04/03/15 (Fri) 23:06:17 No. 31076
04/04/15 (Sat) 01:02:58 No. 31110
>>25796 >Dude, sure it's "forbidden" in a sense, but powerful shit is also not to be fucked around with unless you're actually fully prepared. Many an occultist has fallen in the path by fucking with the high level shit when not yet ready for it. These sorts of dire warnings are always going to ring hollow for the vast majority of people interested in magic, who fail to produce any results whatsoever with their efforts. To most people, the idea of getting results that are stronger than they were prepared for, even negative ones, is tantalizing rather than scary.
04/04/15 (Sat) 02:16:34 No. 31124
>>25796 I agree. what are the lowest levels, and what are the mid levels, for example?
liber null suggests to simply dive into sigils and try everything, definitely I disagree.
04/04/15 (Sat) 02:20:16 No. 31125
>>31110 those people are unlikely to get results from anything so the warning doesn't matter for them
04/04/15 (Sat) 03:58:12 No. 31139
>>31125 What sorts of people do you mean? People who don't get results are unlikely to ever get results? It doesn't sound like you're actually making any kind of coherent point.
didi 04/04/15 (Sat) 05:23:29 No. 31156
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>25609 this synched up pretty well
04/25/15 (Sat) 21:54:08 No. 34839
charged a sigil with blood just now
will report back in a few days with updates
04/25/15 (Sat) 22:39:33 No. 34847
I wanna do blood magick for funsies but I'm about not anyone bleeding on my own account. I am a someone.
04/26/15 (Sun) 01:06:38 No. 34883
What I think you're saying is you don't want to cause someone to bleed, yourself included, right?
Is it because you think it will hurt? Or do you just not want to cause bleeding?
You could always wait until you bleed for some other reason and then save it.
04/26/15 (Sun) 01:45:40 No. 34891
I don't want to do it because of scarring. And because there isn't like tap or spigot I could just turn a knob to and insta-painfree-mutilation free bloodletting. That's why.
In the movies (and GoT) they always prick their finger and I'm just like "Nerve damage! Scarring! That's not a sustainable means of life!"
04/26/15 (Sun) 06:26:48 No. 34921
I usually do a small cut where the skin and fingernail meet, its less painful there and bleeds quite a lot if you go deeper than usual. additionally squeeze the blood out of your finger.
>Scarring is based on depth
04/26/15 (Sun) 06:37:51 No. 34923
Hmm. Information for thought. I might will do blood magick for fun if it comes that I am bored and wanna do something fun like that.
04/26/15 (Sun) 23:49:16 No. 35099
I felt the same way, but i just use a thumbtack on a finger and I don't even notice it after 5 min
04/28/15 (Tue) 04:35:07 No. 35319
Based thread is based. I'm gonna do this >>25794 ritual soon. Anyone know any rituals to break blood bonds? I wanna do a ritual to break the bond between myself and anyone who has gotten blood from me from my blood and plasma donations. Candle magick please.
04/28/15 (Tue) 10:43:28 No. 35382
>That feel when you only have a shower
05/04/15 (Mon) 01:00:16 No. 36498
05/04/15 (Mon) 01:06:21 No. 36499
I hate that shitty word.
05/04/15 (Mon) 03:47:09 No. 36532
I'm running the bath water now. I also have 24 oz infusion of white sage and a 24 oz infusion of white clover and toadflax. I've reworded the spell to strengthen and purify the protections I have because strengthening and power is for the full moon. Banishings are for when the moon is waning or disappear. We we we so exited.
05/04/15 (Mon) 04:07:58 No. 36536
I just made a statement that I hate that word. I didn't ask you what you were doing. Don't care.
05/04/15 (Mon) 04:34:34 No. 36547
I don't care that you asked or didn't ask faggot. Pay attention to how important you are; you'll learn that you're not as important as you'r projecting.
05/04/15 (Mon) 04:36:39 No. 36548
I never said I thought I was important. I just said I didn't ask.
05/04/15 (Mon) 04:51:27 No. 36554
05/04/15 (Mon) 04:55:25 No. 36556
It is you, who is projecting.
06/20/15 (Sat) 17:46:11 No. 44511
how do you do it?
doesn't it hurt?
which finger?
Please explain.
06/21/15 (Sun) 02:25:22 No. 44537
constrict the finger with a rubberband, string, pushing the flesh forward to the tip, etc. so that it gets a little red
tap the point to the red area and remove whatever constricting thing you might have tied around it
massage the blood toward the wound
06/27/15 (Sat) 04:33:23 No. 45088
What happens when people do that thing where they both cut their hands and shake hands? Is it some sort of ritual or something?
07/15/15 (Wed) 14:21:31 No. 46757
09/21/15 (Mon) 05:43:42 No. 54659
How are they retarded?
09/21/15 (Mon) 07:09:44 No. 54667
How do I meditation on my whole ancestry, blood and heart? I never used the magick before.
09/21/15 (Mon) 07:12:33 No. 54668
I am sorry about the error.
09/21/15 (Mon) 22:35:05 No. 54717
09/27/15 (Sun) 08:14:05 No. 55169
Ask Taylor Swift, /x/ says she's a blood mage.
didi 09/27/15 (Sun) 17:48:35 No. 55199
those types of people.
Living in survival mode with occult knowledge.
Giving power to a pop icon with a fabricated image.
Not realizing every experience is your creation for your own growth.
Being mad about people having sexual preferences.
Having a magazine with taylor swift's face on it.
Where do you even begin with the fails here?
09/27/15 (Sun) 22:41:24 No. 55223
Since this is a thread about blood rituals I would to ask your opinion of jewish ritual murder. Do you think it was a reality in the past (antiquity, middle ages and up to the 20th century) and still is, nowadays?
Does JRM have anything in common with the rituals you're posting in this thread (apart from actually sacrificing someone).
Why did they do blood rituals (if it's true)?
10/03/15 (Sat) 00:54:28 No. 55742
Hey, I enjoy cutting people up just as much as the next guy, but is it really a good idea to be combining something you desire sexually with occultism?
10/03/15 (Sat) 04:36:44 No. 55750
what the fuck is this garbage thread
12/17/15 (Thu) 01:42:02 No. 64522
12/17/15 (Thu) 01:52:15 No. 64523
This sort of "magic" isn't.
12/21/15 (Mon) 10:53:23 No. 64872
Fucking mundanes. When will they learn that posting a charge links me to your astral chord and ill just fucking stab your astral body and use your blood in magic when you shitpost?
Why cant you fucking kikes learn that all your shilling will be in vain? Your whole race, along with your "god" will be dead soon, and struggling aginst the rising tide of fascism is futile?
Die you filthy kikes, die. You are ruining fringe and kikewheels is allowing it. He will be dead too.