>>25792I never said there were 4 states of matter. Solid, liquid, gas - that's 3.
As for planes of existence - how do you see it? I'm admittedly new here, so I'm still very early in my understanding and I would welcome any counter-theory.
I see it as physical reality being the innermost plane, astral being the next layer, which keeps it contained, and then beyond that is hyperspace, which is like the glue which holds all planes together. Hyperspace does not need to be contained because it has its own intelligence. It is a sort of God-layer.
Also it can be related to states of matter also. Physical plane is like the state of solidity - rigid and dense. The astral plane is like water, it can flow fairly freely, but can be restricted and directed like a river is restricted and directed by the solid as contours in terrain. The hyperspace plane is like gas - completely free and uncontrollable.
>[warning: up there is my actual belief ^ - below is just theory I'm building upon it - it's probably crazy-talk]Although I believe the "god-layer" is intelligent, I don't think it is self-aware, because if it were to become self-aware, it would cease just "to be" - and would be limited by its own doubt, turning it into a lower layer.
The next layer can be seen as a sort "angel"-like layer. Still supernatural and divine, but no longer a god. If the angelic being continued to doubt its divinity, it would stop being divine and become human. The human still has remnants of this divinity show by their natural morality, but (as we are starting to see in the modern world) as humanity continues to doubt its morality, it becomes less human and more animal. It keeps going down and down in this way until eventually they become plants, then minerals, all the way to pure energy - at which point the circle is complete as pure energy is exactly what the God-layer is.
I believe this is what the apple of Eden was warning about. Adam and Eve were like the angelic layer: they were originally divine and the world was under their control - but when they gained knowledge (ate the apple) - they began to doubt themselves (as demonstrated with their shame of their nakedness). You can interpret their banishment from the garden of eden as a banishment from the astral plane.
Please don't take this as Christian/Judaic preaching. I'm not saying the religion as a whole is right - just theorizing that the story of Eden (and probably other stories) may contain hidden explanations.