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Can someone greenpill me on the importance of the number 3?

I keep seeing it everywhere:

>mind, body, spirit = man

>solid, liquid, gas = matter
>father, son, holy spirit = God
>father, mother, child = family
>physical plane, astral plane, hyperspace = actuality
>3 magi/kings/wise men, bearing 3 gifts
>leftbrain, rightbrain, center brain (pineal gland - the third eye)
>triangle hierachy
>Hindu Trimurti
>Bhuddist 3 jewells
>pythagoras called 3 the noblest of all numbers
>3 dimensional universe (at least as far as we can perceive directly)

Then you have the multiples of 3
>12 hours
>12 months
>60 minutes
>60 seconds
>12 apostles
>various imperial units being multiples of 3

I could go on. Is there any special significance to 3, or is it just a coincidence that it's so common?

I'm starting to think the world as a whole may be a trinity, rock-paper-scissors style order of balance, as opposed to the binary yin-yang style balance most people assume it to be.

Im also starting to think that maybe the ideal system of governance may be a rock-paper-scissors structure too, with 3 major leaders, each with 1 under their control and 1 to be accountable for (e.g king has power over knight, knight has power over archbishop, archbishop has power over king - and then the triangle starts again).

Or I'm just over-thinking all of this - I'm curious to hear your thoughts.


The 3 granthis are really all you need to know. Trimurti too.




I have to go now (I need to sleep), but I will look into that tomorrow, thank you.

Also I forgot to mention the realm of art too. The rule of thirds [golden ratio] is naturally aesthetically appealing to us and artists have been taking advantage of that for centuries.

It's hard to tell whether 3 is actually unique or if I'm just finding patterns because I'm deliberately looking out for them.


I think i know it but at present, not well enough to teach it.

Three is spirit.

Look up Vortex Mathematics by Marco Rodin.


of the top of my head there's also

>monad, aether, chaos

>Chronos, Uranus, Zeus
>snake, lion, eagle
>earth, heaven, hell
>head, chest, abdominal cavity
>he, she, it

The yin-yang although dualitstic can only be understood from a non-dual point of view. The point is to transcend the duality itself. The yin-yang is supposed to be seen as one, not two.

Since you mentioned pythagoras, it is also said that whenever he spoke of two he would spit on the ground. For some reason the perception of 2 is umbalanced, 2 will always give rise to motion as the greeks stated when talking about the motion of Aether and Chaos, and that will give rise to any other thing, as we know from our binary codes. If you believe in two you can believe any number.

I am only guessing now but I see 3 as stable. I've once read something about bacteria, where you got 3 different kinds of bacteria one being strong against one of the others and at the same time being weak against the remaining one, sorta lika; A > B, B > C, C > A. In that state of affairs no bacteria attacked, they lived peacefully for attacking the one they were strong against meant they would lose to the remaining one they were weak against.

I see the number 3 as representative to that balance, though some anon might be better informed about this than me.


Lol OP you're slow… by trying to wrap your mind around divinity it's only going to reject it. You have to receive it.

4 states of matter being a hilarious example. Mental astral hyperspace… LOL are you joking?


It's a fundamental consequence of consciousness.

First there was one. The Source. The source wanted to know itself, so it dived deep into its oneness and bottomed out. The realization of it's oneness created a reflection of itself, wisdom. But with necessity, there was also a third condition created, an understanding that the reflection is not the true self.



I never said there were 4 states of matter. Solid, liquid, gas - that's 3.

As for planes of existence - how do you see it? I'm admittedly new here, so I'm still very early in my understanding and I would welcome any counter-theory.

I see it as physical reality being the innermost plane, astral being the next layer, which keeps it contained, and then beyond that is hyperspace, which is like the glue which holds all planes together. Hyperspace does not need to be contained because it has its own intelligence. It is a sort of God-layer.

Also it can be related to states of matter also. Physical plane is like the state of solidity - rigid and dense. The astral plane is like water, it can flow fairly freely, but can be restricted and directed like a river is restricted and directed by the solid as contours in terrain. The hyperspace plane is like gas - completely free and uncontrollable.

>[warning: up there is my actual belief ^ - below is just theory I'm building upon it - it's probably crazy-talk]

Although I believe the "god-layer" is intelligent, I don't think it is self-aware, because if it were to become self-aware, it would cease just "to be" - and would be limited by its own doubt, turning it into a lower layer.

The next layer can be seen as a sort "angel"-like layer. Still supernatural and divine, but no longer a god. If the angelic being continued to doubt its divinity, it would stop being divine and become human. The human still has remnants of this divinity show by their natural morality, but (as we are starting to see in the modern world) as humanity continues to doubt its morality, it becomes less human and more animal. It keeps going down and down in this way until eventually they become plants, then minerals, all the way to pure energy - at which point the circle is complete as pure energy is exactly what the God-layer is.

I believe this is what the apple of Eden was warning about. Adam and Eve were like the angelic layer: they were originally divine and the world was under their control - but when they gained knowledge (ate the apple) - they began to doubt themselves (as demonstrated with their shame of their nakedness). You can interpret their banishment from the garden of eden as a banishment from the astral plane.

Please don't take this as Christian/Judaic preaching. I'm not saying the religion as a whole is right - just theorizing that the story of Eden (and probably other stories) may contain hidden explanations.


>I never said there were 4 states of matter. Solid, liquid, gas - that's 3.

What about plasma then which is the fourth state of matter?



You're right - sorry, I completely forgot that. Disregard what I've said regarding matter, I suppose I got carried away looking for 3 symbolism that I overlooked it.

As I said I'm new and just bouncing off theories at this point - thanks for pointing out my mistake.


>This level of synchronicity

Holy shit. I've been seeing 333 everywhere for years. Saw it numerous times today, get a new schedule at work and I now have 33 hours a week, customers change or bill has 333 in it, see this awesome Witch I used to talk to who never comes in anymore at exactly 3 o'clock. There's a few more times it happened too.

Seeing 3, 33, or 333 etc is sort of an acknowledgment that your thoughts and beliefs are manifesting and that the Ascended Masters are all around you, aiding you in this. Think of it as sort of a divine 'agreement' or confirmation.


Synchronicities are often used to divert the paths of they who wander.

Ascended masters aren't aiding you in shit, 333 is the number of Choronzon. It's quite the opposite…



So Chononzon is aiding me in studying Hermeticism? Sounds pretty good to me.


The fact that it can be negatively used doesn't mean it was. As the saying goes, if it ends up giving the anon more of consciousness, freedom, knowledge and power, it's a good thing. If not, use digression as you see fit.


I don't know if it's significant, but I remembered that there are 3 basic colors due to your post OP. Red, Blue, and Yellow are the 3 base colors in art.


lol, I'm probably the smartest person on this entire board.

you are all nutters and nearly everything you post is so full of holes that I'm just giggling.

this has got to be pretend or something

if anyone here is serious: don't breed.


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I assure you my intellect is far greater than yours.


What about Black and White?

Also RGB?


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that is some real bedora right there


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A triangle's the first closed geometric form. Trivial but the abstract quality makes it the most important to remember


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Nikola Tesla 3 6 9 and thought emotion feeling


Watch Gregg Barden The divine matrix in youtube


Some interesting books and vidz that i'd like to recommend you are: Gregg barden- The divine matrix(vid on youtube and book) ;Gregg barden-God code (vid on yt and book) Neville Goddard-The power of awareness Neville Goddard-The law and the promise Napoleon Hill -Think and grow rich ; …Teal swan on youtube. Bruce Lipton -Biology of belief; Joseph - The power of subconscious mind ;dp4 method freedomboard



Black and white are shades, not colours. Both of them are just all colours mixed. The difference is that black absorbs light and white reflects it.

Green is just Yellow and Blue mixed.

Red Blue and Yellow are the three primary colours, other colours are just combinations of these three.


>id, ego, superego
hmm now


>Red Blue and Yellow are the three primary colours, other colours are just combinations of these three.

artist here, that's not actually true. It's more of a 'color theory as taught to kindergarteners' thing. There are a bunch of different theories on what constitute the primary colors, or even whether such things exist at all. You definitely cannot get all other colors just from mixing red, blue, and yellow, though. Mostly, you'll only be able to mix various shades of mud out of those, even in an additive color space like RGB.




[123] [456] [789 [101112]

The more one look the more one will find.



rofl fucking fedora…RGB from all the time he spends looking at his LED screen

black and white is all the colors and no color, they are poles, represent duality

There are 3 primary colors


there is nothing particularly important about 3. you are assuming it is important and looking for evidence.

inb4 fedora



>>mind, body, spirit = man

and soul

>>solid, liquid, gas = matter

and plasma

>>father, son, holy spirit = God

>>father, mother, child = family

>>physical plane, astral plane, hyperspace = actuality

more than 3

>>3 magi/kings/wise men, bearing 3 gifts

>>leftbrain, rightbrain, center brain (pineal gland - the third eye)

dont forget, subconscious, stem, nervous system, heart.


4 sides and a square base. tetrahedrons have 4 sides.

>>triangle hierachy

>>Hindu Trimurti

>>Bhuddist 3 jewells

>>pythagoras called 3 the noblest of all numbers


>>3 dimensional universe (at least as far as we can perceive directly)

actually its 13, and at the very base level you have 3 of form, and one of time (motion)

5 (thought) and so on.

Think before you ask questions.


>I'm starting to think the world as a whole may be a trinity, rock-paper-scissors style order of balance,

1 space-time

2 matter-energy

3 electricity-magnetism

even the trinity succumbs to duality, and even the trinity is but ONE.

Division of all forms in prevalent in everything.



Don't forget also, the difference between light color and reflected color.

also the main 3 come from 1 color.



I have a degree in chemistry.

There are near infinite amount of phases of matter - ice alone has 17 known crystalline phases.

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